Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Surveillance Soceity (pro and cons) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Surveillance Soceity (pro and cons) - Essay ExampleThis essay therefore looks at two sides of an argument about the pros and cons of having surveillance society based on the theory of surveillance and privacy.On the whole, those who argue for surveillance society are those who take the moral side of the debate, having the main conclusion that the stop up for having the right topic d angiotensin-converting enzyme should come ahead of any personal and individual rights and privileges.4 The major flat coat that is cited to back this argument is that the world becomes safer and get criminals accounting for their deeds when there is maximum surveillance.5 Typical proof that can be used to support this is the case of Trayvon Martin who was fatally shot by George Zimmerman. Indeed in the course of the trial, evidence from eye witnesses could not prove credible enough for the eventual judgment to be accepted by both sides. This is because there were variations in accounts given as to wha t happened.6 In such a case, a person reasoning from a moral perspective would just wish there was a means to hit rewind, something that can only be made possible if any of the two spate involved wore a personal recording device.7From the above, the premise stated is that a surveillance society is one that guarantees the safety of the people and protects them from the hands of evil people who would want to commit crimes and have their ways with them. With the object lesson give, an unstated assumption is that should all people wear personal recording devices, the issue of evidence in court would be more credible. By inference, our current society will become more desex and most forms of legal tussles that take years to hear in court would become a thing of the past.8 As the legal process functions largely on evidence, it is expected that such forms of evidence that come by dint of surveillance equipment in society would set the pace for having a better evidence based judgment.9T he another(prenominal) side of the argument which is against surveillance society is commonly upheld by
Monday, April 29, 2019
Linguistics Examine the idea that adult second langauage learners of Research Paper
Linguistics Examine the desire that adult second langauage learners of English are capable of retaining the collocations to whi - Research Paper ExampleTABLE OF table of contents Introduction4 Thesis Statement.4 Methodology...4 Preliminary Results and Discussion....5 Study Implications...7 rifle Plan7 References9 INTRODUCTION Formulaic language has been playing a key type in second language teaching. A beginning learner utilizes more idiomatic English expressions focussed on daily communication templates. Alison Wrays (2002) definition of a formulaic sequence of words has been the roughly popular one Formulaic Sequence is a sequence, continuous or discontinuous, of words or another(prenominal) elements which is, or appears to be, prefabricated that is stored and retrieved whole from memory at the time of use, rather than being subject to generation or analysis by the language grammar (Wray, 2002, p. 9). Wray claims that the adult learner primarily is more focused on soul words and is concentrated on a non-formulaic approach to language development (Lewis, 2000a b). This thesis is devoted to acknowledgment of an ability of adult language learners to retain information about what words appear together in their input of adj+noun pairs, verb+noun pairs, and or noun+noun pairs. It is supposed that any drawbacks in non-natives knowledge of collocation associations between words is caused by an inadequate input. THESIS STATEMENT The fluency-oriented repetition of individual sentence contexts has an impact on collocation learning for L2 learners, and thus participants will primarily notice and remember chunks of words in their input through an organized testing process using the adj-noun, verb-noun, and noun-noun pairs placed in a sentence. METHODOLGY A general selection touchstone was a key trigger for my further research. Theoretical background is based on relevant academic articles, academic texts, and books. The participants were asked to undergo a short training session in which they were exposed to a bet of target adjective-noun, verb-noun, and noun-noun combinations embedded in sentences called a naming phase. Sentences were presented to participants on a computer screen in a random order. The participants were asked to say the noun aloud if they recognized it. The respondents are Spanish speaking Americans. All the participants are enrolled in one or two of the ESL programs for a L2 learner of English within their citys community base. They are all lower level income participants, with lower level educational backgrounds. PRELIMINARY RESULTS AND sermon Of the adjective+noun, verb+ noun, and noun+noun word pairs, the nouns were recognized more reliably when they followed the verb with which it was paired. These collocations were easily
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Leadership of Steve Jobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Leadership of Steve Jobs - Essay ExampleThe researcher states that everyplace the years it has been found that the business world has faced significant turbulent events. The stock market went with topsy-turvy situations. The cold war ended but the new issue of global terrorism has brocaded its ugly heads. Energy prices have increased. Economic power has been shifted towards the emerging economies like India and China. Due to the increase in the raw material prices profit margins have lowered. With his visionary leadership flare, Steve Jobs was able to predict the hyper-competition and turbulent reputation of the industry. The situational leadership style of Steve Jobs made the Apple one of the most successful business governing bodys in the world. His leadership style has provided Apple the similar outlook of a Canopy tree in the Rainforest. Under his leadership, the organization was able to dodge different difficulties and absorbed considerable sunlight of success and recognit ion. Innovative and entrepreneurial wit are the important characteristics of the leaders. Innovations like iPhone, iPod, and iPad have made the business leadership style of Steve Jobs immortal in the minds of global followers. All these products are the indicators of his supreme innovative capacity. Leadership skills of Steve Jobs can be analyzed with the facilitate of L.E.A.D.S. model which represent Learning, Executing, Analyzing, Designing and Strategizing. Steve Jobs made Apple a learning-based innovative organization. He endlessly back up its followers to innovate and learn continuously. Under his leadership style learning rate of the organization was always higher than the rate of change in the industry. Due to his leadership of continuous learning, the organization has succeeded to change itself correspond to the needs of the hour. Very often his leadership style forced the whole industry to change. His leadership style gave significant focus towards strategic learning.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Data Analysis for a business making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Data Analysis for a business making - Essay Examplec. The model impart be solved through the help of the prey function use, in which the decisions variables ordain be use in terms of controlling the operations and also avoiding the constraints to get the maximized productivity. d. One of the main constraints in the running(a) operations was limiting the machines productivity due to the depreciation. Another main constraint was sentence management. The constraint that was not problematic was the labor issue, i.e. they stooled properly. e. The reduction in the profit means either the natural depression pricing or the higher material or labor costs. The value of the objective function go out change because of the productivity concerns. Because as the material cost has increased, so a limitation will be applied on the working of the machine and the lesser productivity will be the case. f. The value of extra value of additional minute of time per week for the devices numbered 1 t o 4 will be singly as accompanys 600, 390, 330, and 204. The troupe must add more test device time on fourth and 3rd device as they have experienced to be consuming lesser time. g. The management of the company should trade name the corrective measures in terms of the cost reduction techniques and profit maximizing mechanisms. The officials must use firstly the trained engineers who must know everything about the functions of the machines and how the constraints can be avoided. The company needs uttermost productivity and for that it is imperative to train the engineers or flour managers so that they already know what types of constraints can be there and must avoid them to keep the productivity maximized. Also the management must also make sure that the decision variables ar only those that can really be controlled and they should be working for the sp atomic number 18-time activity of the company for taking the profits to maximized level, and also keeping the costs to the minimum level as that will be the key for the maximum profits. The company must also make sure that the objective functions are properly executed as they will be the important indicators for the success of the maximum productivity. Task 2 a. Mathematical expression for the linear programming function can be written as The constraints are as follows These constraints actually mean that the productivity will be low if the re showtimes are not applied efficiently, and the one reason might be the inefficiency of the labor. b. The optimal solution will require the client to follow a specific diet each day which will maximize the chances and objectives which he intends to achieve. The chocolate of 50 grams and sugar of 100 grams might be the best diet for him through which he can becoming his aims. This will also incur him the minimum cost, as his problem is more intense but its the job of his doctor to suggest the prescriptions that can cost him less but offer him more. c. The creation of the objective function required the programming for which the matlab and java are best programs. The data can be include there along with some calculations and programming. d. Yes, the resources are fully utilized and the materials before being utilized were in stable form and that is why the product quality will also be fine. The only source that was not utilized properly was related to the labor. The management experience of lesser labor doing more work that cannot be handled by them might be the one problem that caused the lack of the productivity that was
Friday, April 26, 2019
Comparison and contrast essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Comparison and contrast - Essay ExampleComparatively, these cities wisecrack great life experience but it is not very easy to choose one when it comes settlement. both(prenominal) argon distinguished by their weather, factors such as entertainment and housing.Weather is one big unlike issue between these two cities. Seattle and Houston have calm weather conditions in the months of April and May. Seattle at cadences records up to four feet of snow but this is very rare in Houston which can witness merely rough one centimeter of snow in 25 years. When it snows in Seattle, it is really terrible since it does not only stop after a few inches but can even last longer where building a snowman is never a problem. Seattle also records plenty of rainfallfall such that it has come to be normally known as the Rainy City. It can also be noted that Seattle experiences Mother Natures storms called tornadoes, which are mixed with hail, high winds that rip houses apart and cause other trail o f destruction to infrastructure. The temperatures in Houston are moderated by the influence of the Gulf of Mexico and this results in mild weather conditions and it does not experience rain storms. Houston has warm weather and humidity is high especially during the summer. Houston often experiences hurricanes during every summer with the high winds and profound rain fall that can cause power outage for days and even weeks at a time and this make life miserable without drinking water and air conditioning.The geographical location of these two cities is a major factor when it comes to entertainment and sporting activities. In Seattle for instance, there are different kinds of entertainment activities that Houston cannot offer. Seattle is a quieter and more relaxed city that offers European relaxed ambience. Seattle is known for wonderful snow skiing and ice skating. There are several state recognized tournaments where some of them even attract European competitors. Seattle also has v ery
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Dreams Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Dreams - Research Paper ExampleA say had been done to show how the lives of commonwealth can have a great effect on what and how they dream. subsequently comparing what people go through and what they dream about, it has been determined that the events and situations that a person faces plays a expectant role in what they dream.A dream is a sequence of mental images, thoughts and feelings that involuntarily bring forth maneuver while an individual is sleeping. Sigmund Freud hypothesized the Dynamic Theory of Dream Formation to help explain what actually causes dreams to be formed. This theory states that dreams argon constructed in the brain of a sleeping individual by unconscious impulses, or an incident or thought that had been silenced throughout the day that makes itself known as a underlying thought while the brain is resting. Every dream is on the one hand the fulfillment of a concupiscence on the part of the unconscious and on the other hand the fulfillment of the norm al wish to sleep which sets the sleep going (Freud, 2003).Rapid eye movement (REM) is a vital aspect of some(prenominal) sleeping and dreaming. REM is the standard stage of sleep that is distinguished by quick movements of the eyes. This cycle of fast eye movement contains two other categories tonic and phasic. The rapid eye movement cycle is in addition characterized by low muscle tone and a swift, low voltage electroencephalography (EEG). Dominating brain waves are not present during the rapid eye movement cycle as the brain is not at its complete functioning level.In a typical night, individuals go though four or quint bouts of rapid eye movement sleep, all of which totals an hour and a half to two hours at the maximum. Dreams take place during the rapid eye movement cycle as this is when the person is in the deepest of sleep. The dreams that most people are able to remember after waking up are those that are done during the rapid eye movement cycle. This is mostly due in pa rt to the fact that it is common for people to raise up after
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Micro and Macro Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Micro and Macro economic science - Assignment ExampleSo the jobless workers use to join the companies where there is no existence of the union. As the number of employees increased in those nonunion companies, salary/ plights used to get reduce. In this shift the spillover effect is ($20-$10)/10*100= 100%Estimated Union Advantage with the Spill-Over EffectThe revised salary of the nonunion company is $10 where as new salary in the Union based company is $20. Although the spillover growth is screening a value of 100% growth in actual term, growth in the wages in the union based company is 33.33%.Increase at wages in Firm B The increase in the wages of family B is known as threat effect. Generally, companies where no union is present used to take this way to minimize the possibility of development of concept of union controlled labour system. Generally, the increase in wages is lesser in this companies compared to that of the unionized firms. As an example, in this example, the ra te of increase in the wage for firm A is 50% ($20 to $30) which is unionized whereas for B it is 25%. ($20 to $ 25)Union Advantage In firm A, the growth in wages are ($30-$20)/$20*100=50% whereas for firm b, which is a non-union firm growth in wages are ($25-$20)/$25*100= 20%. There is a clear contrast of 5% in increase of wages between union and nonunion firm.Prevailing Wage can be defined as hourly wage system, usually added benefit and structured overtime compensation paid to the majority of the people belonging to working group within a particular area.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Db5 1 employment and labor law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Db5 1 employment and elbow grease law - Research Paper ExampleThe followings are almost of the federal law prohibiting job discrimination according to federal equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws consort to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, and sex or nationality. Equal Pay Act protects women and lickers who perform substantially similar work in the same system from sex based wage discrimination. Sections 501 and 505 of the rehabilitation work act of 1973, prohibits discrimination against qualified individual with disabilities who work in the federal government.Discriminatory practices under these laws include Harassment on the basis of race, religion, color, genetic cultivation and disability, employment decision based on stereotypes or assumption about the abilities, denying employment opportunities to person because of marriage to a particular race or religions.Look at a scenario where a big a nd puff up known company like Coca-Cola being sued for allegedly violating a number of Californian labor laws. check to (www.bestattorney.com) they have filed a class action lawsuit against Coca-Cola and its affiliate for allegedly violating multiple California labor laws, such as failing to pay overtime wages for hours worked in excess of eight hours per day. From this rattling life scenario the lesson learnt is that, labor laws should actually need to be obeyed because they are aimed are protecting both parties the employer and employee. This scenario in some aspect has set precedent to managers who have not taken labor laws seriously.In summary, this writing has clearly helped in defining the meaning of labor laws, some of the labor laws and an example of a material life situation whereby a Coca-Cola company violated some of the labor law in California. Therefore, it is upon managers and directors of companies to make out their employees with regard
Monday, April 22, 2019
ESSAY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Essay ExampleOne of the key groundss why television bears the blame is that womens role and deliveral on television has remained constant although a few insignificant changes have been made. The reason for this is that one, the woman is depicted as an overly feminine object only capable of executing effeminate roles in films, advertisements, and programs. For instance, men still play the hero roles in closely films, mostly protecting, saving, or tormenting women. Additionally, advertisements portray women as attractive objects used to market things by use of their sexual appeal.The final evidence regarding economy of cultural stereotyping is racial segregation in films. There is still white domination in most films, with the people of color vie mostly secondary roles, or being portrayed as inferior, unintelligent, criminals, or slaves. In short, an above average of television broadcasts places the white man above the dingy, or the black playing secondary to the white. One of t he key examples is the film The Gods Must Be Crazy which portrayed a black man as being overly primitive.The 21st century has brought with it digitalization which has in turn give birth to digital networks and communities. Unlike in real-life communities where contact, communication, conflicts and all other aspects of life are done hardiness to face, the same are virtual(prenominal)ly executed on these digital communities. This therefore presents a twofold scenario when it comes to enculturation it can either foster of degrade it. Again, there is a danger in that owing to its virtual nature, digital networking is easy to manipulate thus give rise to virtual creations which may not come through in reality. What this means is that digital communities allow people to write themselves, meaning they can create seven-fold personalities of who they are not.The idea of people writing themselves into being might be a conscious or
Learning about disability culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Learning about disability culture - Essay ExampleThis I tack together to be consisted with mainstream culture in bon ton, which holds that people change and develop as they go through with(predicate) their lifespan. I stupefy also learnt that disabilities take various forms and that how one disabled person may do is not the selfsame(prenominal) as how others may behave. In addition, it was interesting to note that some people with disabilities stupefy the term to be discriminatory, and a hindrance, especially as some feel that they go through the same issues as able-bodied people and achieve similar results (Stone, 2009).Probably the most important information self-possessed during the learning activities was that individuals cannot outgrow their disabilities. While this ultimately makes sense, my time volunteering to work with disabled children has made me not suspense what they will become when they grow up. I agree with the contention that those with disabilities, especiall y learning disabilities, normally have ability or abilities that can outshine their disabilities (Stone, 2009). Whether because of natural gifts or as devices for compensation and adaptation, these other abilities argon dependent on the disabled persons. I enjoyed a video that we watched during one of the classes, in which a troops working with a group of community leaders told them about what life and school is like for children who are disabled was an informative activity. One of his illustrations actually struck me when he contended that expecting something from those with disabilities who are not capable of accomplishing the array task is commonplace in society and in school, which I agreed with. In addition, this problem has been found to lie with societal ignorance, rather than with individuals suffering from a disability (Stone, 2009). There is a need for society to be concerned and educated about working with disabled people.People with disabilities also have to keep dow n issues
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Why are many countries in Africa described as weak states Essay
Why argon many countries in Africa described as weak claims - Essay showcasetable political institutions ensuring security for their populations from violent conflict and maintaining their territory and meeting the basic human require of their populations. State effectiveness in delivering on these four critical dimensions, is the main criterion for measurement. A states strength or weakness is a function of its effectivenes, responsiveness, and legitimacy across a incline of government activities. Many countries in Africa are described as weak states. Sub-Saharan Africa is the region with the conceptions highest concentration of weak and failed states.Weak states are defined as having a prevalence of morphologic inequality, which consist of economic differentiation, cultural or social inequality and political inequality (Atiku-Abubakar & Shaw-Taylor, 2003 168). Weak states are unable or unwilling to provide essential public services which include supporting ingenuous and sust ainable economic growth, legitimate governance, ensuring physical security and provision of basic services. To evaluate state faculty in each core area of state responsibility, policy makers and scholars resort to a host of adjectives weak, fragile, failing, failed and notwithstanding collapsed, to distinguish between countries suffering from a wide variety of capacity gaps (Rice & Patrick, 2008 5).The degree of effectiveness of the speech of the most crucial political goods distinguish strong states from weak ones, and weak ones from failed or collapsed ones. The hierarchy of political goods have security, especially human security at the apex, followed by the provision of law and order, free and circularise political participation, medical care, educational facilities, physical and social infrastructure, in that order (Rotberg, 2004 4).State calamity is a long-term and multidimensional process whereby state collapse is the distinctive endpoint of this process. The two dimensio ns to state failure are the loss of legitimacy which is the gradual decline of the authority of
Saturday, April 20, 2019
William Hearts Randolph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
William Hearts Randolph - Essay ExampleIn his article, William Hearst Headlined his Era 1argues that no another(prenominal) news root word mogul wielded like him. He established a remarkable trend throughout his race and engage the preeminent journalists available such as Ambrose Bierce, Richard Harding Davis, Stephen Crane, and Mark Twain. In 1895, he grabbed an opportunity in the New York City and purchased the failing Morning Journal. He recruited notable writers such as Julian Hawthorne and Crane, and embarked on increasing the newspapers influence and circulation. William Hearst left a legacy in his newspaper measure Union, which had extensive leaderships. Although the broadcasting industry faced more challenges, no newspaper served the community better than generation Union. This paper seeks to discuss William Randolph Hearst who left a legacy in the history of mass media. In discussing, the paper will highlight his early years, publishing business, and his impact in the broadcasting industry. Hearst was born on April 29, 1863 as the only child of Rancher and miner and died on August 14, 1951. He enrolled at St. Pauls drill in Concord, New Hampshire previous to enrolling to the Harvard College. 2 While at Harvard, he spent much of his age reading and working on school magazines as his interest of venturing in media industry expounded. After graduating from Harvard, he commenced an apprenticeship as a correspondent for Joseph Pulitzers Newspaper of the New York. In addition, he persuaded his father to spot his newspaper San Francisco Daily Examiner to him, which later impacted his career in journalism. To capture a heroic audience, Heart focused on discussing murders and scandals and exposed corruption and injustice that affected many during that period. Eventually, the newspaper emerged as the trump of that time and overtook other local newspapers in the circulation. In 1895, he distributed the newspaper to the New York and many were pleased by his exceptional work. Within that year, Hearst purchased a New York Morning Journal and commenced the circulation with Pulitzer. For quality, he hired notable writers such as Arthur Brisbane who impacted the media industry with his writing. However, Pulitzer gave up and Hearst took over with solid acquisition of the industry. Later, the emerging technologies of the early 21st century such as cheap paper, folding machines, faster presses, cables, better pick out machines, and colour printing transformed his publication. As a result, he daily printed thousands of papers and sold them reasonably. In 1900s, he ventured into the magazine industry and became the founder of Motor and purchased Britains Nash Magazine, Harpers Bazaar, and Good Housekeeping3. He began international services of distributing news and creation king features. His creativity was remarkable as he presented his ideas and thoughts hardly fostering many to purchase the magazines. In 1920s, he branched into radio b usinesses and purchased stations in Baltimore, Milwaukee, and Pittsburgh. In 1935, he combined his ninety newspapers into one name, American Newspaper, Inc and his legacy in this friendship continues to prosper and grow. The corporation has globally been admired. Arguably, Hearst introduced his name on the work San Francisco Examiner thus, birthed the Hearst Corporation. The corporation expounded its beliefs that it would expound the industry into becoming the best with adequate content that transforms the world with knowledge. In one of his article,4acclaimed that Hearsts success in the media industry was a reflection of hard work and innovation. In supporting this argument, it is obvious that Hearst spent much of
Friday, April 19, 2019
Female Genital Mutilation in Africa Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Female Genital Mutilation in Africa - Article ExampleBy definition a rite of passage is a ritual associated with a crisis or a change of status (as marriage, illness, or death) for an individual (Agnes, 1990, p. 1018). Although the excisions do not occur because of a crisis, they do, in fact, occur in preparation of a change of status, as in marriage, and the woman or young girl often takes on red-hot roles after the operation is performed. Those operations that are performed on infants cannot by definition be considered a rite of passage since the change in status is not in the near in store(predicate). Thus, FGM can be considered a rite of passage when it is performed in preparation for the freshly roles the girl will assume in her future marriage. Indeed, the ritualistic components of FGM are evidenced by the preparations that are made for the operation. Girls are often given new jewellery, clothing, and gifts as part of the operation. In some cases, a great feast will occur i n celebration of the operation. From the definition, it can be concluded that FGM qualifies as a ritual.Another reason often cited for FGM is that it is a fertility rite. Saadwai (2002) comments that if FGM were intended to be a fertility rite, the excision would be partial and symbolic However, in the Sudan, after the girls are circumcised, they are then washed in the Nile as a fertility fling to the god of the Nile. There certainly are many aspects of FGM that make the connection with fertility rites a believable one (Lowenstein, 1978 Salama, 1980 Saadawi, 2002).Sociologists and anthropologists have tended towards concurrence with the perception of FGM as a traditional ritual and rite of passage. Campbell (2006), most(prenominal) noted for his work on male circumcision, maintains that FGM is a direct offshoot of male circumcision rites among the ancient totemistic pursuit groups. In these societies, there is an abundance of large game which led to the development of the art of hunting. Emphasis in the social structure was placed on the men as they were the providers. Wile the rite of circumcision in these societies reflected a bias in favour of the males and therewith an emphasis on the sexual aspect of the rites and particularly on circumcision, female circumcision evolved in complementarily to the male fertility dimension of this practice. (Campell, 2006, 320). Some sociologists have argued an alternative theory, suggesting that FGM is an outcome of the proneness of some primitive societies to control female sexuality and, thereby, ensure the paternity of children (Morris, 2003). This argument is inextricably cogitate to the mothers premarital chastity and fidelity during marriage, not the fathers per se. This line of thinking can be taken to its synthetical conclusion perform a physical operation to keep the woman from having sexual relations impertinent of marriage. This will be viewed as undeniable for societies that see the constraint of female sexuality as the necessary condition for continued propagation of the human race (Sanderson, 2001 Morris,
Thursday, April 18, 2019
The Entry into Practice for the Family Nurse Practitioner Essay
The Entry into Practice for the Family Nurse Practiti mavenr - Essay ExampleThis initiation is in a rural medical examly-underserved area where the clinic is part of the hospital system but is not a hospital in the strictest sense. The clinic, as yet, shares the tax ID number with the hospital. It is also a provider-based health clinic ( more(prenominal) on family practice and operate). It is well-funded and is subordinate under health provider shortage and medically-underserved categorization. In this sense, it is qualified to use either category, depending on penury and on advantages. It is a small community of fewer than 20,000 inhabitants but it would credibly serve more than one county or community. This type of town is one where everyone would most likely know each other. All the providers would turn in an LVN and the clinic has a clinic manager who would be acting as a liaison between the clinic and the hospital chief operating officer this manager would also be an in take coordinator he would also coordinate staff for rescheduling, for billing, and for referrals. Pros and cons of working in identified arrangement One of the advantages of working in the identified arrangement are that the provider would be able to get to know his patients and the circumstances surrounding his patients lives. Such an arrangement helps the provider administer the scoop up type of care for his patients. Assessing the patient within his home environment is one of the ways for a provider to reach maximum efficacy (Hunt, 2008). The provider would not have much difficulty in evaluating his patients in their home setting because the community is small. Moreover, the provider would already know where the available resources are and know who would likely have access to such resources (Buppert, 2007). For the more specialized needs of the community, the clinic schedules specialists to visit at different clock each month in order to reduce the need for patients having to t ravel to distant places to seek medical care. In the end, this practice helps ensure continuity of care for the patients. Continuity of care is an important aspect of health care because it helps ensure that the patient would be fully monitored throughout his illness and would be able to eventually promote full recovery (Haggerty, et.al., 2008). Disadvantages are however also apparent in this set-up. For one, not many masses would prefer living in medically-underserved areas because of the difficulty in accessing adequate and quality medical care (Shi and Singh, 2008). The more technical and higher level of services would be limited in this area. I noted however that the clinic where I precept conducts many high-level services because the health professionals in the clinic are very skilled. end-to-end their years of practice in the rural setting, they have picked up and mastered confused skills. They have encountered various patients and have come up with different ways to treat them or to stabilize them long luxuriant to reach the next referral hospital. Even with the disadvantages which practitioners have encountered in the rural practice, the clinic has managed to work around its challenges and provide the best(p) quality of services it can provide. It is important to note also that there are not as many positions for practitioners in the rural setting the pay scale is lower than the average pay. The cost of services is however also lower than the cost of services appear in the urban setting.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Letter of Advice Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
letter of Advice - Case Study ExamplePolicemen whitethorn use emergency powers in urgent situations.1 The powers available to the law at a lower place this section were also applied in Operation Saeta from 17-19 December 2005, immediately after the Cronulla riots, during which 16 vehicles and 56 mobile call ups were seized2.You were leaving an area where in that location had been a disturbance and the area had been placed under a lockdown. The law makes it clear that the law of nature must not refuse permission to a soulfulness wishing to leave an area that has been cordoned off unless it is reasonably necessary to do so to avoid a risk to public safety or to the persons own safety.3 But the expanded powers under percentage 6A as mentioned above, do allow the police to prevent people entering and even leaving, authorized target areas where there is or has been large scale disorder. These nutrition under Section 6A were also applied on 19 March 2006, to set up roadblocks and prevent cars exiting Brighton Le Sands from moving towards Cronulla, to prevent what police perceived to be threatened public disorder event. Thus, I believe Constable Greens confiscation of your phone and car whitethorn induct been within legal limits.In reference to your impediment, a person may be hold oned for a breach of the peace when the policeman making the arrest has a reasonable timidity of imminent danger of a breach of peace.4 However, if an arrest is to be lawful, an arresting officer must avouch the arrestee of the grounds for arrest, at the time of arrest or as soon as practicable, failing which there can be grounds for a possible claim for damages5 because the police can only do what is practicable.6The recent case of Coleman v Australia7 raised the issue of interference with individual rights through the application of the provisions of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 1997. The complained was arrested and detained for five days and contest ed the case under his right to freedom from supreme detention under Article 9 of the ICCPR. The Court in this case, found that there had been a intrusion of the complainants human rights.Despite the existence of the new expanded powers available to the police as I have cited earlier, they are also required to arrest a person only as a defy resort.8 There is a requirement to give information and warnings when the police are exercising their powers.9 On this basis, you may be able to contest the decision by the police officer to make an arrest, since such an arrest would not be justified in an instance where only a limited power of arrest applies.10 If I can be of further assistance, please let me know.Yours
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Kant on Time as A Priori Essay Example for Free
Kant on Time as A Priori EssayImmanuel Kant presented a series of arguments regarding the nature of age. He sought to set up that time is innate in the sensibility of altogether human beings and that it is independent of the material world and argued that time belongs to experience as an a priori change of suspicion (Kant, 74). In his Critique of Pure Reason, he claimed that time is a priori instead of being a permeative feature of mind-independent reality. He also argued that the nature of time as an element of the universe is sensible instead of creationual which the mindcompels upon experience (75). He arrived at the conclusion that time could not independently dwell or be associated to other objects as a verifiable entity. He claimed time to be the form of inner palpate and maintained that time is It is the immediate assure of inner appearances (of our souls), and thereby the mediate condition of outer appearances. (77). The first of Kants arguments regarding time as an a priori form of sensibility states that it is a necessity for our mind of simultaneity and chrono logical succession to be preconceived since they are generated in our minds prior to our experience of simultaneous just successive moments in time (75). Kant claimsTime is not an empirical concept that has been derived from whatever experience. For neither coexistence nor succession would ever come within our perception, if the representation of time were not presupposed as underlying them a priori. calm on the presupposition of time peck we represent to ourselves a number of things as existing at peerless and the same time (simultaneously) or at different times (successively). (74)By stating that Only under its presuppositions can one represent that several things exist at one and the same time or in different times, (74) Kant, in essence, is implying that concepts can not made on the basis of perception unless we nominate a preconceived notion of such concept. For ex ample, our notion of a dog could not be a concept which is based on our experience since our mind would not be able to perceive it we did not have an idea of a dog which was based on a preconceived notion. However, even with Gardners explanation, Kants argument is still unpersuasive. It fails to offer us sufficient reasons to agree that a preconceived notion of time is a needed prerequisite of the perception of time. This argument is not compelling enough to weaken how time is viewed in the vernacular sense because it begs a faulty conclusion that if this was so, our notion of color should also be a priori. Consequently, with this argument, the logical assumption about time would be that because the notion of time is conjured simultaneously with representing the world of material objects, it cannot be based on perception of material objects. The basic view of the nature of time actually rest definite as the properties of time, which exists in and all the objects of the universe, are perceived through our experiences. Kants second argument tries to prove that time is an a priori form of intuition by arguing that it is possible to consider time without any appearances of any material object but it is not possible to consider any material object without the appearance of time. Kant arguesTime is a necessary representation that underlies all intuitions. We cannot, in respect of appearances in general,remove time itself, though we can quite well think time as void of appearances. Time is, therefore, minded(p) a priori. In it alone is actuality of appearances possible at all. Appearances may, one and all, vanish but time (as the usual condition of their possibility) cannot itself be removed.. (74-75)However, if we take this argument into consideration, it would then be logically imperative to conclude that lacuna embodies the of outer sense or time embodies the inner appearance however this conclusion, albeit sound based on the provisions of the Kants argument , actually contradicts the text itself . All in all, Kants arguments fail to mitigate the strong points of the common sense view of time which is, that time is a pervasive feature of the world. His arguments do not offer conclusive ideas. Although he tries to provide empirical evidences to his arguments by referencing his claims with the realities of experience, his arguments imply assumptions that when interpreted do not necessarily put on true. His theory requires a vital premise, that our notions of time and space are a priori, and it requires it to be granted in the onset however he offers no compelling argument. This vital premise caused the undoing of his entire theory. whole kit and caboodle CitedKant, Immanuel. The Critique of Pure Reason. Trans. Kemp-Smith, Norman. Palgrave Macmillan, 1995.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Reading Plan Essay Example for Free
yarn Plan EssayYear 1 to 3 Reading Methodology unwritten Recitation Lesson * The Oral Recitation Lesson (ORL) is an developmental procedure that incorporates direct and indirect instruction during small-group showing instruction. ORL helps the teachers to use it easily with basal reading programs, especially with students who experience difficulty in education to read. * ORL is a part of eloquence improving reading program. The strategies of ORL will focus on improving fluency.This calendar week we will focus on a) ORL Format.Direct Instruction of ORL Read, discuss, and analyze a story 1. The teacher reads the story out loud to the students. 2. After reading, the teacher works with students to discuss and analyze the story by constructing a story role that identifies the characters, setting, problem, events, and resolution. 3. The group uses the story map to write a brief summary that includes the critical information in the story.The teacher is careful to write down th e students language.Indirect Instruction Component (5 morsels daily)Students reread the stories that they have read in the small group, direct instruction component of ORL. While students practice reading quietly to themselves, the teacher listens to individuals read to see if they have achieved master in word recognition (98% accurate) and fluency (75 words per minute in 2nd grade level text). Reading plan for Year 4-5 Oral Recitation LessonYear 4 Follow Charlie and the chocolate factory (continue reading ahead)Year 5 Read Harry potter(continue reading ahead)How to use Oral Recitation Lesson technique1. Read a chapter and identify setting, problems, events and resolution. 2. Write a brief summary at the end of the week on the chapters read. 3. Teachers to follow Indirect Instruction Component mentioned previously to check the fluency and word recognition.Resource Material for Year 1 Ginn Reader (Level 6) Time to Smile / Tales we like)Resource Material for Year 2 Ginn Reader (Level 8) Through the year / Moonshine)Resource Material for Year 3 Ginn Reader (Level 8) Festivals / Magical Tales)
An analysis on leaderships’ effect on culture Essay Example for Free
An analysis on leaderships fix on finish EssayFactsConnectCo is an bulgebound c totally center in Toronto, Ontario and is the Canadian Subsidiary of a U.S. marketing and sales consulting practice. The pargonnt company has provided receiptss to Fortune 500 companies every hindquarters its five years of operations and employs most 75 people. ConnectCo has annual r veritable(a)ues of $29.4 gazillion, with attri justeic typifyation Office Solution as their biggest grudge at $20 million annually, for a contract length of three years. This contract awarded ConnectCo net profits as high as 35% of sales. What ConnectCo offers to guests is the convenience and cost savings of re pathetic a costly field sales force and replaces them with a more(prenominal) cost efficient arrive forwardbound call center. These call centers suffice customers with technical problems, provide crude equipment updates, and disseminates familiarity about in the alto set upher technologies or equ ipment. The attribute account, as preceding(prenominal)ly menti nonp beild, provides a pregnant substance of ConnectCos total revenue and was first negotiated by Charlie Gallagher, the vice-president of Canadian operations, and is managed by Chad Macdonald.Joe Davis is a passionate and go through consultant that has break absented closely with lymph glands to rate and implement solutions to very specific problems. He joined ConnectCo hoping to learn from the family of experience that he saw in spite of appearance the face, with the majority of them macrocosm former Xerox employees with trustable k straightaway guidege in increasing sales. His role in the organization was to fit that the aim of service that ConnectCo provided met or surpassed the ask of clients. As per his position at bottom the company he was the first to nonice the discrepancy deep down the Symbol account. The contract that was signed mingled with ConnectCo and Symbol required that there be a c ertain round of Inside Account Executives (IAE) that be trained at all times and at a withdraw making calls in the clients inte recumbs.The recent decline in the IAE pool has left several(prenominal) seats open, with no calls being placed on behalf of Symbol, however they were still complaint the customer as if the seats where all operating at full capacity while they should only be billing them for filled operators. The amount of the discrepancy totals $81000. The terms of the contract suck up been modified several times over its effective term with the first being an extension of the contract and the nonice of intent to develop reciprocally agreed to service levels. Service level targets were never accomplished.SymptomsThe four movering symptoms ar communion, trust, account exponent, responsibility and integrity. These symptoms atomic number 18 the leading cause for Connectcos inability to run operations smoothly and effectively. The postulate of parley within Conne ctco is causing headaches for Davis as selective information continues to be blocked by noise within the company. The communication is undermentioned to nonexistent from the top of the hierarchy to the de dissolvement managers within the company. The lack of trust throughout the company is non helping their cause when onerous to create an effective and demanded product for fortune 500 companies.There is infinitesimal trust betwee the top managers and employees that they give complete their respected plays at hand with the level of trust level amid employees and managers decaying over time and as the built in bed worsens. Accountability is near nonexistent within the organization. Davis is non able to hold his manager accountable because of his past record in doing so. Accountability is crucial in order for Connectco to run smoothly in the future. Conflict frequently causes employees to sapidity to offload their behave onto new(prenominal)s to not be responsible for fai lure, as in the case of Chad Macdonald passing the role of dealing with the Symbol account off to Joe Davis. Finally, there is picayune integrity.Dealing with the account neither Chad nor Charlie believe that the go around solution would be to deal with the problem and would both prefer to make a decision that would go against the main take to be of the corporation that includes trustworthiness. There is a valid case of value incongruence within ConnectCo. These four main symptoms are major attributes to the problems faced within Connectco and are the four elements that may be the solutions to solving Connectcos organisational problems in the near future.Problem StatementConnectCos current situation is the forthwith result of the execrable collective close as evidenced by the symptoms that are present. This flori gloss stems from the leaderships short moral philosophy and lack of values and has cascaded to the rest of the organization. Joe Davis, the new manager of the co mputer programmening and Reporting department for ConnectCo, began his new job about a month ago finds himself in the uncomfortable situation of questioning the ethics of his coworkers that has led to the jeopardized relationship between ConnectCo and their largest client Symbol Office Solutions. Joe must decide how to approach this remote situation as a new member of the company without compromising his own morals and values. analysisIn evaluating the relevant manakins to head the problem statement there is one model in grumpy that effectively in collectives several of the models readed to perform an analysis of the corporate refining at ConnectCo Edgar H. Scheins Model of organizational Culture. Scheins model is the most relevant to identify the reason for the symptoms and problems currently facing ConnectCo. The incorporation of the more different aspects to identify the nuance of an organization including atifacts, shared values, and shared assumptions enables a thorou gh review of the culture present at ConnectCo. The ascertaining analysis allow break down Scheins model and quantify each section with the following relevant analysis to get a pause understanding of the situation. It go out be presented in the following order artifacts, shared values, shared assumptions.ArtifactsCommunication within the ConnectCo organization does not represent the ideal scenario for a well-run organization. This lack of proper communication and clarity is unfortunately spilling over into its line of business dealings with clients. Both represent one of the most evident aspects of the artifacts of the company, the cultural norms that are evident to another(prenominal)s and neither is impressive. To find, this analysis go forth focus on internal communication and then shift focus to the extraneous communication with other organizations.Davis opened up a new gist and types a simple e-mail, in case Gallagher picked it up with his Blackberry. This is but one e xample of the many e-mail conversations that take place within the ConnectCo organization. The situation that ConnectCo finds themselves in is extremely complicated, owing a client a attribute for $81000, yet the medium with which Joe Davis chose to use to relay his message was e-mail. A quick analysis of the media richness hierarchy model shows that in this particular situation, which shadow be easily identified as non- function and ambiguous, this medium carries too little information-carrying capacity.If ConnectCo is going to come up with a solution they are going to need to switch to a much richer medium such as face-to-face to get a better understanding of the depicted object and come up with better outcomes. A second occasion that warrants investigation is the initial email from Joe Davis to Charlie Gallagher. In this initial email he again employ to wrong medium to convey the breadth of the roll in the hay that is ambiguous and non-routine. Charlie chose to respond in an email as well, with nine words. This will play a factor again in the analysis of the shared values, more specifically the espoused values that leadership (Gallagher) conveys.Communication between the organizations is also very weak, speaking to the weak cultural artifacts of the ConnectCo organization, and possibly Symbol. It has been acknowledged that they do indeed live with face to face communications with their customers, Gallagher does meet with Puhl for golfing events face to face, this does not represent an ideal time, however, as the venue is much to informal to discuss business matters as earthly concern clashings contain significant noise, literally and figuratively, that may lead to the message being decoded incorrectly.The rest of the communication between the two parties, even between the account relationship manager Chad MacDonald and Steve Puhl was done either by telephone or by email. another(prenominal) aspect of the artifacts of communication that deserves at tention is the construction of the contract. Again, the communication process model is most relevant and one of the simplest ways to word the breakdown is that the contract contained too much noise and was not properly decoded by ConnectCo. The ambiguity of the contract comes from many revisions, some of which were not even available to the relevant employees such as Joe Davis and using words such as notwithstanding which was interpreted differently by Joe Davis, Chad MacDonald, and Charlie Gallagher. This occurred because the contract was not descriptive enough.Another aspect to the artifacts portion of the model of organizational culture is the ceremonies that take place within the organization. These ceremonies are used by certain employees and management to get the attention of an audience. In this particular situation the most evident are the golfing trips that Gallagher takes with clients to cement his position as the most substantial rival to the clients. And finally, the organizational structure, which has a great effect on culture. ConnectCo currently has a client structure, as negotiated within the contract agreement, the organization will maintain a set number of staff specifically to service that account.Espoused ValuesOur values reflect what is important to us. They are a shorthand way of describing our single(a) and corporal motivations. Together with beliefs, they are the causal factors that drive our decision-making. (http//www.valuescentre.com/values/?sec=values_overview) The above quote reflects what should be the nerve center of any business, the values shared by all of the different employees congruent to the plan laid out by management for the success of the organization. In Scheins model shared or espoused values represent the second of the 3 components and the first of the invisible dynamics, as in they cannot be easily observed by others. Richard Barrett, author of Building a Values-Driven Organisation A Whole System Approach to C ultural transubstantiation believes that values can be either positive or negative and each can have an equal and opposite effect on the corporations culture.The espoused values must begin as an individual value through some authority figure, such as a founder, senior management, or even an individual with significant power within an organization. These individuals culture then influences their immediate coworkers, the teams with which they operate, then the organization as a whole. These individuals can therefore set the values for the whole organization regardless of what the dominant culture of the organization through countercultures. The culture of an organisation, or any group of individuals that share a common identity, is a upbraiding of the values and beliefs of the leaders. (http//www.valuescentre.com/leadership/?sec=leadership__culture) With control information on the dominant culture of ConnectCo as established by its American head company, which include integrity an d trustworthiness, it can only be assumed that the culture that prevails at Connectco is a subculture of the organization as a whole.The following analysis suggests that the counterculture present in ConnectCo is the direct result of the actions of Charlie Gallagher. As the leader in the organization Charlie has had a profound effect on the values and ethics present within the organization. His handling of the Symbol account clearly demonstrates his values and ethics. His position as leader and culture setter warrants investigation based on several components. First, the competency of his leadership will be analyzed incorporating an analysis of his personal values and the commencement of his power. To begin, Charlie possesses several characteristics of an effective leader. He has significant self-concept, his personality skills are high, he has the motivation to be a leader, and significant knowledge of the business. These competencies push those that work for him to have the same skills as demonstrated in Chad MacDonald however, his low integrity has also been transmitted to other co-workers. By encouraging Davis to play with the numbers and do things that were out of the contract he shows his low integrity.This has led to a lack of trust that is evident from Joe Davis and several other members of the ConnectCo staff throughout the handling of the symbol account. This is not the only negative quality that has displayed. Gallagher also exhibits limited cognitive and practical intelligence. His recommendation to alone go with the lowest cost shows a lack of understanding of the situation (and going back to communication) the ambiguity of the situation , this has pervaded to his employees where Chad was more than willing to agree to a band aid solution going against honest business practices. Neither fully understands the situation and Chad was more than happy to hand off the problem to Joe Davis even though he was the relationship manager on the account and dealing with clients is outside of the scope of work for Joe Davis. The reason for Gallaghers lack of integrity can be easily explained through the Swartz values circumplex.Clearly, Gallagher is more focused on self-enhancement, his need for achievement is evidenced through the fact that everyone must know that he is the one that negotiated the Symbol account and demonstrated through his golf business trips, as well as his refusal to accept responsibility for poorly negotiating a contract and failing to adhere and communicate the contents of the contracts that he signed. He is also a leader that craves power and prefers significant power distance, as proven by his screening of his employees calls and not showing up to the meeting with Joe Davis and Chad MacDonald to clarify the contract for them. Both of these values agree his integrity and unfortunately those values are only two that his leadership has caused the rest of the organization to adopt, the need for security security be ing another. Gallaghers aforementioned need for power is also affecting the culture of the organization.His handling of the Symbol account and the contract shows that he uses a wheel formation of information inhibit to maintain power within the organization. By him going golfing with the big shots at Symbol rather than relationship manager Chad, shows that he inescapably to maintain that simplicity of information which in turn gives him control over Chad and the account. This is combined with Joe Davis perception of an upward appeal within the organization that do him rethink his ability to go to the higher ups with the information because he believes that the management will take the side of Gallagher given that they are both MBA graduates. Fear is an influence tactic that Gallagher has wielded to maintain order and obedience from his employees through his connection with the president.The effect on culture is that because employees cannot contact upper management the values t hat he imposes on the organization will be the ones that dictate how operations are carried out. Indirectly, this is what has causes the problem with ConnectCo and Symbol. Gallagher controlling the information has prevented Chad from acting in the best interest of the company to ensure the contract is followed and that there are no issues. It also means that now since the contract has not been followed the persons involves will use the cultural aspects of poor integrity and dodging that he has used with his employees as Chad demonstrated by dodging Steve Puhl and pushing the problem onto Joe Davis.Shared Assumptions and ValuesAnalysing the shared assumptions of ConnectCo with the Schwartzs Values Circumplex, we notice that the company talks about wanting to keep their most important client Symbol satisfied by valuing self-transcendence and conservation however their actions and dealing of the contract with Symbol do not reflect those values. The appropriate way to describe the value s that ConnectCo tend to go by is self-enhancing. They are running(a) for the client to provide them with everything listed in the contract, in this case a sufficient amount of IAEs, but are hiding information from Symbol to protect their own well-being. This seems to be enforced by Charlie Gallagher as he is telling Joe Davis that they should not have to buy off any penalty fees to Symbol for empty seats at the IAE position if there are current individuals in pay backing up for that position. Now we will account at the ethical values and behaviour the moral intensity of ConnectCo, more specifically Charlie Gallaghers ethical predisposition to the issue. The degree to which they should be applying ethical principles should be is high because Symbol is their biggest client and has trusted ConnectCo for a fewer years.However, the intensity being put forth is minimal as they are trying to get out of paying money to Symbol for not having staffed enough IAEs and they are forcing J oe Davis to go against his values and follow suit. This shows how little Charlie Gallagher cares about ethically conducting operations with clients and co-workers, as Joe Davis is being pressured into complying with Charlies demand because he does not want to risk losing his job even though what Charlie is telling him to do is illegal. Taking a look at the conflict process model we find our sources of conflict between, Gallagher, Davis and Steve Puhl from Symbol. The most obvious source is the communication between Gallagher and Puhl. First of all the contract between the two is too vague and open for description as the service level targets have not been defined for almost two years.Charlie is also not communicating the issue of his understanding of the contract, as he is just assuming that they should not have to pay Symbol credit for not having the specified amount of IAEs because he is claiming that during those times they had individuals in training to fill those positions. An other issue is that even if what Gallagher interpreted was true, he does not have any data to prove that he had employees in training because he failed to communicate to Chad MacDonald, Joe Davis and to Carole Lam the exact details of the contract. This puts Joe in a uncomfortable situation when he receives a call from Steve Puhl and is unsure what the contract requirements. Another source of conflict is the incompatible goals and differentiation between Charlie and Joe. Joe is evidently trying to do the right thing because he is new to the company and wants to make a good impression by doing things ethically however Charlie is trying to make it seem like he is fulfilling the terms of the contract by making assumptions of the contract to get away with not having to pay Symbol their deserved credit.Another source of conflict is the scarcity of important resources. As mentioned previously Carole Lam the analyst was never told to keep data on the amount of years and which days that e mployees were in training. Joe needed this data to complete his work but obviously was unable to retrieve complete and accurate data on employee training. The way that Charlie seems to be handling this conflict is by avoiding communication with clients and co-workers. He is notorious for screening calls, he failed to show up to a meeting with Chad MacDonald and Joe Davis, and when asked how to calculate the credit owed to Symbol he simply tells Davis to use the lowest cost to save ConnectCo money and make himself look good. He also does not seem to be of much help to Joe Davis as Gallagher is the one who began this lack of communication which has led to faulty handling of Symbols credit account, and seems to be avoiding Joe Davis. This is causing the rest of the employees to obey his ideas because they have no idea what the contract actually calls for and even if they did know, would likely be unwilling to challenge his decisions because he is higher up in the company.AlternativesA lternative 1 Bring these numbers and issues to the electric chair and chief operating officer Pros Cons* Issues dealing with the Symbol account get turn to * Issues with the culture of the organization get addressed * Issues are addressed to an authority that can fix these problems and remove the negative counterculture * Keeps the organization from committing accounting boloney like other companies (Enron) * Brings to light all the ethical issues surrounding Charlie Gallagher and Chad MacDonald * Addresses turnover issues that have become routine in the company * This act could cause tension between Joe and his direct superior (Gallagher) * There is a risk that the chairperson sees this act as disloyal * Working with Gallagher and MacDonald after bringing their issues to light will be difficult moving forward * President/chief operating officer may share the same dys working(a) attitude towards the culture in the organization This alternative should include him making an ap gr adement with the President/CEO and bringing analyst Carole Lam to help support his findings.She is well conscious(predicate) with the financial numbers and how Gallagher is permit ConnectCo take money from their top client. This meeting needs to be face-to-face in order to bring about the severity of the conflicting situation. The meeting needs to include all facets of the organizations current lack of corporate ethical values and which individuals must be held accountable. Joe must conclude that if there are immediate corporate culture changes, he would still like to keep working with Gallagher and MacDonald and build a trusting and functional working relationship with both. This will help heartsease the tension between himself and his immediate superior as well as showing the President that he is capable of handling mismanagement. This alternative is highly recommended and addresses all the facets of this situation.Alternative 2 Quit and find another jobPros Cons* Joe no longer has to deal with the resoundingly shaky ethical structure and poor communication at ConnectCo * Joe doesnt become a part of the problem * Joe no longer has to deal with Gallaghers lack of trust and consideration with their top patronage at his cost * Joe doesnt become an accomplice to committing accounting fraud * difference an organization after only one month doesnt look good to future prospective employers * This would go against his freshly engaged fiance who wanted to see him get off the road * No severance packet * No recommendation or verbal support from ConnectCo once he pull outs This alternative does not come recommended as it leaves Joe and ConnectCo with an uncertain future.Should Joe decide to leave the company, he would not get a severance share and future employers will wonder why he lasted only a month at his previous job making it more difficult to find employment opportunities. Also, his fiance did not want his moving around for work a lot and two jobs in le ss than two months will leave his situation at home stressful. Also, should prospective employers contact ConnectCo, they would have no reason to support Joe for his limited work. Although Joe does not have to deal with this poor corporate culture, running away from the situation does not help in any positive way.Alternative 3 Try to resolve issue without Chad MacDonald or Charlie Gallagher Pros Cons* Helps ease relationship between ConnectCo and Symbol * Steve Puhl does not have to deal with Chad (who he is getting nowhere with) * Joe can try to incorporate cultural changes to those he can * Has Carole Lam to help him fix the financial disparities of the comapny * Leaving Chad and Charlie in the dark is risky * Steve Puhl may accidently contact Chad or Charlie and miscommunication may occur * Does not address how to fix the imminent turnover issues surrounding the IAEs * Not reporting these changes with his superior could cost him his job Because Joe handles the reporting side of t he company, it would go against his responsibilities as an employee to bring up any new information regarding Symbol and can be subject to his employment being terminated if Gallagher was to find out.This alternative is incredibly risky, but does see some rewards. These rewards include easing the relationship between ConnectCo and Symbol and slowly changing the culture in the corporation as best he can. Unfortunately, he is only just a manager and a new one, so it would be hard for him to get others to respond to his command when there hasnt been enough relationship development between his other employees. With this in mind, it is best to look at other alternatives.RecommendationOur recommendation is based off of Alternative 1, in which we suggest brining the financial statements and issues to the attention of the President and CEO. This will allow us to ensure that all problems in relation to the Symbol account and the culture of the organization are addressed accordingly. This wil l also shed light on the ethical issues that need to be addressed, surrounding Gallagher and MacDonald. As well, it will prevent any consequences from occurring, resulting from accounting fraud. Once Joe Davis meets with the President and CEO to inform them of his findings, it will be up to the President to create and urgency for change within the organization. In order to implement this change we would recommend the use of Lewins Force Field Analysis Model. By implementing this model the President could un impede the current situation, change the organizational culture and ethics of the company, and then freeze the company in that state. By doing so the company would change into operating with a more socially responsible client first attitude. By creating urgency for change the President could use client rapture as a driving force to push the employees, in order to ensure each client receives the customer service they deserve.By ensuring the client is always receiving social and e thical treatment, it will drive away any restraining forces, such as lack of integrity, which can be attributed to the accounting fraud. Now we can consider how the President could unfreeze and re-freeze the company in order to complete the change. The President should focus on creating an adaptational culture, in which the company will have an external focus. By creating an external focus the employees will gain ground that the organizations success depends on continuous change to be a more stakeholder and client oriented company. In this situation it means focusing on changing into a more socially and ethically aware organization to better serve the clients. There is also an internal focus that must be implement as well. This includes employees working towards the organizational goals that are set.In this situation the organizational goals would be to provide better customer service. As well by creating an adaptive culture, employees would have a stronger sense of ownership wit hin the organization, and therefore take more responsibility for their performance and tasks. Therefore we believe that since a companys culture often reflects the leaders personality, it really is up to the President to make the steps obligatory to change the organization. One final step we would recommend taking, is to fire Charlie Gallagher. The basis of firing off Gallagher is the fact that he was trying to commit accounting fraud. Therefore the company would have just cause for his dismissal. By firing Gallagher, this would also be the first step towards creating a socially and ethically driven company Gallagher is simply a restraining force that is preventing the organization from making that move towards a better organizational culture.Action PlanOur recommendation is often referred to as whistle blowing, which is when a company employee goes public or to his superiors with private information that could hurt the company. This technique is usually used when social and ethic al responsibilities are being neglected or ignored. While it may seem simple enough, the process is far from smooth and the employee doing the whistle blowing is often made out to be a burnt out low level employee who is unhappy. So before Joe does anything of the test he must be brisk for anything to happen. The best way to approach this alternative would be 1. bring in all relevant information and be prepared to present your case and be able to upshot any and all questions 2. No president of CEO wants to hear that their companys values and ethics are being compromised, so he must prepare a plan B in order to protect himself from media and personal scrutiny. 3. Joe must schedule a face-to-face meeting with the CEO to ensure that there is no outside noise or misinterpretations with his information and language4. When presenting his findings, Joe must deliver his message in a way that is not an attack or critique. He must not quest out what is wrong but what needs to be improved and why. 5. As part of his presentation Joe needs to incorporate his own recommendations and action plan. Once he goes through with this meeting there is not bit back. The recommendation and action plan should follow a similar tone to what was mentioned above, it should not only identify the problems but what needs to be done to fix them and how to go about fixing them. 6. After the meeting is over all Joe can do is wait for the decisions by the CEO and board of governors. At this point in time a lot of different things can happen and Joe needs to be prepared for any outcome. The optimistic outcome would be to have your action plan ready to implement and begin fixing the company.The pessimistic outcome would be that they reject his action plan and making his career a nightmare. If this were the case Joe should be prepared to look for another job, or be prepared to defend himself from public scrutiny. Joe is caught in the middle of a lose-lose situation, so his best alternative is the lesser of two evils. It is difficult being the new guy in a company, especially when youre the one telling that what they are doing is wrong. However, sometimes it takes an outside perspective to identify the problems that have gone unnoticed for too long. If Joe can present a clear and strong case that does not personally offend the CEO, and present the opportunities for improvement, the process should run as smooth as possible.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Film Editing Essay Example for Free
Film Editing EssayThe 1972 film The Godfather directed by Francis Ford Coppolla based on the novel by Mario Puzo that takes one inside the world of the Mafia as shown in the Corleone family where its patriarch, Don Vito is the Godfather but later, the focus of the film would later on shift to his son Michael who at first was not part of the Mafia family, but later on gradually joined it until he became the Godfather. The rise of Michael Corleone from being a civilian to Godfather is made possible by a well-coordinated cinematography which also involves editing. Editing is a film technique where reels of film are subjected to cut and paste in rear to weave the scenes into a seamless sequences of events that unfold the moment it hits the silver screen. In this film, the producers make use the straight editing technique. This approach is employed for the purpose of maintaining continuous or clear narrative action. It begins with the scene when Michael arrives at his sister Connie s wedding reception which is presided by their father Don Vito.This scene shows that Michael is not part of the new(prenominal) family his father leads as depicted by him dressed in a military uniform which showed he came from the war. The next scene would be the attempted hit (murder) of Don Vito in the market and a let on scene where Michaels older br early(a) Sonny was killed. This is followed by the scene where he was mauled by corrupt constabulary officers and another where he is handed a gun by his fathers mafiosi which he would use in a later scene to kill McCluskey, one of the corrupt cops and his fathers rival Sollozzo.His brothers death and later his father, has thrust him into bonny the head of the Family which is underscored by scenes showing the hits on rival mafia leaders while serving as the godfather of his sisters son. This is capped with the final scene where he closed the door to his study as he is to the highest degree to preside over a family meeting with h is second wife Kay standing by the doorway. These shots were cut and paste in a way that it follows a progressive sequence.The seamlessness of the scenes shows rhythm in the editing and the intervals were either marginal or eliminated thereby preserving the momentum on focusing on Michael. The film also makes use of eye-line matches where the consultation sees things initially from Don Vitos perspective, at the beginning and switching to Michael, as it is shown in numerous scenes especially his skirmish with Sollozzo and switches to his wife as shown in the final scene when the door to Michaels office closes with her looking on which underscored that Michael chose his other family thereby sealing his fate.The baptism scene shows the application of the temporal relationships as it is interspersed with the deaths of rival mafiosi, indicating what was happening at the alike(p) time. In conclusion, the use of (continuous) editing helped make the story of The Godfather easy to under stand and to appreciate totally as it shows a seamless stringing of scenes that show the rise of Michael Corleone to power. Reference Coppolla, F. F. (Director). (1972). The Godfather Motion Picture.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Lengthy lag Essay Example for Free
Lengthy relapse EssayFrom regular lag, another pillow slip of lag can develop delay that becomes too long for one of the speaker units Lengthy lag occurs when speaker perceives that the ensuing verbalizing or silence is taking too much time and reacts verbally or nonverbally. typically this produces one of two results, the speaker who is uncomfortable begins to talk again, creating pause, or exhibits some discomfort while griping. In this example, which occurs moments subsequently the meeting begins, the prof explains that she scheduled TV/VCR for next weeks class to show the Students ASL story. 4 After waiting one second, while the reading occurs, the Professor begins to speak again. The Professor speaks one vox and pauses. Meanwhile, an interpretation into ASL is produced which lasts one line segment ( full second), and then the Professor speaks again. Later, in while think this portion on videotape, she indicated that she act for reason am waiting for response, a nd it doesnt seem to come, so say something. The lag becomes protracted, not because of time count, but because of the Professors perception that the ensuing silence lasts too long.One of the factors that may subscribe prompted the Professor to continue talking is that, after the interpretation, the Student begins to respond by nodding his head. As the Professor finishes in line 65, she hears nothing for full second, although it is possible that she sees the interpreter signing. This lack of any speaking may have increased the perception of silence (or that there might not be response) by the Professor. The Professors wait for response in this example becomes important in the light of future silences.The next example of lengthy lag, segment that occurs near the end of the meeting, is when the Professor waits but signals her discomfort nonverbally. Interestingly, however, she continues to wait without adding to a greater extent talk. The Student wants to overtake his pape r in at later date. The Professor wants to see if other students in the class be finished with their transcripts the following week rather than today. After two line segments, the Professor is finished. The Interpreter is interpreting from what was said before and continues interpreting for the Professor.The Interpreter actually starts interpreting this segment on line 187 and continues for sise lines. The interpretation continues on and on while the Student says nothing and the Professor says nothing. At line 192, after waiting for three and half lines or transcript or more than three seconds, the Professor turns, looks at the Interpreter, and then looks back to the Student. Her movement and her facial expression seem indicative of sense of puzzlement, but she does not initiate any talk and continues to wait for response. consider this another example of lengthy lag because of the deal time that elapses and also because of the discomfort breaked by the Professor. It is not hard to note examples of lengthy silences during which primary participants display uneasiness. In her interview, the Professor commented several times that because she heard no response in what seemed to her reasonable delay, she continued talking. This can be attributed to her own conversational style of faster pacing and pausing discussed in her book informal Style Analyzing Talk among Friends (Tannen 1984).More interesting, however, is that her tolerance for reasonable delay grew from length of two clauses to five clauses or from one second to slightly more than five seconds. Learning about Lag From studies of ordinary treatment we know that although participants begin to talk in context, they continue to contribute to contextual features, changing the context as the interaction acts (Goffman 1981 Gumperz 1982, Schiffrin 1994). In so doing, they go steady how to interact with their conversational partners.Thus, it is not unique to learn that primary speakers who lack exp erience with interpreters seem to learn about interpreted interaction as they hand done meeting. However, it is unique in the sense that this learning, for the most part, remains un-described and unaccounted for. In this meeting, the Professor learns how interpreted conversations proceed so that her tolerance for lag and her wait for response grow, gradually increasing in length. At the number 1 of the meeting, she turns several instances of lag into pauses by speaking again.As the meeting continues, she tolerates longer periods of silence but belt up turns these delays into pauses. Later, she accepts another long silence which the Student changes into pause to shift to new subtopic. Toward the end of the notwithstandingt, she waits for response even when it becomes longer than she normally tolerates. Here are segments of talk demonstrating that the Professor is learning about lag through the course of the event. The first example has already been presented as turning lag into pause by adding more talk.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Persuasive Letter Essay Example for Free
persuasive Letter EssayThe question of uniforms at train is becoming more pertinent to our society. Wearing a school uniform is a breach of childrens individuality and self expression. Everyone is unique and so qualification people wear a school uniform takes away their personality. May this be the reason which discourages them from playacting to their full potentials? People believe that if students wore their own clothes they would get approximated on how they look. However no matter, what you discerp in, they will always find a way to pass judgement upon their peers. If its not establish on the style of clothes you wear, there are many other superficial ways to judge people and form cliques. Uniforms dont always ensure equality among students. They can actually promote racism and rivalry between different schools.I tell you that for a fact that not article of clothing a school uniform actually decreases the number of detentions you get. You may think this sounds stupid , but it is true turn in you ever had one of those bad days where everything seems to go wrong? When something bad happens unexpectedly? Well Im talking about my friend. The other day she got in trouble because her skirt was too high. staidly if school uniform was abolished, it wouldnt lead to this. Detention for such a pointless reason No way. I surrender That friend was meWe all know that school uniforms are expensive. Uniforms make parent fade money unnecessarily. They tend to be more expensive than the daily clothes we wear, outside of school. Uniforms can greet a lot, especially when more than one child is attending school.Overall, I personally think that school uniforms should be abolished. Uniforms dont let us express who we really are. They are expensive and much waste a lot of money, when children grow out of them.Please consider taking action on this vital issue. I would truly appreciate it if you would put some time and thought on this flake and put my points into c onsideration.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Louis Pojman’s We Don’t Deserve What We Earn Essay Example for Free
Louis Pojmans We Dont Deserve What We Earn actMerit and desert are two terms that are always in opposition to unmatchable a nonher. While merit measures wait upon in terms of success or failures, desert presupposes that value is not only measured in terms of success or failure entirely also the intentions moldiness be assessed. Desert asseses whether or not one had good or bad intentions, whether or not one was responsible for the success or failure.While it is tempting to judge on issues with regards to their value in terms of the intentions of doing them as well as the success or failure of the object to check our specific demands, I do believe that we merit is the best way of making a decision we deserve what we earn. Athlete who has been training for long hours everyday deserves to win a race because of his attempt to train, and not marely because he is tall or has somewhat long strides. Merit presumes that a person deserves something provided that he has some quali ties.This is in contrast to desert which assumes a person to deserve something given that he attempts or does something. The measuring rod for deciding whether we deserve what we earn may be either through merit or desert, but one fact is that we generally deserve what we earn. The society itself is full of pointers to the fact that we get what we saw. To light with, the laws governing our actions in the society show a justice. The concept of justice is found in most cultures and religious institutions.An ancient Greek poet, Simonides, defined justice as free each person his payable an idea which is unequivocal in the ancient Greek laws which also defined justice as giving the people what they merited. This idea of justice is also evident in most religions. The concept of the final perspicacity done on the basis of ones goodness or badness cuts across all religions in the Hindoo scriptures the notion of reward got after reincarnation is portrayed as being proportional to the p ersons deeds.This same idea is also exemplified in the Quran and explicit in the Hebrew and Christian countersigns. The bible for example states that what a person sows such shall he reap. In the current world affairs, we can look at the US election as one indicator of the criteria by which the society measures its values. We can decide to look at Obama as deserving the win from two perspective, from a meritorious point of keep an eye on or from a desert based point of view.If we look at it from a merit-based point of view, past we can scan that Obama be the win because he planned well, mounted a successful hunting expedition machinery and was successful in convincing the young people, many of whom voted for him. On the other hand, we can decide to say that Obama deserved to win because he represented a minority community which has been oppressed and so deserved to win the election on this ground.ReferencePojman, L. Merit Why do we value it. Journal of affectionate Philosophy. New York. Vol 3083-102.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
United States Parcel Service Essay Example for Free
United States Parcel emolument EssayFounded in 1907 as a messenger company in the US, UPS has grown substanti aloney into a multi-billion dollar corporation. To daytime UPS is a homowide company with one of the most recognized and admired brands in the world. They are the worlds largest incase and Delivery Company and a leader of transportation and logistics serve. Every day they manage the flow of goods to more(prenominal) than 200 countries worldwide.In 1907 there was a great need of private messenger and manner of speaking goods in America. A young entrepreneur calld James E. (Jim) Casey, borrowed $100 dollars from a friend and established the American Messenger Company in Seattle, Washington. Six grades before the US Parcel lieu constitution was established, messengers would run errands, deliver packages, carry notes, baggage, and deliver food from restaurants. Most of the deliveries were made on foot, and bicycle for age farsighted trips, because there were fe w automobiles in existence and horse and wagons were many used for deliveries to department stores.At hardly 19 years of age Jim and his partner Claude Ryan ran the dish up, taking phone calls within their basement. The company did well notwithstanding stiff competition, according to accounts that there were quite a few messenger services already in the area, some of which Jim had worked for in the past. The messengers were a handful of teenagers including Jims younger brother George, these messengers ran off very stern policy of customer courtesy, reliability, round the clock service and low rates. These same principles guide UPS like a shot, and are summarized by Jims slogan best service and lowest rates.Between 1913 and1918 the company focused on package delivery for retail stores. The year in 1913 brought several significant changes, as improvements of the automobile and telephone were cause a decline in the messenger business. For the next two years their biggest client w as the US Post Office, for which they delivered all special delivery mail entering the Seattle area. During this period the company started combining packages addressed to a certain neighborhood on to one delivery vehicle. Doing this enabled them to use manpower and motorized equipment more expeditiously while still keeping up their low rates principle.Also during these times, Jim agreed to merge with contender Evert (Mac) McCabe. The merge reflected a shift in the primary focus of the business form messages to packages and created a invigorated name Merchants Parcel Delivery. The young company built a strong nature among stores in the city, and by 1918 three of Seattles largest department stores had become regular customers. Due to their high standard of service and personalized attention to every(prenominal)(prenominal) package handled many stores got rid of their own delivery cars, some of which Jim would leveraging and slap the name Merchants Parcel Delivery on the side.In 1919 the company adopted its current name the United Parcel Service, and made its first expansion beyond Seattle to Oakland, California. United served as a reminder that the companies operating in each city were part of the same organization, Parcel identified the nature of the business, and Service indicated what was offered. In 1922 they introduced their innovative familiar carrier service that they acquired in a company in Los Angeles. This new common carrier service included automatic daily pickup, acceptance of checks made out to the shipper, and hebdomadary billing. UPS was one of the few companies in the U.S. to offer common carrier service at the time. In 1924 they created other technological that would shape their future, by introducing the first conveyor belt system for handling packages.The retail delivery service had also expanded to include all the major cities on the U.S. Pacific Coast. It wasnt until 1930 that UPS lengthened its reach to the East Coast when it beg an consolidating the deliveries of several large department stores in the New York area. During WWII, there were shortages of discharge and rubber which influenced retail stores to restrict their delivery services and encourage customers to carry home their packages. The trend act by and by the war, throughout the 1930s and 40s they had continued to expand their retail store services, though by the previous(predicate) 50s it was clear that contract service to retail stores was limited.In 1952 UPS decided to expand its services by acquiring common carrier rights to deliver packages between all customers. This placed UPS in competition with the U.S. Postal Service, and in direct opposition to the regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission or the (ICC). So they decided to begin common carrier operations in cities where they could do so without authority. In order to satisfy the growing unrestricted demand for their services, they went before regulatory commissions and court s to obtain certification to operate over wide areas.It wasnt long until UPS provided air service through privately operated aircrafts in 1953. They tried this in the past in the year 1929 but due to a lack of intensity level the service had to end the same year. When they began their air operations, they offered two-day service to major cities along the east and west coasts. It wasnt until 1979 when air service was available in every state, between the 1950s and 70s the company was still restricted from operating in many parts of the landed estate and fighting with the ICC to freely ship in all states. In 1975 was when they were first able to serve all 48 contiguous United States, and now available coast to coast and all around the world. before this was available senders sometimes had to transfer a package between several carriers before the package reached its terminal destination.Because demand for air delivery was increasing during the 1980s UPS began to assemble its own jet cargo fleet. In 1985, UPS entered the overnight air delivery business, due to the growing demand for faster service. By 1988 UPS, officially became an airline, after they received authorization from the FAA to operate their own aircraft. The UPS Airlines was one of the fastest growing airlines in history and today is one of the 10 largest airlines in the United States, and features some of the most advance operating systems in the world and operates in more than 200 countries and territories. By 1993 UPS was delivering 11.5 million packages a day, and with such a high volume they had to develop new technology. Thats when they came up with the handheld Delivery Acquisition Device that we see every UPS delivery driver using. It was developed to record and upload data to the UPS network, so customers can have real-time instruction about their packages, in case of any change in schedule or delays. It wasnt until 1994 that UPS.com went live, allowing for customers to be able to track their packages. Then in 1995 they became the first company to allow same day departure and over-night deliveries.Over the past 100 years, UPS has become an expert in transportation growing from a small messenger company to a leading provider in air, ocean, ground, and electronic services. The company maintains its reputation for integrity, reliability, employee ownership and customer service. As the worlds largest package delivery company and leading globose provider of specialized transportation and logistics services, UPS continues to develop the frontiers of logistics, supply chain management and e-commerce, by combining the flows of goods information and funds.
Othello Essay Example for Free
Othello EssayIn the butterfly Othello written by Shakespeare, the bonk of racism is addressed. Othello, the protagonist of the shoo-in, is Afri burn American or black. According to Lois Whitney, many of Othellos specific attributes probably derive from Shakespeares reading of Leo Africanus, whose Geographical Historie of Africa which was translated and published in London in 1600(Berry, 1990). many a(prenominal) critics have different views on this. If Shakespeare depended upon Leo Africanus for such details, he must have been much more interested in racial psychology than critics such as Bradley or Heilman suggest(Berry, 1990). One of the close to prominent features of this Shakespeare play is the many references to Othellos skin garble made by multiple characters however both(prenominal) critics tend to ignore or underplay the issue of Othellos race. Many critics have different views and arguments on Othellos skin color. A. C. Bradley, fro example, asserts that in reg ards to the essentials of his character Othellos race is un all important(predicate), and that Shakespeare would have laughed if anyone had congratulated him on the accuracy of his racial psychology (Skura 2008).Others differ and believe Othellos race was important. Laurence Lemer calls Othello the story of a barbarian who relapses and concludes that Shakespeare suffered from colour detriment (Berry, 1990). Throughout the play Othello is referred to as a Moor. Moor is a term meaning a caudex from Africa. Harold Clarke Goddard argues that Othello is n all a Negro nor a Moor but any many who is more bonny within than he is without (Skura, 2008). Some critics even put the audience of the play into consideration.The potential impact of his animal(prenominal) appearance upon audiences is suggested by Charles Lambs frank admission that although he could find Othello admirable in the reading he was merely repelled by the figure of a coal-black Moor on stage, he concluded that the play should rather be read and not seen (Berry, 1990). Many critics have tended to ignore or underplay the issue of Othellos skin color, but these select critics have not. Along with critics making references to Othellos race, many characters in the play do as well.The characters that are most racist refer to Othello by his real name less than the people who are least racist. Othellos lightlessness is not only a mark of his physical alienation but a symbol, to which every character in the play himself included must respond (Berry, 1990). Othello does not refer to himself as African but rather as an exotic Venetian. Other characters do not see Othello as that. Many characters call Othello numerous names separate than his real one. For Iago Othello is an old black ram, the devil, and a barbary horse (Berry, 1990).Many see Othellos pitch blackness as a symbol of ugliness, bestiality, treachery, and demonic. None of those words describe how Othello in truth is. Those words are the ste reotypic definition of what a black man is. This stereotypical definition puts Othello is a predicament and makes his acceptance in the Venetian society difficult. Once such critics conclude that Othello is not a stereotype, he tends to lose his individuation as a Moor and to become a representative of humanity (Berry, 1990).The stereotypical attribute of a black man plays an important role in the plays ending. Since this play is a tragedy and Othello is a tragic friend, his blackness does play a role in that. A tragic hero is the protagonist in a tragedy. This play is a tragedy considering Othello commits murder and ultimately takes his own life. Othellos Africanness is crucial to his tragedy not be work of what he is, innately or culturally but because of how he is sensed by others and himself (Skura, 2008).If it wasnt for Othello being black, the play may have had a different outcome. Throughout the play, Othello sees himself either as an exotic Venetian, a convert in the fu llest sense, capable of complete assimilation, or he sees himself as a barbarian, worthy of destruction (Berry, 1990). In the play Othello was worthy of destruction. It was the racism and hatred that drove him to it. If the other characters werent so judgmental about his skin color, the play would have ended very differently. His failure to break free of this constricting framework, to achieve a true sense of personal identity, is one of the plays most powerful sources of tragic feeling (Berry, 1990).With all the commotion over Othellos race, it really didnt give him a chance to be himself. By him being black, it makes him feel less trustworthy into his society. Othello attempts to shape an image of himself that will win acceptance in Venice (Berry, 1990). Critics also even see how Othellos identity is altered by the constant racial tension against him in the play. Stephen Greenblatt argues, Othellos identity depends upon a constant performance of his story, a loss of his own ori gins, an embrace and perpetual reiteration of the norms of another cultivation (Greenblatt, 1990).All of this racism in the play causes Othello some serious anxiety. Anxiety is a condition that can drive an individual to do things that are out of character for them. He cannot probe the real cause of his anxiety because to do so would be utterly destructive, leaving him with only two options to embrace his blackness and hurl its beauty and power in the face of his enemies, as does Aaron in Titus Andronicus, or to internalize their image of him and yield to self-loathing (Berry, 1990). Othello doesnt really do either in the play.He let others put thoughts into his well about his wife cheating on him with another man, which led to a murder scene where he killed his wife and in the end took his own life too. His immediate reaction to the murder thus reflects his divided image of himself he is either doomed like all great men or undo by his own blackness (Skura, 2008). Based on the e vidence in the play, Othello is definitely destroyed by his own blackness. His blackness is what drove him to commit the murder and kill himself.In conclusion, Othellos skin color is central to the play. It is important not merely because Shakespeare portrays Othello as a Moor or because racial tension and anxiety pervade the atmosphere of Venetian society, affecting Othellos relationship with every character and change magnitude his susceptibility to Iagos appeal it is important because Othello himself in his aspirations towards assimilation and anxieties about his blackness, internalizes a false duality that can only dehumanize him (Berry, 1990).This play does give the stereotype of black people a disallow name. Many critics argue what role his race played in the play. Some think it was really important while others argue it wasnt important at all. One of the most prominent features of this Shakespeare play is the numerous references to Othellos skin color made by multiple char acters however some critics tend to ignore or underplay the issue of Othellos race.
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