Thursday, February 28, 2019
Adolescent Rebellion Essay
Adolescents go to extreme measures to mark their identity, often times irregularling to prove that they be their own people. Rebelling is a r knocked out(p)e for the adolescent to prove their independence, which makes sensation in huckabacks case. Rebelling fucking range from not obeying parents to making friends with undesirable events to completely going against the norms of the hunting lodge. huckabacks home life and upbringing fuel his desire to rebel especially since he has squabble adapting to ordination, similar to Holden Caulfield, al shipway looking for ways to be varied and often times difficult and unreasonable.The adolescent days are marked by the search for own(prenominal) identity and finally experiencing the real world as a maturing adult. With this being said, the reason adolescents such(prenominal) as Huck rebel is because they have trouble accepting the norms of society and refuse to conform. In the first unexampled, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Author Mark Twain uses this account statement to show the immorality of society in the 1800s. To convey this message, he uses his important character, a rebellious adolescent named Huck Finn.Huck has a very(prenominal) difficult time accepting the ways of society and refuses to let his guardians, The widow Douglas, Miss Watson, as well as m each other characters cause to civilize him. Huck rebels against many things such as religion, education, cleanliness, and mannerisms. He fifty-fifty rebels against the main principle of society at the time which is thrall. He befriends a slave named Jim and is given the choice of following societys rules and good turn him in or treating him as an equal and assisting him to freedom.Mark Twain uses this novel to address many grapples in society in the 1800s, but principally thrall and prejudice. I believe this novel teaches morals and lessons involving children and racial secernment today. In the essay titled, The Controversy ov er Race Does Huckleberry Finn Combat or Reinforce Racism, critic Julius Lester goes to the extent of saying that Mark Twains writings are ethically dangerous and claims that the pen is in item somewhat racist. He believes that Mark Twain does not take slavery seriously and therefore African Americans.He explains how Twain makes a parody of Jim, degrading him throughout the novel through the use of Huck Finn. (356) many an(prenominal) critics like Lester, imply many negative claims against Twain but I believe this accusation is irrelevant because Twain is not using Huck Finn to degrade Jim, he is in fact using him as a symbol of innocence to the immorality of society. Huck is at that age where he is unaware of the difference between right and wrong but when he is faced with a matter as complex as secretion he takes his own path instead of following societys regulations.Like a toddler at the playground, when a child of different color or race approaches them to play, they dont di scriminate they sense a friendly somebody and befriend them. Twain allows his character to rebel against the prejudice society, in order to raise awareness and address the issue of racism. The other criticisms we have read and discussed this semester, critique and pin point any flaw possible of criticism in each of the novels. Some criticisms aimed towards wholeness novel can even apply to others.In Brivics The adversative Structure of Joyces portrait of an Artist as a unripened Man, the author states, Psychoanalysis shows how the images that weave through Portrait are colligate by unconscious motivation to form a dynamic structure. in spite of appearance this structure Stephen Dedalus develops his thinking around a central principle of tie-up with the world through alienation. And the conflicts and transformations in the structure enact opposing views by which Joyce both supports and condemns Stephen (279). This quote is interesting because it applies to two of the novels ch aracters we have been introduced to, both Portraits alter ego,Stephen Dedalus, and The backstop in the Ryes Holden Caulfield, the society outcast looking for a path in life. Stephen and Holden both regard many similar situations, where they find themselves in search of happiness and comfort. J. D Salinger puppets the protagonist of Holden Caulfield to verbally assault almost every institution and character he encounters during his transition from puerility to adulthood.Deeply mentally and emotionally disturbed, Holden resists conformance to every vice, failing out of four preparatory schools, lying well-nigh countless details to add excitement to his anticlimactic life, and stereotyping every individual he encounters and labeling them phony, proving Holden to be the most superficial of all the characters. Holdens opinionated nature allows him to openly pass judgment and portray the mixture of behavior he thinks contributes toward the corrupted, indecent world he is apart of. Hol den believes he mustiness be a protector of innocence he must protect Phobe and all hildren from the cruel reality of how the world operates. He is The Catcher in the Rye, based off a poem, where he go out catch the children and protect them as they fall off the cliff of childhood into the reality of adulthood, it is possible Holden Caulfield is consumed by the idea of sex, Holden engages in several(prenominal) contradicting actions, he solicits a prostitute but refuses to sleep with her, yearns for the affection or lodge of another girl but distances and degrades himself when he feels exposed, and repeatedly calls Jane but hangs up before speaking with her.J. D Salinger uses Holden to raise the issues of sexuality, sexual promiscuity, and homosexuality several times throughout the novel. In Daisy Miller, Author Henry James discusses the morals between the Americans and the Europeans and the involvement of women in the time setting of the novel. Daisy Miller, the main character, is champion of the main mysteries throughout the novel as the author causes the reader to rarity whether she is really a nice girl or not. Daisy is young, wealthy, attractive American girl who travels through Europe with her family.With a strange mixture of personality traits ranging from high spirited and independent to ignorant and shallow, Daisy goes on an adventure that is illustrated to crystallize the subtext involving the differences in American and European values. The author directs the audience towards the gender roles in society and how women of this time setting were at a much higher(prenominal) companionable standard. Women at this time were controlled with a sexist set of rules ordained by government officials according to gender. As you get deeper into the novel, you find out that Daisy is not as innocent as she seems she is very rebellious.Through this rebellion, the author addresses sexist tendencies and the pride of American womanhood and freedom despite socia l constraints. The reasons why adolescents rebel vary from person to person yet they underpin one thing in common. It is to prove their independence as they disagree with how they should conform to society. Whether people are fake or the norms of the society, like slavery and racism, are wrong, adolescents find a way to be difficult in a sense to prove they have their own identity and they are independent.Each of the authors we have read over the course of the semester, Twain, Joyce, Salinger, and James took the assay of breaking the rules with their words in order to convey their messages to a big audience. The adolescent years are marked by the search for personal identity and finally experiencing the real world as a maturing adult. With this being said, the reason adolescents such as Huck rebel is because they have trouble accepting the norms of society and refuse to conform.
Education was only for young people Essay
In the past people thought that education was only for vernal people. Now, it is believed that education is for a psyches whole life. Do you conform to? State with you own experience and specific details. Education is an indispensable use in a persons life. It illuminates human knowledge and culture, better the development of science and technology. Education is not only for young people, it should be proceeding in peoples whole life.Children begin to come education at an early age in the kindergarten, where they could learn more or less basic knowledge about our nature and acquire some livelihood skills. When they go to primary schools and secondary schools, they subject mathematics, language, physics and other subjects, which ar fundamental and essential for their further study and education. When they go to university, they can study the subjects which they are interested in, making preparation for their future career.University is a ordinate where most learned people c arry out research and study. there students have seas of knowledge and skills to learn. But university education is not the terminal of a persons study life. For one reason, our society is developing at an amazing speed along with the improvement of science and technology. If people bear studying after graduation from university, they can not keep up on(predicate) with the steps of social development and easy to be eliminated in the gravelly competition.Take the development of IT as an example. The dazzling information technologies come to the fore(prenominal) every day. If a person does not learn the latest knowledge, they would not be able to develop new technology and products. Therefore, a person should learn new knowledge for the whole life. As the saying goes, never too late to learn. To fit in with the development of society, a person must study during his or her whole life. Otherwise, he or she will lag far behind the others.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Valuation Project Report
valuation project report Valuation of the Incentive Stock Options for Procter & take chances Co. Name Haining Jiang Comp some(prenominal) background In this paygrade project, I all(a)ow for analyze a corpo symmetryn which is mature and I am evoke in. The name of the company is Procter & Gamble Co. the Procter & Gamble Company, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the do and sale of a range of branded consumer packaged goods. The company ope regularizes in five segments Beauty, Grooming, Health attending, Fabric Care and Home Care, and Baby Care and Family Care.In the class of 1837, William Procter and James Gamble settled in the Queen city of the West, Cincinnati, and established themselves in business. As a result, a new company was born Procter & Gamble. Procter & Gamble became into a listed company at a run damage and dividend which are $ 1. 7 and $ 0. 01 per month respectively in 19 Jan. 1970. For many years, P & G keep following their purpose and sociable respo nsibility at every and every corner in the demesne We confound provide branded products and services of superior quality and care for that improve the lives of the cosmeas consumers, now and for generations to come.As a result, consumers depart take us with leadership sales, profit and value creation, allowing our people, our shareholders and the communities in which we live and bring in to prosper. Until now, P & G has become the largest consumer packaged goods company in the world at $ 67. 17 of the share price and $ 0. 562 of dividend per month. Main contents 1. Discounted dividend military rank The most basic model is the Gordon Growth Model, which prices the stock by the dividend and next result of dividends. The locution would be like this V0=D0 (1+g)(r-g)=D1r-gWhere D0 is todays dividend, which would be $ 2. 21 in our case. r is the cost of capital, r leave behind be calculated like Assume The market premium = 6%* The riskless value = 3%* Given count in the case ? = 0. 27 So, r = 0. 03 + 0. 27 x 0. 06 = 4. 62% The best way to reckon g is The term g can be viewed as the drop dead on owners equity times the earnings memory board rate b. b = (1 dividend payout ratio) = 1 58% = 42% return on equity = 14. 05% So, Sustainable stickth rate = gs = 42% x 14. 05% = 5. 901% r g, so we may meet a big problem when using the V0 locution above. notwithstanding, as far as we all know, it is not possible that the fast can grow faster than r forever. The high return allow attract other investors into the market to compete and the firms rate give eventually fall. And, I determine the long-run ontogenesis rate of dividends, gL = 3%*. g r. Even if this data is not real(a) in the true P&G case, I think its will be fine to continue our model. V0=D0 (1+g)(r-g)= $ 2. 21x(1+0. 03)(0. 0462-0. 03)=$ 140. 51 1) Two-stage dividend growth When the P & G is growing faster than r, one can use a multistage model, where the growth stages are broken into two parts.The first is the supernormal growth soma call gs , which is the rate that is higher than r. So we can assume at the first period ( r g ) gS = 5. 901% (as we calculated above) n = 3* At the second period ( r g ) r = 4. 62% (as we calculated above) gL = 3% (as we calculated above) D0 = $ 2. 21 (real data from P&G) As we all know the formula is V0 = t=1n Dt1+rt+ Vn(1+r)n Vn= D01+ gsn(1+ gL)(r- gL) So, V3= 2. 211+ 0. 0593(1+ 0. 03)(0. 0462- 0. 03) = $ 166. 88 V0 = 2. 21x(1+0. 059)1(1+0. 0462)1+ 2. 21x(1+0. 059)2(1+0. 0462)2+ 2. 21x(1+0. 059)3(1+0. 0462)3+ 166. 88(1+0. 0462)3 = $ 152. 27 2) Three-stage dividend growth We assume the P & G company experient a life-cycle with a three stages that are an early, development stage with high growth, a maturing phase with moderate growth, and a declining phase with little, no, or banish growth. The current dividend of $ 2. 21 per share will not change. Dividends are expect to grow at a rate of 10%* for 2 years. next that, the div idends are expected to grow at a rate of 8%* for 2 years. After the total 4 years, the dividends are expected to grow at a rate of 4%* per year, forever. The rate of return unvaried 4. 2% (as calculated in 1. 1). We can break the calculation in to six steps (1) puzzle out the dividends for years 1 through 5 year Dividend growth rate Dividend 1 10% 2. 431 2 10% 2. 674 3 8% 2. 888 4 8% 3. 119 5 5% 3. 275 (2) Calculate the present value of each of these dividends for years 1 through 5 Year Dividend Present value 1 2. 431 2. 3236 2 2. 674 2. 4430 3 2. 888 2. 5220 4 3. 119 2. 6035 5 3. 275 2. 6130 (3) Calculate the present value of the dividends beyond year 4 P4= $ 3. 275(0. 0462-0. 04) = $ 528. 23 (4) Calculate the present value of the price at year 4PVP4 = $ 528. 23(1+0. 0462)4 = $ 440. 92 (5) Calculate the sum of the present value of the dividends PVdividends in year 1-4= t=110Dt(1+0. 0462)t = $ 12. 51 (6) Calculate the price today as the sum of the present value of dividends in yea rs 1-4 and the price at the end of year 4 P0=$ 440. 92+$ 12. 51 = $ 453. 43 3) The uses of the dividend valuation models (1) The price-earnings ratio also known as the price-to-earnings ratio or PE ratio, is the ratio of the price per share to the earnings per share of a stock. Let us observe these data from P&G firstly ? 2012 2011 2010 stock price $66. 6 $64. 50 $60. 44 current earings per share $3. 82 $4. 12 $4. 32 P/E ratio 17. 37173 15. 65534 13. 99074 dividend payout ratio 58% 50% 42% If we take the DVM and divide both sides by earnings per share, we catch at an equation for the price earnings ratio in scathe of dividend payout, required rate of return, and growth P0E0= Dividend payout ratio x (1+g)r-g We can decide the information infra according to the above formula Increase in dividend payout rate will cause increase in P/E ratio, this point is also obviously in the table above, the data comes from the real P&G case.Increase in r will cause lower in P/E ratio Increase i n growth rate will cause increase in P/E ratio. (2) we can also use the DVM to relate the price-book value ratio to factors such(prenominal) as the dividend payout ratio and the ROE. We assume the B0 indicate the current book value per share and ROE0 indicate the current return on book equity. As we all know ROE0 = E0B0 , and P0=D0 (1+g)(r-g)=D1r-g So, we can get the formula easily below P0=B0x ROE0 x D0E0x (1+g)(r-g) So we could get the conclusion through analyzing the above formula increase in B0 will increase in P0 ncrease in ROE0 will increase in P0 increase in D0E0 will increase in P0 increase in g will increase in P0 increase in r will increase in P0 I weigh in that location are plenty of other conclusions we can get from those formulas, I just mention some of them in my valuation report here. But in other words, we can fully use the DVM to find all the related fundamental factors to have further understanding through DVM. 4) What if there no dividends? I think its acceptab le and expectable if the P&G isnt paying dividends now, scarce chooses to reinvest its money.It is a sign that the dividends in the future will be even larger. Of course, I wont stick around with the company long enough to receive any of those dividends. But because of the growth of the company, I will realize that the eventual dividends will be even larger with the increasingly share price. After that, I can sell me shares to someone else to get my profit from it. Summary Valuation is the process of determining what something is worth at a point in time. When we value investings, we want to estimate the future cash flows from these investments and then give notice these to the present.This process is based on the reasoning that no one will pay more today for an investment than what they could expect to get from that investment on a time and risk adjusted basis. 1 I think the paragraph I cited above not only give us the best conclusion of by valuation project report, but also tel l us a definitely reason we theater of operations finance. Please Note If the number followed a * behind it, it means this number is assumed and the others without * are all real data from P&G company finance report. 1 cited from the Dividend Valuation Models, by Pamela Peterson Drake, Ph. D. , CFA.
Maasranga Communication Limited
pic Assignment On Maasranga communications Limited Submitted To Maksuda Hossain lecturer FBA Eastern University Submitted By Name ID Dewan Abdullah 101200205 Nadim Ali Mollah 101200208 Shahina Akter 101200211 Jahangir Sharif 101200210 Abrar Faisal 101200207 SEC-4 Faculty of byplay Administration Submission 07/11/2011 pic pic Terms of Reference December 8, 2011 Maksuda Hossain Lecturer Faculty of Business Administration, Eastern University Madam, The delineate at your hand is on Maasranga chat limited. You assign us to prep atomic number 18 this report as a fail of the Management (MGT 201) course requirement.While preparing this report, we build tried to go after your instructions abandoned in the class. We believe our report contains study suffice us to make a clear recognize well-nigh Maasranga Communication limited. We really enjoyed doing such a challenging report. If you have loaf ahead queries regarding this paper, we gladly re chief(prenominal) stand by whenever you ask for it. Finally, we be gratifying to you for giving us a nice opportunity to work on this report, which we have considered as a great chance for us to erupt our analytical skills. Sincerely yours, Dewan Abdullah Nadim Ali Mollah Abrar Faisal . Shahina Akter . Jahangir Sharif .. Table of contents Chapter 1 Introductory damp Introduction. 5 Objective or purpose of the study. 6 methodological analysis.. 6 Limitations of the study. 6 Chapter 2 Body of the identify Overview of the club.. 7 purlieu of the slopped 8 Major competitors of the firm.. 10 Environmental turbulence (Recent problem) 10 Major uniqueness of the descent. 11 prink analysis11 Chapter 3 concluding vary Conclusion 12 Findings. 2 passs12 Appendix.. 13 Maasranga communication theory Limited Introductory Part Ca consumption behind named Maasranga It is a child concern of Squ are Group. Before that, foursquare had a production theatre that is renowned as Maasranga Production. For that, t he Name of that our line of business is Maasranga communication limited. It starts its operation from 30 July 2011officially. Introduction Maasranga Television, part of the SQUARE Group, has turned to make Valley for a drop off unseasonedsroom system, production and master control switchers, and infrastructure equipment as part of the rollout of an HDTV station in Bangladesh.It is the first gear spirited rendering (HD) TV channel in Bangladesh. At the heart of the channel is a complete digital in the raws production system base on the daybreak production suite, with Grass Valley K2 media servers for content storage and exchange, and EDIUS editing workstations. severally of the two studios is equipped with a Grass Valley Kayak scene production switcher. The central infrastructure of the refreshing channel alike relies upon Grass Valley technologies, including Maestro master control switching. Maasranga Television began test transmissions from its sweet center in Dhaka on Oct. 10. Maasranga TV started broadcasting on July 30, 2011 by dint of with(predicate) an hour inaugural show.Maasranga TV will be the first television state that will broadcast in High Definition television, 3G format. Achievement in these two years Maasranga TV became champions in the Pepsi-DRU Media shape cricket tournament beating The Daily Star by 33 runs in the concluding at the Maulana Bhasani National Hockey Stadium on 21/11/2011. Minister for Information and Cultural Affairs Abul Kalam Azad witnessed the final and distributed prizes among the teams. Objective or purpose of the study Firstly, we like to mention that, we are preparing this report as our Teacher influenced us to do this. There are others purpose to do the report those are given below * To retrieve out the problem they are facing as a new TV channel. To find out who are the competitors of the channel & who are the customers. * In this report, we are trying to focus the whole position & Activity of the c hannel. Methodology We used both primary and secondary data to prepare this report. We watch Maasranga TV channel office and there by the merchandiseing executive director provide some cultivation. As they are new in the market and they can non provided much information in the web site, so we can non find ample information in the web site about them. Based on this little information we are trying to complete the report. Limitation or barriers to complete this report We were face many problem to complete the report those are full(prenominal)er(prenominal)lighting below When we visit Maasranga TV we meet there marketing manager he give us some information but some of the information he want to provide with e-mail. We told him that it would be ok. We contract with him several times and every time he tries to convince us, that he will send the e-mail. However, he sends the e-mail half dozen days before of submission date of the report. As the channel is new and they are very b usy in maintenances (As they inform us by the e-mail) they cannot uploaded much information about their channel, so we faced trouble in finding information on the web site. Body of the Report Overview of the company (Product or Service) As the marketing executive said that, they sell duration, which they called metre Product. Especially they receive money to telecast an advertisement. They charged money based on how long the advertisement will telecast. They charged at to the lowest degree 25000? -30000? for an advertisement that will telecast for thirty seconds. At the very reference some advertisement agency were strongly disagree, they suggest them as they are new they need to decrease the price. However, when they hear that Maasranga is the first HD channel in Bangladesh they were ready to pay money as the channel demand for an advertisement. Environment of the firm (External & Internal) Division of the channel environment is showing below through a chart pic Discussion abou t the above components are given belowExternal Environment (General) Economics When we try to know about their economic dimensions, they informed that it is highly confidential or top secret. They were not ready to share anything about daily expenditure, profit etc. connect to economy. scientific They are using the latest HD technology to telecast program. They use digital video camera and many other latest and high technology. Political The ministry of information and technology has emphasized to develop the principles of telecasting our pagan values, history and the significant measures of our nation that are helpful to enlighten our insure to the world itself. External Environment (Task)Competitors As they are new in the market, so they have to compete with many channels like ATN Bangla, wrinkle I, Bangla Vision, Baisakhi and many other channels of Bangladesh. Customers All olden theme. Maasranga telecast unalike types of programs in different times as example they teleca st draw on every Sunday and Monday for children. Suppliers There main suppliers are those who supplies information to them as an example they mention one name who supplies information, is Sirius. Regulators This Organization is a member or part of Square group. They mention that Square group works as the regulators. Internal Environment Owners The owner of the channel is Square group Board of directors Chairman Shamson H.Chowdhury Managing theater director Aanjan Chowdhury CEO Syed Fahim Munaim Executive Director Ajoy Kumar Kundu Employees Near about four hundred large number are on the job(p) in the channel. Major competitors of the firm There are many send channels in Bangladesh Maasranga is not the first one so they have many competitors, their major competitors are Bijoy TV, G TV, My TV, Mohona TV- as they are also newly launched TV channels in Bangladesh. There are many other giant competitors of Maasranga like ATN Bangla, Channel I, Bangla vision, Diganta TV and many more as they are very famous TV channels in Bangladesh. Environmental turbulence (Recent problem) 0 July 2011 the channel is started officially so they passed more or less five months (Until the submission date 08/12/2011) after starting, so the every single problem faced by them is recent problem for them. They did not mention any problem specifically. They mention that, this topic is very secret. They besides talked about that, there employees working very punishing to solve the broad(a) problem. Major uniqueness of the channel The HD technology differ them from other channels. SWOT Analysis Strengths Weakness New in the marked. Strong and experienced management. not much popular. First HD channel in Bangladesh. Cannot create much awareness among people. High quality picture. Lake of well-trained employee. Quality full program. Lake of information source. Telecasts programs in time. High investment to competing with the competitor. Took sho rt breaks in programs. Opportunities Threats Can be launched a new program. Hard competition in the market. Experienced in using high technology. Political instability in the country. HD technology will increase their demand. advance will low then investment. Big threat for them, that they are new. final PartConclusion By analyzing the whole report we can say that, the firm or channel are facings many problems as they are new. In addition, their main strength is that, they are using high technology. To peak up the channel they must be choosy in selecting employee, program etc. Findings From the boilersuit report we can find that, the main problem is awareness. Awareness among people is very important for them. To compete with the competitors they must create awareness among people. Recommendation They must select quality full programs. They must select hard working employee. They must telecast those programs, which will acceptable for all aged peop le. Take part in some social work to get emotional benefits. Choose good presenter and try to telecast truthful news. Appendix We provide a soft copy of the report through a CD. That will help you to judge the report. pic pic pic pic picpicpic Competitors Customers Suppliers Regulators Task Economics Technological Political General Owners Board of directors Employees Internal External Environment 1
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
How alignment between the values of an organization Essay
Create a presentation in a common format (PowerPoint or a similar political platform) with a minimum of twenty (20) slides and corresponding speaker notes in which you1. Determine which statistical technique you will employ to measure the quality characteristics of your organization. Provide examples to advocate the rationale.2. Analyze the current facility location, and then use the three-step procedure to memorize a upstart location.3. Analyze the key concepts related to capacity cooking and facility location for the new location.4. Examine the current work corpse externalise, and determine your organizations selected feasibility in the job design (i.e., technical, economic, behavioral). Assess key elements of the rationale in the work design matched advantage.5. using the method analysis described in the textbook, defend the new change implementation process and the rationale for the change of method.6. Develop a diagram showing network planning techniques, in which you us e the program evaluation and review technique (PERT) and the critical path method (CPM).7. function at least three (3) quality academic resources in this engagement. tone of voice Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements
Hot Wire Laboratory
THE UNIVERISTY OF MANCHESTER school OF robotlike, AEROSPACE AND CIVIL engineering LABORATORY REPORT INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT crack SHEDDING FROM A CYLINDER & DATA ACQUISITION NAMEMANISH PITROLA assimilator ID75050320 COURSEMEng MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DUE DATE27TH NOVEMBER 2012 1) What be the main advantages and injustices of victimisation a hotwire to amount of money pay heed velocities?There atomic hail 18 many advantages and disadvantages of use a hotwire to measure ascend velocities, one of the main advantages is the hotwire put outs a ceaseless analogue output of the bettingness at a particular point, and whence information nigh the upper foot be obtained for any specific time. Another advantage of development a hotwire wind gage is the ability to take fluctuating velocities to a high accuracy. Also some other advantage of development a hotwire wind gage is the sensor is able to reach the voltage and the amphetamine victimisation hotwire the ory. However even though hotwire anemometer is an adequate dig to obtain info it has its drawbacks.Read thisRespiratory Activity ane disadvantage of using a hotwire is that it has to be calib appreciated callable to the theory not coinciding with real entropy and the hotwire sess scarcely obtain the order of magnitude of the give and not the direction. Another disadvantage of using a hotwire is the disorganized effect that come out such as contamination and try out vibration. virtually systematic effects that affect the entropy argon the ambient temperatures and whirl round shedding from the wire. One of the main disadvantages of using a hotwire is the output depends on both pep pill and temperature, so when the temperature of a fluid increases the mensural fastness obtained ar withal low and adjustment is required. ) Why is setting the be consume run classic in digital entropy acquisition? What look intoal parameters or requirements tail assembly be a pply to establish the best taste identify? What may happen if the wrong sampling graze is social occasiond? utilize the correct sampling estimate is important because if the ridiculous sampling number is employ some aliasing effects may occur, presenting inadequate data where important data is ignored if the sampling regularize is on a lower floor the best, and if the sampling treasure is preceding(prenominal) the optimum to a great extent accurate data is obtained which carries the same gallery as the optimum with few distortion which are not required.This rear end cause inadequacy of the data, where recording is not general enough or too frequent. The optimum sampling rate sewer be naturalised using the Nyquist theory which states that the maximum measures oftenness is half(a) the sampling absolute frequency, yet the band comprehensiveness of the signal needs to considered, the rule for obtaining the sampling frequency of any probe must be at least 2. 5 mu ltiplication greater than the maximum frequency present. 3) Show how the sampling rate was determined for this sample.What was the sampling rate? For a fall down around a cylinder an experiential relation between the vortex shedding frequency and Reynolds number (Re) is used to find the sampling rate. The relationship below is used to find the frequency in the flow where the Strouhal number is 0. 2, diameter (d) is 15mm and the let go stream focal ratio (U0) is 10m/s. St=fdU0=0. 1981-19. 7Re? 0. 2 Then by simple algebraic rearranging the frequency is rig to be 133. 3Hz. Therefore the maximum frequency experienced is 2f = 2*133. 3 = 266. 6Hz.To obtain the optimum sampling frequency we obviously by using Nyquist theory multiply the maximum frequency by 2. 5 providing an optimum sampling rate of 666. 5Hz. The values for the sampling rate were taken as 330Hz, 660Hz and 1320Hz for essayal purposes to study the over and under sampling of data. 4) In the experiment the hotwire w as fine-tune in terms of swiftness vs (E-E0)2. spot out the standardisations for U = B((E-E0)2)n and the mingled polynomials. Compare the several(predicate) lines. Which is the best to use? rule 1 find 2 work up 3 pulp 4 From the to a higher place graphs is sight be seen that the best calibration to use is the cubic calibration ( formula 2) as this fits the actual speed line more accurately. 5) If the velocity higher than the ones calibrated foer was measured, which calibration is probably to give the best extrapolated data? move into 5 shape 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 From the above graphs it lowlife be seen that the worse extrapolated data is implant using the quartic calibration and the best extrapolated data foot be found using the linear calibration of A(V-Vo2)n.Also higher order polynomial extrapolation green goddess produce invalid values and as a consequent the hallucination go forth magnify as high order of polynomials are used, so thence the linear relationship is recommended. 6) In a fast Fourier transform (FFT) the data in the time domain is converted to the same data in the frequency domain. The original data can because be considered as the sum of a series of sine waves of regularly spaced frequencies, with different magnitudes and phases. How is the frequency legal separation in the FFT determined? How can the frequency musical interval in an FFT be reduced?What impact could this gull on an experiment? The frequency interval can be obtained by dividing the sampling rate by the number of samples used. For 660Hz the number of samples is 1024, so wherefore the frequency interval is 660/1024 = 0. 6445. The frequency intervals can be reduced by increasing the number of samples used this is advantageous as it gives a more accurate internal representation of the original signal. 7) Considering the FFT data, what can be done in an experiment to single out genuine signals from random fluctuations in the data? o wn an example of this in graphical form.Figure 9 Figure 10 From grade 9 it can be seen that the peak is unobtainable as the data is very creaky which could be due to disturbances. However this can be overcome by averaging the FFT which allows us to easily identify peaks which can be seen from figure 10. 8) In this experiment, why are 2 frequency peaks seen on the FFT when the hotwire is near the subject matter line? 2 frequency peaks can be seen on the FFT at the centreline due to the 2 vortices induced by the cylinder but as you move onward(p) from the centre line notwithstanding one of the vortices is predominant.The 2 peaks occur at 129Hz and 250Hz. 9) With increasing distance from the centreline, how does the FFT dispersion change? allow in graphs to illustrate this for various locations across the wake. From the below figures it can be seen that as you move away from the centre line the peaks in the FFT dissemination disappear. Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 10) spell the probability diffusion histograms of velocity for various positions across the wake.What does the histogram show and how can the variation in the histograms be explained in terms of the properties of the flow? Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 22 By comparing the above probability dissemination figures it can be seen that with distance away from the centreline the flow velocity develops a more uniform velocity. It can be seen that at bottom the 40mm distance away from the centreline, the probability distribution of the velocity produces wide distribution of velocities this is due to the various velocities inside the wake and excitement.For distance more than 40mm away the probability distribution of velocity sprains more uniform, which implies the vortices play no parting in bear upon the flow at these distances away from the centreline. It can overly be seen that the flow speed at these d istances increases as the flow diverges and accelerates around the cylinder. 11) Plot a graph showing the variation of mean velocity, RMS velocity and turbulence fervency with distance across the wake. What physical phenomena in the flow are do the distribution to be the shape they are?What do the results say about the size of the wake compared to the size of the cylinder? Figure 23 Figure 24 Figure 25 The vortices in the flow cause turbulence to occur behind the cylinder which causes the distributions to change. It can be seen from figure 23 that the velocity changes instantaneously as you move away from the centreline, it can also be observed that from 45mm away and more the velocity start to become more uniform and fluctuate around the free stream velocity. From figure 25 and 25 from 45mm and onwards the RMS and RTI decrease.From the above graphs it can be deduced that the size of the wake is 45mm from the centreline or a total width of 90mm, which is 6 times the diamet er of the cylinder. 12) What are the major sources of error likely to be in this experiment? Try and give a numeral estimate to the executable error(s) in the data. Some of the likely sources of error that may occur during this experiment are the calibration process as the hotwire was only calibrated at the centreline and as the hotwire was lowered using screw appliance which it not altogether accurate, there was no calibration of the at the saucy position.Another source of error can be due to pressure fluctuations, and due to the velocity creation measured using the pressure differences, these fluctuation can cause the velocity to vary. Another source of error could be the supposition of the flow creation 2-d as turbulence is a 3-d. To calculate the error, I used the measured velocity table and the theoretical linear calibration velocity. Taking the medium error, the percentage error in the experimental data was 5. 8%. inwardly a range Can not measure supersonic velocitie sHot Wire LaboratoryTHE UNIVERISTY OF MANCHESTER SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL, AEROSPACE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING LABORATORY REPORT INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT VORTEX SHEDDING FROM A CYLINDER & DATA ACQUISITION NAMEMANISH PITROLA STUDENT ID75050320 COURSEMEng MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DUE DATE27TH NOVEMBER 2012 1) What are the main advantages and disadvantages of using a hotwire to measure flow velocities?There are many advantages and disadvantages of using a hotwire to measure flow velocities, one of the main advantages is the hotwire produces a continuous analogue output of the velocity at a particular point, and hence information about the velocity can be obtained for any specific time. Another advantage of using a hotwire anemometer is the ability to follow fluctuating velocities to a high accuracy. Also another advantage of using a hotwire anemometer is the sensor is able to relate the voltage and the velocity using hotwire theory. However even though hotwire anemometer is an adequate to ol to obtain data it has its drawbacks.Read thisRespiratory ActivityOne disadvantage of using a hotwire is that it has to be calibrated due to the theory not coinciding with actual data and the hotwire can only obtain the magnitude of the flow and not the direction. Another disadvantage of using a hotwire is the unsystematic effects that occur such as contamination and probe vibration. Some systematic effects that affect the data are the ambient temperatures and eddy shedding from the wire. One of the main disadvantages of using a hotwire is the output depends on both velocity and temperature, so when the temperature of a fluid increases the measured velocity obtained are too low and adjustment is required. ) Why is setting the correct sampling rate important in digital data acquisition? What experimental parameters or requirements can be used to establish the optimum sampling rate? What may happen if the wrong sampling rate is used? Using the correct sampling rate is important beca use if the incorrect sampling rate is used some aliasing effects may occur, presenting insufficient data where important data is ignored if the sampling rate is below the optimum, and if the sampling rate is above the optimum more accurate data is obtained which carries the same trend as the optimum with few distortion which are not required.This can cause inadequacy of the data, where recording is not frequent enough or too frequent. The optimum sampling rate can be established using the Nyquist theory which states that the maximum measures frequency is half the sampling frequency, however the bandwidth of the signal needs to considered, the rule for obtaining the sampling frequency of any probe must be at least 2. 5 times greater than the maximum frequency present. 3) Show how the sampling rate was determined for this experiment.What was the sampling rate? For a flow around a cylinder an empirical relation between the vortex shedding frequency and Reynolds number (Re) is used to f ind the sampling rate. The relationship below is used to find the frequency in the flow where the Strouhal number is 0. 2, diameter (d) is 15mm and the free stream velocity (U0) is 10m/s. St=fdU0=0. 1981-19. 7Re? 0. 2 Then by simple algebraic rearranging the frequency is found to be 133. 3Hz. Therefore the maximum frequency experienced is 2f = 2*133. 3 = 266. 6Hz.To obtain the optimum sampling frequency we simply by using Nyquist theory multiply the maximum frequency by 2. 5 providing an optimum sampling rate of 666. 5Hz. The values for the sampling rate were taken as 330Hz, 660Hz and 1320Hz for experimental purposes to study the over and under sampling of data. 4) In the experiment the hotwire was calibrated in terms of velocity vs (E-E0)2. Plot out the calibrations for U = B((E-E0)2)n and the various polynomials. Compare the different lines. Which is the best to use? Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 From the above graphs is can be seen that the best calibration to use is the cubic calibration (figure 2) as this fits the actual velocity line more accurately. 5) If the velocity higher than the ones calibrated foer was measured, which calibration is likely to give the best extrapolated data? Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 From the above graphs it can be seen that the worse extrapolated data is found using the quartic calibration and the best extrapolated data can be found using the linear calibration of A(V-Vo2)n.Also higher order polynomial extrapolation can produce invalid values and as a result the error will magnify as high order of polynomials are used, so therefore the linear relationship is recommended. 6) In a fast Fourier transform (FFT) the data in the time domain is converted to the equivalent data in the frequency domain. The original data can therefore be considered as the sum of a series of sine waves of regularly spaced frequencies, with different magnitudes and phases. How is the frequency interval in the FFT determined? H ow can the frequency interval in an FFT be reduced?What impact could this have on an experiment? The frequency interval can be obtained by dividing the sampling rate by the number of samples used. For 660Hz the number of samples is 1024, so therefore the frequency interval is 660/1024 = 0. 6445. The frequency intervals can be reduced by increasing the number of samples used this is advantageous as it gives a more accurate representation of the original signal. 7) Considering the FFT data, what can be done in an experiment to isolate genuine signals from random fluctuations in the data? Give an example of this in graphical form.Figure 9 Figure 10 From figure 9 it can be seen that the peak is unobtainable as the data is very noisy which could be due to disturbances. However this can be overcome by averaging the FFT which allows us to easily identify peaks which can be seen from figure 10. 8) In this experiment, why are 2 frequency peaks seen on the FFT when the hotwire is near the centre line? 2 frequency peaks can be seen on the FFT at the centreline due to the 2 vortices induced by the cylinder but as you move away from the centre line only one of the vortices is predominant.The two peaks occur at 129Hz and 250Hz. 9) With increasing distance from the centreline, how does the FFT distribution change? Include graphs to illustrate this for various locations across the wake. From the below figures it can be seen that as you move away from the centre line the peaks in the FFT distribution disappear. Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 10) Plot the probability distribution histograms of velocity for various positions across the wake.What does the histogram show and how can the variation in the histograms be explained in terms of the properties of the flow? Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 22 By comparing the above probability distribution figures it can be seen that with distance away from t he centreline the flow velocity develops a more uniform velocity. It can be seen that within the 40mm distance away from the centreline, the probability distribution of the velocity produces wide distribution of velocities this is due to the various velocities inside the wake and turbulence.For distance more than 40mm away the probability distribution of velocity becomes more uniform, which implies the vortices play no role in affecting the flow at these distances away from the centreline. It can also be seen that the flow speed at these distances increases as the flow diverges and accelerates around the cylinder. 11) Plot a graph showing the variation of mean velocity, RMS velocity and turbulence intensity with distance across the wake. What physical phenomena in the flow are causing the distribution to be the shape they are?What do the results say about the size of the wake compared to the size of the cylinder? Figure 23 Figure 24 Figure 25 The vortices in the flow cause tur bulence to occur behind the cylinder which causes the distributions to change. It can be seen from figure 23 that the velocity changes instantaneously as you move away from the centreline, it can also be observed that from 45mm away and more the velocity start to become more uniform and fluctuate around the free stream velocity. From figure 25 and 25 from 45mm and onwards the RMS and RTI decrease.From the above graphs it can be deduced that the size of the wake is 45mm from the centreline or a total width of 90mm, which is 6 times the diameter of the cylinder. 12) What are the major sources of error likely to be in this experiment? Try and give a numerical estimate to the possible error(s) in the data. Some of the likely sources of error that may occur during this experiment are the calibration process as the hotwire was only calibrated at the centreline and as the hotwire was lowered using screw mechanism which it not totally accurate, there was no calibration of the at the new pos ition.Another source of error can be due to pressure fluctuations, and due to the velocity being measured using the pressure differences, these fluctuation can cause the velocity to vary. Another source of error could be the assumption of the flow being 2-d as turbulence is a 3-d. To calculate the error, I used the measured velocity table and the theoretical linear calibration velocity. Taking the average error, the percentage error in the experimental data was 5. 8%. Within a range Can not measure supersonic velocities
Monday, February 25, 2019
The Role of Media in Our Lives
Topic The Role of Media in Our Lives INTRODUCTION Thesis control There are virtually roles of media such as, as instruction provider, as an have gotment, as a tool for communication, and help to doing business. BODY 1st musical accompaniment Paragraph Topic strong belief Media was became ane of the biggest warehouses of information in the world. second Supporting Paragraph Topic Sentence All of types of media have a function to entertain lot. 3rd Supporting Paragraph Topic Sentence Another role of media for our lives is help people in doing business. CONCLUSION Restating of import pointsThe Role of Media in Our Lives What will be happen if people in the world lost their television, radio, phone, magazines, and computer? Are they still push aside do their works as usu entirelyy? Of course, they cannot do it because some of the things which needed for serving to do their works are lost. Those things are the physical exertion of media. In all communication, the most pregna nt part is you. 1 In all to receives some information, the most important thing is media. There are several roles of media in our lives, that is as information provider, as an entertainment, and as the tool of doing business.Throughout decades, media have became one of the most powerful weapons in the world. As time passed, more than and more varieties of media were shown, like television, magazines, and internet. From reporting the news to persuading us to buy certain products, media became the all connection between people and the world. 1 Media was became one of the biggest warehouse of information in the world. Almost the information that people need al empathizey provided in the media and additionally the information is come from legion(predicate) sources in various countries. It is helped many people to know just about what is going on during the day by giving the news.Mass media and Electronic media are the kinds of media that provide information for people such as infor mation about education, politic, economic, environment, sport, and even job vacancy The example of mass media are newspaper and magazines The example of electronic media are television, radio, and internet. Yes,media plays a significant role in our society. It has helped many people during the terrorist attack and 24 hours busy giving news . 2 All of the types of media have a function to entertain people. When people in the bad mood, they can read magazines, watching television, listening the radio, and researching internet.Newspaper and magazines can entertain people trough the articles about fashion, jokes, and story about something unfamiliar with the color full pages. Television can entertain people with many kinds of films, programs, education. Radio, hand phone, and computer can entertain people with listening the music. Internet can entertain people by allows the people to research all kinds of material or information on their computer, playing game, and can find new booster doses By log in to yahoo messenger, facebook, twitter, and so on people find new friend in all over the world.Another role of media for our lives is help people in doing business. Media makes people especially businessman easy in advertising and marketing goods or services. It makes the community saving more time to do something important related to their business than presented their product door to door. Many people and company use television, internet, newspaper, magazine, and radio, to publicize their product. Not only for advertise and selling, people alike can buy the product online by using the internet. Nowadays, media are actually important and popular . For the simple fact that is become part of our nonchalant routine.Every morning the family guy reads the newspapers to acquire inform without any type of criticisms. hatful spend hours and hours watching Television to acquire entertain the same guinea pig with the Internet. People used Television as main type of m edia to advertise it goods. Actually media has several roles such as to provide information, to entertain, to help people in doing business. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. De VITO, Joseph A (2005) Fifth Edition Essential of Human confabulation Pearson Education, Inc 2005 2. http//www. 123helpme. com/preview. asp? id=155955 3. http//www. shvoong. com/social-sciences/1776136-influence-media-life/
College Life Essay
I was really excited to go on college by the time I step on the stage and got my diploma. During college applications, I would unendingly mobilize of of what college has to offer far from broad(prenominal) school day. I would imagine myself go around the universitys corridor from building to building, meeting new and unfamiliar faces, involving into distinct school activities and enjoying a lot of my free time.I would also adjoin myself in a more mature role as a Mass Communication student of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila which is I think a big challenge. However, I fear that college might be stern for me as a freshman.I wonder who are exhalation to be my friends, pull up stakes I be with the good ones or the different expressive style around, what type of professors Ill be dealing with, where should I and most importantly, how tail assembly I cope up with these changes that I cant crimson sleep that night before our first day of school. And these are the things Iv e encountered so far. The whole set up of college is totally different from highschool school Embracing a change is certainly a punishing one. It took me a lot of tolerances to familiarize things in college.It is true that in college you are the master of your time. You should know how to manage your time preparing for school, during vacant hours and free time. Since Im from Cavite which is a 2 hour ride going to manilla (heavy traffic not included), I should have a time tolerance so I cant be late on my first subject. Technically, if I have a 7 am class, I should be up at 4 am for preparation indeed at 5 am I must go. Same with going home and this is very tiresome.During my vacant, instead of wandering somewhere I will do my assignments so when I came home, theres nothing to solicitude about. With my schedule, I can rarely bond with my parents and siblings at home because I must make the most out of my time to do what is call for and that often left me no personal time. I can no longer join family gatherings or social mappingies because if I do, I would pass on my time for sleep and rest.My time is being calculated and I think thats the worst part of being a college student. On the other hand, my social life broaden with the new friends Ive met in college only when at first I find it hard to be leisurely with them because Im still looking for the same qualities of my friends in high school. Because of it, I barely enjoy my time with them which is not healthy. Thats the hardest part in me that I struggle, to open up myself for new opportunities. The next adjustment that I had was in terms of money.Back in my high school, I am not really into allowances because Ihad my pack lunch and school service. Whenever I need something, Ill just ask my parents and they will enforce me the amount of money I needed. But when I entered college, I started to figure everything I need with my allowance fare, food, and school stuffs. Especially with my school envir onment since it is near SM Manila and those tempting, low-cost stores scattered anywhere. With that, I wise(p) to save money and prioritize my needs over wants that leaves no get on for extras.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Austronesian Migration Essay
SynopsisAustronesia, in historical terms, refers to the homeland of the peoples who speak Austronesian languages, including Malay, Filipino, Indonesian, Maori, Malagasy, native Hawaiian, the Fijian language and around a thousand otherwise languages. The Austronesian homeland is thought by linguists to have been prehistoric Taiwan. recapResearchers believed that our Ancestors came from Southern China and traveled through Taiwan and arrive in Batanes, a northernmost province in the Philippines. They Inhabited the Area for everyplace a Thousand Years. After a thousand years they travelled to south and arrived at Madagascar and also travelled east and arrived at east wind Island in South America. These travelers are called Austronesian Speaking population which heart speakers from the South eastern hemisphere Asian countries like Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and many more. Austronesian People are also Great Seafarers. They build and use Canoes for travelling the escaped seas. T hey also developed the Technology to navigate and cross the Open seas.historians believed that the Early Filipinos apply Outrigger canoes and sails for very blown-up explorations. And they conclude that our Ancestors doesnt cross land bridges from Brunei instead they used boats for Transportation. It is believed that Austronesians greatly contribute in the creation of different South East Asian languages an. These discoveries are proved by Relics and Artifacts found in the annex countries. Like Burial Jars ( Manunggul Jar ), Talismans, Jewelries ( Lingling-o ) and Tools/Ornaments. Since the Ancient times, Trades are present in the Philippines. Our Ancestors are trading Ornaments and goods for Minerals, Porcelain items, Jewelries, Accessories etc.This proves that our Ancestors played an important role in the Growth of theCulture and Languages in the whole world.
Overbooked Essay
While doing reservations , the hotel must have a guarantee, meaning that in that respect should be a law or system, in which allows the booking of entourage by people who are really going to show on, a certain big lean or percentage of the total fee should be paid prior to the arrival of the guest, this would ensure to the hotel that the guest lead surely come and wont disappear and at the very(prenominal) time this will be a motivation to the guest to come, since she/he already paid an amount of money, they dont want idle the money they paid for the reservation they made, thus they will show .In a nutshell this should be a strategy hotels use while doing booking. eggshell study To Flag or not to Flag-and If So, Which flag? 1. As it is cognize franchising, is the practice of using an other(a) firms successful business model. What is a liberty symmetry? Is a legally binding see to itment which outlines the franchisors name and conditions for the franchisee. The franchise a greement also clearly outlines the obligations of the franchisor and the obligations of the franchisee.Since the outflank franchise application has a fee of $20000 and there is 2% revenue enhancement marketing fee, and a reservation fee of $4 per room, I would go with this option since it is the best option that is on ground. If Joy and Bob agree to be part of that franchise corporations, they would have a famous name, and that would pull out more guests to come. 2. These factors need to be covered in whatever franchise agreement The nature and name of the activity being franchised. This includes details of any rademarks, recipes, specifications or processes associated with the product or service The franchise territory on offer needs to be specified. So should the location of the nearest outlets of the like franchise The duration of the agreement, usually at least five years, in concert with any renewal terms and conditions The franchise fee, royalty and any other payments to be made What the franchisor agrees to offer in terms of training, marketing, the provision of materials and so forth The conditions under which the franchise can be terminated by either party or what their obligations are should that happen. )Additional information would be in term of The right to use the trade name The Franchisees obligations The Franchisors obligations The premises and the territory Length of Franchise contract Renewal terms
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Is biological pest control better than chemical pest control?
Food is vital for universe to survive, the race of the world is immense as it approaches 6 billion and wholly these humans ingest to be fed on a unrelenting basis. on that pointfore, a monstrous quantity of food postulates to be produced chop-chop and on a very braggart(a) scale. Gener eithery grangers across the horse opera world do produce food very contiguously and expeditiously and at that place hunt d fools to be a surplus of food, whereas, in little genuine countries they bring forth a shortage of food. Due to the size of the worlds nation and its towering levels of demand for food farmers be un adequate to(p) to leave plays al whizz and permit them suppurate ingrainedly.Read thisRespiratory ActivityFor example, wholeness-third of the determine to scats that argon suffernup worldwide be spoiled by swearings, animals exceptionally worms and m whatever a(prenominal) seeds. certain(p) types of tramps grow better in certain set conditions and there be mevery polar factors which resultant the crop yield. Crops grow by photosynthesis, the surroundal factors attaining the rate of photosynthesis, ar light chroma, concentration of light speed dioxide in the air, and the surrounding temperatures.All the go forments for photosynthesis need to be available at a swell rate and supply, the light intensity which is normally supplied by the sun needs to be at suitable intensity, which means the crop lead exactly grow certain times of the year due to the bill of light available. The same applies to the concentration of carbon dioxide, which ordinarily does non tend to ca commit a problem, as there is ample supply of carbon dioxide in the surrounding air, so far if it is ever to run low the crops exit non grow.The temperature is another(prenominal) factor which has a huge effect on the increment of crops, if the temperature is to get too high this would keep either growth of the prep be as it would not be abl e to deal with the essential temperature cleanup spot off the chlorophyll that the whole kit and caboodle requires to grow. further if the temperature is decreased to a very low temperature this impart restrict any growth, as the plant impart not be able to function properly. Therefore, all these factors need to be at the localize rate for the crop to be able to grow sufficiently.Many different types of crops such as maize, corn, wh down, rice, fruit and vegetables be grown at different times through bulge out the year and near farming is usually based on monoculture. Which is where one type of crop is grown in a certain piece of land, this technique of push- vanquish stack production tends to cause some problems and is not as straight preliminary as it seems. If crops argon growing highly well and conditions are correct and all the crops have all their requirements at the right rate and intensity there is still one other factor which would still pr counterbalancet a pe rfect yield from existence produced which are known as oaths.These blokes still destroy all crop yields, by destroying the crop its ego and restricting growth in certain ship apprizeal. When crops are grown they are respectable like plants in that they compete for mineral ions, water from the dent and light, however when crops are grown apply the monoculture method acting there usually isnt a problem because its the same crop world grown and so the conditions lav be take forled.However, the problems that do arise is that if there is a all everyplacelarge concentration of the same crop in one area and they are all in close proximity to each other and so there is the potential of the crop being infected by affections, fungi, cast-off(prenominal) plants and insects which will hence lead to the rapid destruction of large areas of the crop. There are a government issue of different lads, for example, insects, fungi and widows weeds that effect individual crops in dif ferent sorts like insects, fungi and weeds. weeds are plants that grow in places we do not want them to grow and there optimum growth occurs in ground disturbed by human activity.They compete with cultivated plants for space, water and minerals. Worldwide, about 10% of crop yield are lost because of weed growth. Weeds tend to fall in different sizes and they tail assembly be long and the same space as the crops, which means their roots are able to get at late into the ground and learn the nutrients, they require leaving many shortages for the crops. in any case weeds cannister sometimes have broad leafs that cover the crops and so take all the sunlight and restrict the amount of sunlight reaching the crop. The con straination between the crops and weed, which is organisms of different species, is known as interspecific competition.Occasionally you whitethorn come across weeds that are very small and do not do any real violate to the crops. The insect gadflys draw in ma ny different ways, each kind of plant has its own species of aphids, and these little creatures have small mouthparts, which they use to suck sap from plants. The departure of sap can be ruinous to the plant in many ways in that, it can cause leaves to curl up and fabricate distorted. The leaves are the place where photosynthesis takes place the curled up leaf leaves the plant unable to photosynthesise expeditiously and so can leave the plant stunted. some other way in which aphids can effect crops are, that as the aphids suck in the sap if that crop was diseased they could pick up the disease or virus and indeed go suck on another plant which would then pass the disease or virus on, which would spread the disease to many plants, any organism which spreads disease or viruses from server to host is known as a vector. Also if the aphids take in to ofttimestimes sap they tend to secrete it through their abdomens, this is usually a adhesive honey dew which forms a sticky droplet which attracts ants, which then attack the crop pull down further.So altogether there are a repress of ways in which crops are proceeded from being grown. The ways in which these swearwords can be viewled and crops can be grown without too many problems is that we can endue into the environment a chemical substance substance substance that kills the pest, which is called pesticides, or we can put into the environment another organism, which kills the pest, which is known as biological attend. A pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, or repelling any pests. Chemical declare is the use of pesticides. Insects, which eat crops, can be killed with insecticides.Fungi, which grow on crops, are controlled with fungicides. Weeds, which compete with crop plants for water, light and minerals, can be controlled with herbicides pesticides are usually applied as pellets, powders or atomisers. Many different chemical substances are used a s pesticides there are rival pesticides, general pesticides and residual pesticides. The partake pesticides are used as spray as they are sprayed straight on to the crop where the pests are nourishment and as the contact insecticides spray comes in contact with the insect, the insect tends to eviscerate it in through its gas-ex neuter pores, the spiracles, along its body.This is where it attacks the insects and poisons them. The same process occurs with contact herbicides and fungicides the go on of the plant absorbs the poison through, and so the poison then attacks it there. This method is not very expensive however they need to be reapplied continuously as there are unceasingly pests, which are missed out, and the affect of it does not last very long. Systemic pesticides sour in a equal way as they are sprayed straight on to the crop where the leaves and issue of the plant absorbs it in and so it is transported all around the plant.Therefore, whenever a sap-sucking inse ct comes along it sucks the poison into its body, and this eventually results in the killing of the creature. This method for systemic insecticides is very effective because the spray does not have to come into contact with the insect so it only attacks the insects that attack the crops. Systemic herbicides are too quite effective in that they are able to be sprayed onto the muster up of the leaf where they get absorbed and then have that poison transported all along the weed killing off the tissue and even reach the roots.Residual pesticides can withal be quite effective, as they are also sprayed directly on to the soil and instead of attacking the effective insect or weed they attack any insect testis and larvae, and weed seedling as they germinate. All these methods are used for chemical pest control chemical pest control is very effective in that this is the about popular method in the UK for farming large number of crops, to provide the large population of the UK. However even though chemical pest control is very effective and is very popular there are a number of disvantages of utilize chemical pesticides.Firstly, chemical pest controls involve many chemicals that can be very mordacious if they are not monitored correctly. Therefore, chemical pest controls must be safe for farmers to use and must not stultification the environment. To provide this there must be recurrent testing and development carried out on all pesticides. This can be very expensive and this depreciate will be passed onto the farmer in the form of the pesticide representing a huge amount of money.This expense is taken by the farmer on the premise that it will see in the good growth of his crops, however, the disadvantage being that it may not work at all It is also known that pesticides damage the environment a great deal, Pesticides can badly affect wildlife through changes in the food web, direct and indirect poisoning. And their harmful effects may bear witness up in animals, which have no direct relationship to the sea captain pest. In that in the 1950s many of the pesticide used did a dope of damage to the environment in particular one dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane).It was used to kill insects, however people didnt realise that it is a persistent insecticide, which means it doesnt break down provided remains in the body of insects and the soil. So whenever a razzing or other organisms ate the insects they ate the dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane too. And so the DDT stayed in their bodies and just began to accumulate. Also as well as being persistent it was also non-specific as most pesticides are. This means that it not only harms the insect its meant to but also harms other living things. For example in the 1960s, the gannet population in Quebec began to shrink.The shells of the gannets eggs were too thin to protect the embryos. one time the egg had been examined they realised DDT was the culprit. Becau se there where large concentration of DDT in the birds because of all the pests they had consumed which had been sprayed with it. Many other birds such as os preys, eagles and peregrine falcons also had been affected greatly and populations of those birds had declined. Also all the chemical sprays that are sprayed into the air will have a great effect on the atmosphere.So many pesticides harm the environment a great deal, even though many tests are make before hand. Pesticides also change wildlife habitat, for example if a herbicide was put down on certain plants or vegetation, animals that depend on that piece of vegetation find it awkward to live any longer and so slowly will gravel to die out, and so if they begin to die out then the population of their predator that relies on that particular creature, will begin to decrease. other problem, that that may arise is if a particular pesticide is used a kitty the pest may eventually acquire resistant to it.The pesticide no longe r kills the pest and so a new one has to be genuine at all times which results in much resources and cash flow being ploughed into developing and testing. Also once the pesticides are applied, they can be used up pronto and if it rains they sometimes need to be reapplied which takes ofttimes time and effort because modified c plenitudehing and safety measures need to be carried out each time. The most substantial disadvantage of victimisation chemical pesticides are that the crops that have been produced using pesticides are now covered with chemicals which we will now eat and which can be very harmful for us.Another major harm to humans is to farmers, who are using the pesticides and are in contact with it on a continual basis and it has led to them meet extremely ill, for example, in parts of the UK, farmers and their families are being diagnosed with illnesses, which are associated with pesticide poisoning. such(prenominal) conditions as multiple sclerosis that are occurr ing in many of the farmers, especially in the cases where they use sheep dipping as part of their work.Also in less developed countries the farmers are effected a carve up more because they do not have all the specially designed c servehing which they require and so in places like Malaysia and Sri Lanka, 7 to 15 per cent of farmers understand poisoning at least once in their lives. The advantages of using pesticides are that all these chemicals do produce the level best amount of food, which is very gaudy for the consumer, because the farmers are able to produce on a mass scale, using the chemicals to make sure they have a high-quality crop yield. Also pesticides work very fast and most of the time instantaneously, once applied to the ground.With pesticides you usually have a guarantee that they will work and be extremely effective, and solve the pest problem. Chemical pest control is one way to control pests even though there are a number of disadvantages, however the other way to stop pests from destroying crops are by biological control. Biological control is not using chemicals but the use of a specially chosen living organism to control particular pests the chosen organism may be a predator, parasite or disease, which will attack the harmful insect. It is a form of manipulating nature to attach a desired effect. Examples of this are usuallyA bluebird it eats insects to prevent damage to trees and gardens. They are found throughout the United States, UK and Canada A ladybug beetle it eats small soft insects, which prevents damage to fruit and crops. They are found throughout North America. A garden spider consumes insects with wing by catching them in a sticky web that it spins. ordinarily found in America and UK. Biological control is usually done in three ways known as classical biological control, conservation and augmentation, these are three ways to use these instinctive enemies against unwished-for insect pest population.Classical biologica l control is to import which involves change of location to the country or area from which a newly introduced pest originated and go with some of the natural anomies that attacked it and kept it from being a pest there. overbold pests are constantly arriving accidentally or intentionally. Sometimes they survive. When they come, their enemies are leftover behind. If they become a pest, introducing some of their natural enemies can be an important way to reduce the amount of harm they can do.The second method is conservation conservation of natural enemies is an important part in any biological control effort. This involves identifying any factors that limit the effectiveness of a particular natural enemy and changing them to befriend the beneficial species. Conservation of natural enemies involves either reducing factors, which interfere with the natural enemies, or providing needed resources that help natural enemies. The final method is augmentation augmentation is a method of change magnitude the population of a natural enemy, which attacks a pest.This can be done by mass producing a pest in a laboratory and psychotherapeutic it into the field at the proper time. Another method of augmentation is breeding a better natural enemy, which can attack or find its prey more effectively. Mass rearing can be released at special times when the pest is most susceptible and natural enemies are not yet present, or they can be released in such large numbers that few pests go untouched by their enemies. The augmentation method relies upon continual human management and does not provide a permanent dissolver contrasted the importation or conservation approaches may.There is also another way in which pests can be controlled using the biological control method, which is known as Biochemical pesticides these are natural occurring substances, which are safe. This is because most plants and animals produce chemicals that can be used, as pesticides, the oils and seeds ar e usually the substances, which can be pesticides. For example many insects produce chemical substances called Pheromones, which attract the diametrical sex. Synthesised pheromones are sometimes used to attract pest insects into traps.The traps are usually sticky which hold the insects and so enables you to get rid of them by killing off the insects. Another method of biological control is crop rotation this helps to discourage pests. Since different pests affect different crops, crop rotation can be very effective method of pest control. Using crop rotation means that there is high possibility of pests dying out before the same plant is grown on the soil again. In many cases, removing their preferred food and shelter can control pest populations. Examples of crop rotation are below. Year1 potatoes may be affected by potato cyst eelwormYear 2 cabbage may be affected by clubroot and brassica cyst eelworm Year3 beans root nodule bacteria improve soil nitrate supply All these meth ods of biological controls can be used however they also have many disadvantages to them, just as chemical control biological control takes more intensive management and planning. It can take more time require more record keeping, more patience, and sometimes more education or training. Because a successful use of biological control requires a greater appreciation of the biology of both the pest and its enemies.Also often the result of using biological control is not as dramatic or quick as the results of pesticide use, which can react very quickly. The aim is not to purify out the pest because this could be counter-productive. If the pest were reduced to such an close that it no longer provided enough food for the predator, then the predator in its turn would be wiped out. The few remaining pest could then increase their population rapidly, in the absence of the dictatorial agent. The ideal situation is where the arbitrary agent and the pest exist in balance with one another, but at a level where the pest has no major affect on the crop yield.Even though biological control has disadvantages it also has many advantages. Biological control, overall is a far safer method as it reduces the environmental and public safety hazards of chemicals, as the food we are ingest is not covered with poisonous sprays and the air is not being soil by sprays which we breath in that can be quite harmful to us. Also biological control is cheaper for the farmer to use overall because like pesticides they dont have to be reapplied continuously, once they have been introduced they begin to work and consume the pest, so together its cheaper and less time consuming and easier to apply.Another advantage of biological control is that the pest are less likely to become resistant to the control organism then they are to pesticides, which means unlike pesticides a new pesticide doesnt have to be developed on a regular basis. Also unlike most insecticides biological controls are ofte n very specific for a particular pest. The biological and chemical controls of pests work very well individually however the two can be used together, this is known as integrated control.This method can be very successful as was shown in Indonesia in 1970s, when they began to use large numbers of pesticides to control the pests to produce high yields strains of rice. There where a lot of brown planthopper pests, and so farmers found them selves spraying up to 8 times a season, to get rid of the pests however it was later notice that the insecticide was the problem of the large number of these pests. This is because the sprays had wiped out all the natural predators of the pest, particularly the spiders and yet only had a limited effect on the pest its self.So it was here that the integrated control was introduced. With integrated control the use of pesticides is always the last resort with the minimum amount used. This then prevents pests and enables large healthy yields of crops without using too many pesticides, which have many disadvantages. However using integrated pest management is not always easy, the technique requires time, knowledge and dedication on the part of the farmer. Overall when using pest controls there are a number of factors to consider, to get maximum effect and sustain pest control.The important factors to consider are how efficient each method is at controlling the pest, the monetary value, damage that might be caused to the environment, and possible health hazards. When considering how efficient each method is at controlling pests I think both are quite good in their own way in that biological control is aimed at the one pest whereas chemical pesticides tend to infect all insects and plants that they are sprayed on. However at the same time chemical works a lot faster and targets the problem more efficiently whereas biological takes a lot more time to establish its self to the environment and take effect.The cost is a lot cheaper for the biological, because even though it costs a lot to research and develop to make sure everything is correct and working well, it doesnt cost the farmers a lot to get the method started, and once it has been applied it doesnt have to be re-applied continuously like chemical control. Also with chemical control there is the extra cost on top to develop and test the chemical product, also new chemical products need to be developed continuously at all times because pests become resistant to them quickly unlike biological control.Even though biological requires a lot of development, training and testing it only has to be done once and then there usually is a result, and doesnt have to be repeated over and over again to develop new pesticides like chemical control. disparage that might be caused to the environment is mostly caused by chemical control because there are a number of pollutants sprayed into the air, which infect the atmosphere, and there are a lot of chemicals going in to the soils, which also damages the soil.Also if pesticides are persistent a large concentration can be built up in different animals, which can cause problems and be dangerous to those animals. Additionally pesticides are not selective and harm creatures that dont need to be infected also a number of habitats can be destroyed when certain plants are killed. Whereas biological dont have any environmental effects and so biological controls would be a better one to use. Possible health hazards are that chemical controls can be dangerous to the people who have to apply them to the ground and also the food we eat has absorbed the spray and so they can infect us and harm our bodies.However biological controls do not have any health hazards, therefore, are very safe and is the better one to use. In admittance in the developed world we have become increasingly have-to doe with about the long-term effects that chemical pesticides and herbicides may have on us as we eat our well-sprayed food . We have also become progressively greener over recent years, with more and more people expressing concern over the future of the earth and our effect on it. Substituting biological control for chemical intervention therefore seems like a very good idea.The developing world cannot yet afford such concerns the main battle for many developing nations is to be able to feed all their ravenous mouths. But in these countries too the cost of chemical control and the increasing resistance of pests to the expensive chemicals are adding another powerful voice to the arguments in favour of biological control as an integrated part of pest management. So overall the one I think is best and has least problems and safest to use is the biological controls.
Q marginalisation
by these poems and novel it shall e proven that Normalization is not always trammel to an individual, instead it can extend to a social group and charge a country itself. In this essay the three types of normalization forget be addressed, individual normalization done racism, social normalization through groups such as the hippies and the normalization of a country itself through sparing normalization of 3rd world countries.Normalization can occur anywhere at any time to anyone. Individual normalization is where one person Is singled bug out from a group or community of people for something like beingness an overweight. One of the most talked about and, unfortunately common, types of individual normalization is racism. racism is something that society has struggled with for many generations. It has been around from the early settlers and has been a problem ever so since.The poem telephone conversation by Whole Saying demonstrates the racism and its problems very clearly. I t is a poem about an African man looking for modification In either England or America around the time of the sasss. The commercial enterprise madam I warned, l hate a wasted travel I am African HOW an example of how African people were marginals once more because of the color of their skin. In those times, It was hard
Friday, February 22, 2019
Arguments of the Afterlife Essay
Through out(a) alone recorded history mankind has battled to line up answers to each and all(prenominal) one of lifes questions and to some returns found quite a few still, one question that has besides to be answered pertains to the possibility of life afterward death. Some argue that the motif of survival of consciousness without a body is extremely impractical and out of the question however, when relying on only practical evidence alone it is k nonty to formulate a concrete theory.On the other hand, when we look at affaires much(prenominal) as cross-cultural studies on near death experiences and their profound similarities we can utilize them as clues to suggest the possibility of an afterlife. Using both logic and intuition we should be able to gain some incursion on the matter. A near death experience (NDE) is a terminal figure that was originated by Dr. Raymond A. Moody in his bestseller Life After Life, a loudness that has revolutionized the way many people see death (Morris, 1 C. common topaz 1). According to Moody NDEs atomic number 18 visions of the afterlife that must happen to an idiosyncratic under the conditions of one of the three following circumstances being pronounced clinically dead be close to death due to traumatic injury or descriptions of visions seen by a dying person and after described by someone who is present (12). These visions are similar to fingerprints in the fact that no two are exactly the same (Moody, 17).However, on that point are many common characteristics such as feelings of quiet and field pansy strange noises that demand been sometimes described as disturbing or even peaceful beautiful being(s) of light that are often unearthly figures, but not always dark winding tunnels that are ordinarily cylindrical intense flash acanthas that play back the persons completed life in order to provoke reflection being greeted by family members or friends who expunge in passed on before and borderlines that co uld be any phase of border imaginable (Moody, 21-55).Although the term NDE is fairly new the experiences that define it are not. Since the beginning of civilization every agriculture has mentioned some form of an afterlife idea based on various religions and areas in which they are center on around thus, we can compare anthropological and psychological observations from reliable sources- every civilization (C. Tan, 1).The earliest clues to NDEs can be found in antique texts such as The Egyptian and Tibetan al-Qurans of the Dead, which both describe the handing over of life to death and what they business leader see and even Plato acknowledges these experiences in Book X of the Republic which grades a short story of a soldier who was killed in battle along with several other soldiers, they all traveled through with(predicate) a tunnel together to be judged by a light however, he was sent back by the light to tell everyone what he had experienced.Still another important clu e is that NDEs are not limited to any certain religious group, gender or age. Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, males, females, adults and children have told their NDE accounts (C. Tan, 2 Historical Tradition sec. 2-3 Moody, 86 Williams, sec. 3). Skeptics may argue that the archetype of an afterlife is unrealistic and brush these findings to the side by labeling them under hallucinations and psychological factors.Not only does the brain release certain chemicals such as DMT as a physical response to death, but besides culture plays a strong roll in what a person might describe to have seen during an NDE (Neimark, sec. 1). For example, both a Christian and a Muslim wreak the same being of light during an NDE, while the Christian believes they have encountered Jesus Christ the Muslim believes that they have encountered Allah simply in abidance to their religious beliefs.It is true that the brain releases DMT during its time of death and certain aspects of NDEs do vary from cult ure to culture due to psychological factors nevertheless, this does not confute the evidence supporting the idea of an afterlife (Williams, sec. 1-2). Meanwhile, when we study cases of NDEs such as Harvard neurosurgeon and former skeptic, Dr. Eben horse parsley III consequently, whose personal encounter with such an experience changed his whole view on this topic (Heaven Exists, Says US Neurosurgeon Eben Alexander after Waking from Coma, 1-2).In his book, consequence of Heaven A Neurosurgeons Journey into the Afterlife, Alexander descriptively illustrates his personal NDE through a logical and intuitive point of view. He was admitted to the hospital on November 10th 2008 when he was discovered to have bacterial meningitis to a greater extentover tests interpreted indicated gram-negative meningitis, which has a high mortality rate. Dr. Alexander was reported to fall in to a coma for 6 days and his mortality rate rose up to 97 percent, until the 7th day when he miraculously awoke.Ac cording to Scott Wade, M. D. who treated Dr. Alexander, The fact that he went on to have a full recovery from this illness after being in a coma for nearly a week is truly unique. (Wade, 184). Yet Dr. Alexanders quick recovery from an almost fatal coma was not the only aspect that should be noted as truly remarkable (Wade 184). Not only did he experience some of the more normally reported events in NDEs, such as noises, beings of light and even an encounter with a family member who had passed some years before (Alexander, 38-79).But, Alexander also underwent some unconventional events in his NDE, that have never been reported in previous times, including that during this NDE he had no knowledge of who he was before, what he was or even where he was the family member that lead him through his afterlife experiences turn out to be his biological sister who he had never seen until after his NDE when a photo of her was sent to him by another biological sibling and during this coma hi s neocortex which is the part of the brain that hallucinogens such as DMT come to was shut down (Alexander, 29-171).In fact, Alexander was in such a heave state of coma that there would have been no manageable way of the vivid recollections of his NDE, because his cortex was not even functioning (Alexander, 140-186). standardised to having reoccurring characteristics in NDEs, the most universal reported event NDEs is that that everyone who has been sent back claims to have been told that the reason we are all here to learn how to love.They debunk a more spiritual lifestyle and usually have a set notion of certain beliefs pertaining to the afterlife, which cannot be budged (Alexander, 72-79 C. Tan 1-2 Neimark 3 Williams sec. 5). As Moody puts it Still, the experience affects his life profoundly, especially his views about death and its blood to life. (C. Tan, 1). A number of these people even assert that we are not using the word death after you have the experience that I had, you know in your heart that there is no such thing as death. (Moody, 73).Although we live in a world where scientific financial support must play a roll in our research to purpose theories, we must also note that we are not scientifically pass on enough to rule out all that is considered to be an illogical argument. Likewise, until we are completely able to balance logic with intuition we will never be fully capable of finding answers to all of our questions. NDEs cannot be disproved until all holes in the logical argument are filled moreover, NDEs show more supporting or at least unexplainable evidence than they do contracting evidence that could quite possibly answer some of questions if separate researched.
New Mexico’s Border Issues
Illegal in-migration refers to the immigration of people across matter border without visa or valid documents. The illegal immigration show rise to a vauntinglyr set of social issues in areas, such(prenominal) as economy, social welfare, education and health, smuggling and crime. The international border amid United States and Mexico runs for about 3,141 km which is frequently crossed over by countless illegal immigrants from Mexico. The reason for these illegal crossings is the difference in animation standards and wages in US and Mexico. correct though there large group of border patrol personnels guarding the border, alien immigrants domiciliate still sneak in through various locations due to miss of funds and consistent patrol in the area..According to an estimate over a million people who cross over to US, 45 share break up in becoming agricultural labors in various US states. The economic and social costs of illegal immigration are enormous. It is estimated that abou t 10,000 illegal aliens cross into US every day with annual build reaching to of 3 million. A third of these immigrants are caught and re glowering to their home verdant while half of them become US residents permanently. About 9 to 11 millions illegal immigrants reside in US at present.Due to the espousal of low wages by illegal immigrants in New Mexico and some other states, about1.8 million native workers suffer loosing not only their wages, but excessively ruminates raising the cost of state welfare to US$ 15 one thousand million annually. According to the National Academy of Sciences it costs $89000 to pay for an alien immigrants during his animation stay in US.However its not only the loss of job or revenue, but 80 percent of cocaine and 50 percent of heroin in US is smuggled through new Mexico borders by these illegal immigrants. The illegal immigrants cost billions of dollars every year to the Ameri corporation taxpayers peculiarly the free treatment offered to ille gal aliens. Due to which more hospitals New Mexico, azimuth and California has been closed down. The total economic cost of illegal immigrants is estimated to in between 67$ to $87 billion.Since 1986 US has embarked efforts to restrict illegal immigration with the arrival of Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) which expanded the reinforcement for the US border patrol. Between 1986 and 1996, Congress and President took a series of restrictive actions to regain the control of US and Mexico border. However despite these measure out and IRCA act, both legal and illegal immigration continued to rise. The federal establishment in 1993 initiated another plan to install more officers at the border. These plans drive fundamental weakness due to less defended border at many areas. For example when mobilization of forces was activated in El Paso and San Diego, the flow of migrants turned to Arizona and Texas creating new problems in these states.The push by US politics pushed th e immigrants to cross over from more remote deserts and mountains and rivers where its much more hard for border patrol to capture them. Another loss has been the higher(prenominal) rate of injury and death that also accelerated the cost of consumption on already poor counties in New Mexico and border states.Even though the bank guard budget has been increased 10 multiplication between 1986 and 2002, but the arrival of immigrants has also risen. In 2005, New Mexico stated taking into custody due to the rise in drug smuggling, kidnapping and finish up in the state. The State governor criticized the federal government and Congress by mentioning total lack of support from the Border Patrol. In recent eld the illegal immigrant issue has become a national debate with politicians on both sides favoring and disfavoring the issue due to their own vested interests.There confuse been suggestions to build fence, border, and deployment of more Border Patrol agents to overcompensate th e cross border issue. In reality the problem is much bigger than it seems. Constructing a few miles wall or fence will not bring any change, unless possible approach is taken to tackle the issue. Even after the constructions of fence in San Diego the flow of immigrants increased as fence provides an excuse for Border Patrol to be less carefulAnalyst believe that US polices cook failed to produce any result. A new approach is needed to address the issue. The solution to the problem lies in the undocumented migration, which if made legal can prove more productive. Under the current immigration law, all countries have same quota of 20,000 thousand legal immigrants per year which is same for the Mexico, the closest US neighbor. A more realistic policy would be to provide temp visas, (which President Bush has recently announced), however greater emphasis should be paid to the Mexicans as Mexico is the major part of the problem.ReferenceCNN, (August 13, 2005). Border emergency declared in New Mexico. Retrieved February 8, 2007, Web site http// Economic Cost of Illegal migration. Retrieved February 8, 2007, Web site http// Douglas S. Massey, Beyond the Border Buildup. Retrieved February 8, 2007, Web site www.ailf.org4. Fencing in Failure. Retrieved February 8, 2007, Web site http// the States Org, Illegal immigration a real issue. Retrieved February 8, 2007, Web site http//
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