Saturday, August 31, 2019
Obtain information in research
RESEARCH METHODOLOGYIdentifying the research method or methodological analysis used to obtain information in a research is indispensable you must make up one's mind which method you are traveling to utilize in order to roll up the informations. Before acquiring started there are a twosome of footings that can be defined such as:Methodology:It is the manner that you are traveling to set about you research, and the attack of the research ( Whittaker 2009 ) .Research Method:Is the manner or the process that you are traveling to roll up your informations. The four most normally used are interviews, questionnaires, focal point groups and documental analysis ( ibid ) .Datas:The information that is needed to reply your research inquiry it is either numerical information or words ( ibid ) . By and large there are two types of research methods or approaches it either quantitative research or qualitative research.Quantitative Research:Normally covering or depicting quantification and measuring which can be analysed utilizing statistical trials to find a relationship between variables ( Whittaker 2009 ) .Qualitative Research:Tends to emphasis word as informations, such as the words of participants in interviews or written informations from paperss ( Whittaker 2009 ) . Recently there has been a tendency to unite these methods and utilize a 3rd method known as assorted method. When the two methods combine the research worker can profit from both for the good of the research. I will unite both methods in my research which is about safety in fictile fabrication because in some parts of the research I will hold to utilize quantitative and in the other parts qualitative as I will warrant subsequently. In quantitative researches world is viewed and inquiry for information is based upon scientific observation instead than philosophical like in qualitative which is non truly clear but by and large smaller sample sizes are used and studied in more deepness and inside informations in qualitative ( Miles and Huberman 1994 ) .Basically, qualitative research seeks to explicate the significance of societal phenomena through researching it instead than seeking to develop specific testable hypothesis like in quantitative. That is why we have used the quantitative portion because it is seeking to develop the safety of fictile fabrication and world is viewed in that. Normally quantitative is valued more than qualitative by governmental organisations as it focuses more in the & A ; lsquo ; what works ‘ docket and is easy generalisable, whereas societal work research has tended to favor qualitative approached ( Miles and Huberman 1994 ) . This research will travel through different stages and phases we can summarize the phases as follows: Phase I: Planning   & A ; gt ; Stage 1: Choosing a subject: which was & A ; lsquo ; Safety in Plastic Manufacturing ‘ Phase 2: Choosing an attack: unite both quantitative and qualitative methods Phase 3: Determination and composing the literature reappraisal Phase II: DATA COLLECTION   & A ; gt ; Phase 4: Roll uping your informations: either questionnaires or interviews and instance surveies. Phase 5: Analyzing your informations: by utilizing SPSS Phase 6: Writing your research: present your findings and happen the decision and recommendations if available In this research we will utilize a twosome of methods in-order to obtain the information needed but the most popular methods were interviews, questionnaires and studies. Every method will be defined and why it will be used in this survey.( 1 ) Interviews:Is one of the most popular research methods particularly for societal work, people normally feel familiar with it because it is something used in societal life about every twenty-four hours. Besides, it is a good technique to obtain information from people with cognition and experience, you can believe through your subject and do expressed things, for these ground I have chose interviews to be one of the methods for my survey. I will be questioning directors of mills, executives from wellness administrations and applied scientists these are the people who are suited for interviews because they have good experience in this field that we can utilize to happen the reply to the research inquiry. Some of these people might non be able to run into face to face that is why I will besides utilize telephone interviews it can be non as sufficient and accurate as face to face but still we can acquire utile information from it. Some of the advantages of interviews that they are good at analyzing complex issues and you get rich informations from it, besides your participants are enabled to discourse sensitive issues in an unfastened manner without perpetrating themselves in composing ( Whittaker 2009 ) . In my program we are non traveling to hold a batch of interviews our mark is 15-20 interviews ( depending on the information obtained ) because interviews are clip devouring to finish them and sometimes complicated to analyze them depending on how structured they are, how good is your participant ‘s experience ( Whittaker 2009 ) . There is a scope of interview types but chiefly the can be categorised as: structured, un-structured and semi-structured. In this survey we will utilize more semi-structured and structured interviews. The structured are extremely ordered and chiefly bring forthing quantitative informations that we will necessitate. This will be likely be used with the applied scientists in the mills. The semi-structured will hold a list of inquiries known as interview agenda and it will be more flexible and the order can be changed depending on the responses of the participants. This will be with directors of mills and executives from wellness and administrations. Some of the inquiries can be direct, in-direct, interpreting inquiries, presenting, etc. Silence can be really effectual in giving your participants clip to believe through their response and can add more utile information ( Whittaker 2009 ) .( 2 ) Questionnaires:This is the other type of method that will be used in this survey ; they originate from study tradition, which has a long history in societal scientific disciplines. Surveies are used to analyze big groups normally utilizing a standirised, quantitative attack to place beliefs and attitudes ( Whittaker 2009 ) .Questionnaires should be clear, avoid two-base hit barrelled inquiries, realistic, and non insistent. In this survey questionnaires will be aiming workers from mills that are affected by the deficiency of safety in their mills and employees from wellness administrations and random people who can hold any thought about this issue. To get down with there will be 200questionnaires ; it will be clear and related to safety and will non include any abbreviation that people can non understand. Language that is pec uliarly emotional or value laden and prima inquiries will be avoided excessively. There will be different types of responses like: Exact response: like the figure of old ages in work experience. Category response: such as choosing the degree of instruction. Dichotomous responses: yes/no Scale inquiries: degree of safety in the mill And there are unfastened ended inquiries that will give the participants to show his personal sentiment.( 3 ) Case Surveies:is a elaborate enquiry or experimental methods within a quantitative attack through to ethnography utilizing observation and interviews within a qualitative attack ( Payne and Payne 2004 ) . There will four mills in Saudi Arabia taken as a instance survey to detect the degree of safety there and what it lacks for.Mentions:Miles, M. and Huberman, A. ( 1994 ) Qualitative Data Analysis: An expanded beginning book.2nd editionPayne, G. and Payne, J. ( 2004 ) Key Concepts in Social ResearchWhittaker, A. ( 2009 ) Research Skills for Social Work
Friday, August 30, 2019
Swot Apple Case Study
While competitors do everything they can to keep costs down, Apple does what It can to make Its products deferent. In 2007, for the third year In a row, Apple was named as The Most Innovative Company by Businesslike. ; Strong leader. CEO Steve Jobs is â€Å"a legend for his design sense†. He is essential to the promotional aspect and public relations of Apple, especially when it comes to the pod. He is the â€Å"public face and champion of the brand†. He is also an expert when it comes to talking with the press, maintaining relationships with magazine editors, and creating new relationships.Jobs has the ability to think of Ideas that he is extremely passionate and energetic about and is always ready to share that idea to gain exposure. * Customer relationships (responsiveness to customer feedback). This ties into Steve Jobs' strong leadership as he takes action in response to customer feedback to show that the brand is listening and concerned. * Brand Exposure. Part of Apple's marketing strategy is Its retail stores. Apple has opened more than 200 retail stores located worldwide.Apple's retail stores contributed an estimated $200 million, 15 to 16% of Its profits during the past two years. The reasoning behind the stores is the belief that the more people can touch an Apple product and see also offer free group workshops, personal training, and personal assistance for Apple customers. * Strategic partnerships with well-known brands: Apple has created marketing agreements with Volkswagen of America, Burton Snowboards, Nikkei and Struck. This ties into consumer confidence as well as exposure through marketing partner advertisements. * Product design and features.Products that show superior qualities, that are easy to use and that have a high quality format, but mainly that show a clear product differentiation. * Strong financial performance: throng sales and potential growth, strong cash flows, an increasing net income, decreasing debt and controlle d inventory. Weaknesses * Profit per song is low: Even though tunes is simply used as a means to boost the sales of pods, phones and Apple TV's, Apple makes only approximately 10 cents per * Unpopular Apple TV features: users are not able to download a movie from song. Tunes directly to their TV; they have download it to their PC first. Apple TV requires a HDTV, but the movies that can be downloaded are of such low resolution that the picture looks fuzzy and old-fashioned, and lastly, it has no DVD drive. Hard time finalizing contracts with move studios because of pricing disputes. * Struggle with maintaining good supplier relationships. Many companies have expressed frustration working with Apple because Steve Jobs is very clear on his vision for his products and can tend to be controlling. Incompatible software in computer and digital music format. * 1% of the global cell phone business. Opportunities * Brand exposure through retail stores. * International growth and expansion. Ap ple is pursuing opportunities to sell the phone globally. It already has partnership agreements with cell phone carriers in France, Germany, and Great Britain. It has also entered the Middle East and Africa regions, ranking fifth next to Monika, Research In Motion, ETC, and Motorola.Apple is also trying to penetrate the Japanese market since it is one of the world's largest and most demanding mobile phone markets with almost 100 million mobile phone users. * Expansion in product line. Apple is trying to expand its product line to include media and software in addition to hardware. * Expansion in customer base. Apple is also trying to reach many different consumers rather than its traditional of tech- savvy consumers. Improvements in compatibility. * Improvements in strategic partnerships.Apple needs to search for more strategic partnerships and better its relationships with its suppliers so effective agreements can be reached. * Growth in new user segments Threats * Competitors' thr eats. Realizations sought a price war with Apple by dropping the price to $0. 49 per song and $4. 99 per album compared to Apple's price of $0. 99 and $9. 99 respectively. Realizations also launched technology called Harmony, which allows Realizations users to translate songs purchased from Relapse music to be played on Microsoft formats.Wall-Mart launched its own online music store and is currently the number one music retailer in the nation, followed by * Technology and entertainment industries are constantly and rapidly tunes. Changing so Apple has to find a way to keep its reputation related to innovative design. * Threat of start-up companies and competitors. The risk of new entrants is high in the player and music service businesses as well as in the mobile phone market, particularly from large, established consumer electronics companies, such as Cassia, Sony and Toshiba (for players) or from on-line companies like Yahoo andMicrosoft or retailers like Virgin Music (for downloa ds). Given the attractiveness of these markets, new competitors are likely to enter because of low barriers to entry. The notable acceptance and profit made by RIM's Blackberry demonstrate the potential of new entrants to increase rivalry. Due to the success of the phone and the Blackberry, other producers will undoubtedly attempt to imitate their appealing features and functional applications in order to create customer value and compete effectively with their own smart phones.In addition, Apple's exclusive use of Cingular/AT;T does not prevent the phone service provider from entering potentially harmful agreements with the company's competitors, such as its threatening relationship with rival Palm. * Apple's dominance and relative power in the music industry (as well as Jobs' reputation for control) may build resistance among film producers who are accustomed to maintaining their own levels of control over content. * Price sensitivity.The company's entrance into the mobile communi cations industry with the introduction of its phone has placed Apple in another highly competitive industry, where several large, well-funded, and experienced competitors operate. Price sensitivity on the part of consumers is very strong, and rivalry is especially fierce in this market. * A close look at Apple's competition reveals that the company is confronted by aggressive opposition in all areas of its business.The markets for consumer electronics, personal computers, related software and peripheral products, digital music devices and related services, and mobile communication devices are intensely competitive. They are characterized by rapid technological advancements, which have substantially increased the abilities and use of PC's, digital electronics, and mobile communication devices. As a result, a variety of new products with competitive price, feature, and performance characteristics are being introduced into the marketplace. Price competition in Apple's main product mark ets has been particularly fervent. Continuous downward pressure on Apple's margins as it is common for competitors selling personal computers based on other operating systems to aggressively cut prices and accept lower product margins to gain or maintain market share. * Other than price, key competitive factors in the computing market include product treasures, relative price/performance, product quality and reliability, design innovation, availability of software and peripherals, marketing and distribution capability, service and support, and corporate reputation.As the industry and its customers become more reliant on Internet connectivity, alternative (even substitute) devices are becoming increasingly smaller, simpler, and less expensive than traditional PC's. These devices compete for market share with Apple's desktop and content providers to offer integrated solutions that produce more value or exclude Apple from access to content.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Resources available to support the project manager Essay
There are many resources available to support the project manager. If any of these resources are not obtained then the project could be completely halted. To make a project successful you will need a suitable budget. Without a suitable budget the project manger will not be able to afford other resources to get the project done. Furthermore, without a good budget, the manger is unable to pay the salaries to the members of the team that have been working on the project. If the cash flow is week the project is unable to proceed or pay of any costs that would come during the project life cycle. Without an efficient budget the project will come to a stop. Stakeholders are very important to the manager. Stakeholders help the project by giving money so that the project can be completed efficiently and cheaply. Staff members who are working on the project are also a very important resource. This will help to support the project manger as the project would be completed faster and with a better standard. The project manger ensures that each staff member has the correct set of skills needed, in order to complete to the project. The manger is should also ensure that each member is determined to do their best and give their best in order to make the project successful. The manger should have the correct equipment in order to efficiently complete the project. Without the correct equipment the project would come to a stop. Equipment is needed in any project. E.g. If your working for a company which makes websites and you are starting a project you would need equipment, like good computers and software’s to make the website. Sources: and
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Book Assignment Part 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Book Assignment Part 3 - Essay Example While not so different from traditional villages in its desire to engage in a free exchange of ideas, the global village is one that thrives on the communication and transportation infrastructure that seems to be binding the world into one 'large, happy family'. The basic metal and cultural setup of a country is formed by it inhabitants and the people who come forth to call it home. Throughout history, there have been numerous examples of how immigrants have been an important part of the people as a whole when it comes to contribution to the cultural and basic climate of a country. (Massey et al, 2001) The case for this paper is that of America. As a country, America has been blessed with the great 'salad bowl' syndrome, wherein it enjoys a plethora of people who have come to the shores of this great country in search of opportunity. The basic reason for people migrating to a certain part of the world is the lure of opportunity as opposed to whatever threat might have met them in their home land. In this regard, the paper will discuss the book Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: US Immigration Policy in the Age of Globalization, as the authors set about describing the mindset of the immigrants as well as the hosts who came to set up homes in America. According to the authors, immigration policies and principles have been one of the most important aspects of public policy in the US. This is a part of their history. It has been mentioned by the authors that the nation had passed through perhaps the single most significant transformative period in its history by those who lived through the Civil War and Reconstruction. The great questions of slavery, sectionalism, and national supremacy that had plagued the Americans for nearly eight decades had been resolved through a combination of the force of arms and the constitutional and legal change made possible by military victory. Irrespective of the fact that most Americans believed that these issues had been permanently resolved, this period posed new challenges to American values and assumptions which in term have influenced their take on immigration policy. Three intertwining themes define the evolution of the US Immigration Policy and perspectives in the same as garnered from the bo ok: (Massey et al, 2001) (i) industrialization - the rise of the industrial economy and of accompanying issues of law, governance, and public policy; (ii) urbanization - the dramatic growth of the nation's cities as focal points for population growth and demographic change, and as centers of commerce, culture, education, news, and politics; and (iii) integration through immigration - the effects on American identity, politics, and culture of the great waves of immigration from eastern, central, and southern Europe and from Asia. The interaction of these themes added richness and complexity to late nineteenth-century American history. In order to further understand the implications set forth by the writers in this book, it is important to understand the motives behind the immigration of various groups of people so as to understand the evolution of the Immigration Policy. This has been garnered by the book as follows: Mexicans Just as labor's response to industrialization seemed threatening to prized American values of individualism, free enterprise, and social
Reading response LN 4 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reading response LN 4 - Article Example At this point, it is worth questioning this view, as visual humor also has a huge place in the context of humor. Still, more needs to be done to evaluate the place of visual humor in the humor in general. What percentage does visual humor take and is the same comparable to the verbal humor? Upon completing this research, it will be possible to understand and explain the gap between visual humor and verbal humor. On another note, I find it captivating when the authors indicate that verbal humor migrates to the visual aspect (Hempelmann & Samson, 2008). It is at this position that one would really question which humor takes the greatest percentage. Yet another question would focus on the extent of correlation between visual humor and verbal humor. Can the two do without each other, and if not, in what domains? I also tend to agree with the authors when they indicate that conversation is possible through cartoons (Hempelmann & Samson, 2008). In my opinion, I am convinced that one can read humor from cartoons even without seeing the writing explaining what the cartons means. In this context, it is worth justifying that each of the humors plays a pivotal role in their own way. I am also convinced that either of the humors can replace the other in terms of relaying messages to its readers. The only disparity will be the profundity and intensity of the message relayed. For instance, if the cartoon is accompanied by text, then it brings out a stronger message as opposed to verbal humor. Pictures can be indicated to be more appealing as opposed to the verbal messages that leave its audience with the task of interpreting the intended message. From the arguments, it is only reasonable to attest to the verity that visual humor plays a major role in evoking humor over the verbal one. I agree with the authors when they indicate that versions of visual humor that
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5
Marketing - Essay Example The main purpose of corporate strategy is to find ways to optimize the current business portfolios of a firm and how this can be changed to meet the stakeholder’s changing interests (Sudi,2003). An organization or a firm will have numerous business and operations ranging from a single industry to multiple industries. Hence, the corporate strategy can not be developed without integrating the various business strategies of a firm. Overall objectives and aims of an organization are formulated based on the overall functions and operations of an organization. Any corporate strategy that is developed without taking into account the various operations or businesses will fail to achieve the overall organizational objectives and aims. Also the goals and objectives of an organization must not be isolated but must be designed in a manner to achieve the vision of the organization, and must be interrelated. The corporate strategy is aimed at achieving this vision (Gallagher, 2010). Four ke y dimensions Asking the right question would determine the dimension of a well –developed business strategy. ... This key dimension determines the role of an organization in the market, the type and kind of products that they must put out or the type of service that is intended to be provided to the customers. What? To achieve a pre-dedicated objective and aim, what are the measures that must be undertaken must be seriously focused for the final goal achievement. This must include intervention from all aspects of the business and must involve the inclusion of role of newer technology, competition, the effect of globalization, the customers demand, the demographic trends and health care sector in terms of organizational staff well being. Hence the â€Å"what†answers the key portion of the plan. Who? Putting the right person to the job is as important measure in attainment of targets through proper guidance and leadership role. The leadership spectrum ranges from individual reasoning like planning, analysis, monitoring, evaluation and control. And these can be achieved through experience within an organization. The second feature that an employer must have is emotions that determine the quality of the person in terms of crisis. Hence the answer must be formulated on who would do the specific job and gain results for the organization. How? The execution of the plan must be addressed with this part of the question. All previously planned goals must be implemented for the achievement of objective and aims set by the organization. For this to happen six key supporting features must always be part of implementation process, which are ongoing actions planning, organization structure, development of human resource, the annual plan, monitoring and control and a overall linkage that combines all aspects of the implementation. An
Monday, August 26, 2019
Investment strategies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Investment strategies - Assignment Example His comments were confirmed by the company’s board of director who proposed the split of stock of the soft drink manufacturer that was worth forty dollars almost a century ago would now be worth 9.8 million of dollars. I learned about the power of patient when it comes to saving (Hagstrom, 24). The author states that forty dollars in 1919 is quite different from forty dollars in the current world. he states that despite the rise in inflation, rise in the price of sugar, the world war and the great depression that targeted the financial market investigating in the coca cola company was still the best idea as the outcome was more than the money invested at the time. I believe that a knowledgeable investor should have patience while investing.  Even though it may take a long time to achieve the best outcome, it is still the right thing to do. Buffett’s advice on the dangers of timing and long time investment is also quite important. He asserts that it is dangero us to time the market so that investments are done when the market is on the rise and sell when the market is declining. He states that the move is only better than a random chance and that it is dangerous to invest with attention based on time of the market (Hagstrom, 30). He stresses that it is not essential to understand whether the stocks are being bought at the right time since it is often considered an arbitrary imagination. It is only significant to understand the relative price that is being paid for the business.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Norbert Elias and the History of Manners Assignment
Norbert Elias and the History of Manners - Assignment Example Elias critically examinees the historical norms that have been put in place over time and how these have been received and implemented in several societies. An example is an issue of spitting in public places. Elias (156) argues that the series quotations or norms that involve the issue of spitting has drastically changed since the middle ages in a particular direction, and in among Europeans considered as being the most unpleasant behavior, and has even been viewed as being unhealthy. The process through which these types of manners have been evolving to be accepted by society as Elias elaborates would constitute a process through which civilization has taken place. As described above, civility according to Calhoun is communicating an attitude of mannerism towards others. Elias critical examines how social issues such as cleanliness, spitting, and others that would constitute mannerism, have evolved to amount to a process through which civilization has evolved in society. Largely, E lias utilizes rhetoric to evaluate how mannerism, has evolved over time to form widely embraced social manners. Elias (159 explains that the inclination to spit or even look at the sputum in children or even in a dream and its corresponding suppression can be viewed in the specific comic that overcomes us when such similar things are spoken in the general public. Elias in this presents the idea of the malleability of psychic life. The use of children is significant of how the society is eager to learn on its way to civilization in a process that would amount to psychological development in the formation of attitudes that would later be embraced as the standards of public order. It is in such a process that civilization would be said to amount to psychological maturity, where the society develops codes of behaviors that come to be understood and embraced as signs of respect towards others, which has been explained as the essence of maturity. The formed trends that involve codes and n orms concerning public behavior or how one should have respect to others as a process to civility then led to the psychology regarding the art of observing people. Elias (104) argues that this psychology cannot be taken in the scientific view, but as the ability that stems out of the importance of life at a court that clearly defines the capacities, motives and the limits that other people have. It is through a court process that the gestures, expressions, intentions and other behaviors of people are weighed to critically examine their meanings and to the extent that they contradict with respect to others, public decency.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Informative Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Informative - Speech or Presentation Example Anorexia and bulimia are psychological disorders which affect a large percentage of people in the world today and it is most rampant in the United States. It is necessary for these disorders to be studied not only as psychological problems, but also as social problems and a chronology of experiences related to these problems should be made so that studies can be conducted to facilitate their cure. It is a fact that these conditions are extremely difficult to treat because it is often difficult to make an assessment of how the people affected by anorexia and bulimia behave as well as how to find ways of curing different individuals from these conditions (Lacey 1694). Among the greatest causes of anorexia and bulimia are the societal expectations that are pressed on those individuals affected by these conditions. Many of the patients with these conditions tend to have been brought up in an environment where the need to succeed and to excel in every aspect of their lives has led them to develop such a low opinion of themselves that they have developed an obsession with their bodies. One will find that the drive for these patients to succeed is so great and the societal expectations placed on them so great that the pressure becomes too much on them and these tend to affect them negatively as they try to fulfill these expectations. The mentors of these patients are often perfectionists and because the patients would like to emulate every aspect of their lives, the pressure to do so becomes very demanding because in order to impress their mentors, they often set such unreasonable goals for themselves that to achieve these goals becomes overwhelming for them. It is also a fact that anorexia and bulimia patients are often raised in environments where they are not given the required attention while growing up and this comes to affect them in later life (Strober et al, 394). This comes about because their parents are probably always too busy attempting to make a living f or their families and have not enough time to get to know their families better, creating a situation where their children grow up in isolation. Such environments end up making the children involved to develop low self-esteem which is one of the reasons for the development of anorexia and bulimia, and their increasing prevalence. Statistics show that while anorexia and bulimia are disorders that are more prevalent in upper classes of the society, there are also increasing cases of these disorders in the other strata of society and this trend is most worrying (Chakraborty and Basu 175). It has been stated that main reason for the prevalence of these conditions among the upper class is because of the higher expectations that are set for the members of such families and their feeling of inadequacy because of the fact that they are not able to fulfill these expectations. In the lower classes, on the other hand, it has been found that one of the most prevalent causes of anorexia and buli mia is the fact that the patients tend to be influenced by the media, especially that of perfection that is propagated by Hollywood as well as other forms of mass media. The increasing prevalence of anorexia and bulimia in society has made it necessary for all individuals within it to be made aware of the symptoms so that they can get a hint of the development of
Friday, August 23, 2019
Program Evaluation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Program Evaluation - Research Paper Example eir programs strengths and weaknesses, provide recommendation for improvement and opportunities to excel in providing an excellent, safe and healthy environment for all. Their quality of doing business and quality of providing a safe and healthy environment for their workers and their customer alike would be evaluated in this report. Keywords: Procter & Gamble – P&G, Occupational Safety and Health Association – OSHA, The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health – NIOSH, Health, Safety & Environmental – HS&E, Fast moving consumer goods – FMCG, policies, employee safety, product safety. Procter & Gamble (P&G) is a globally recognized name of a multinational FMCG company. Fortune Magazine has given it a ranking of No. 6 amongst the â€Å"Global Most Admired Companies†, further it ranks No. 2 among â€Å"Top Companies for Leaders†. Bloomberg Businessweek has ranked P&G as No. 12 amongst the â€Å"World’s Most Innovative Companies†. When it comes to sustainability it is amongst the top ranks from 2000 to 2010 consecutively at the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes and in 2011 it ranked No. 13 as the â€Å"Most Sustainable Corporations in the World†(, 2011). P&G takes pride in it diverse workforce which lay standards for its unique culture and has been a source of its recognition and success. P&G seeks to be the best consumer products and services company in the world. P&G’s current Safety and Health policy includes having safe and healthy operations around the world, protecting the life and health of its employees and surrounding communities, protecting its assets, ensuring business continuity and engenders public trust (P&G, 2009). P&G’s Environmental Quality Policy states that they strive to improve the environmental quality of their products, packaging and operations globally. As per their Environmental Quality Policy P&G has always strive to achieve clean, safe and incident free operations at all of its globally spread
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Thoreau vs Dickinson Essay Example for Free
Thoreau vs Dickinson Essay When thinking of both philosophy and poems in the transcendentalist era who are the main figures that come up? Two of the main figures Dickinson and Thoreau came up with writing based on nature and life. They wrote similarly, yet quite differently as shown in the following two quotes. â€Å"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, discover that I had not lived-Thoreau and â€Å"Tell the Truth but tell it slant†¦The Truth’s superb surprise†¦ With explanation kind The truth must dazzle gradually Or every man be blind. -Dickinson.†The similarity between these two pieces, more specifically between these two quotes is a very specific theme that is imbedded, most likely for no particular reason. The theme is quite simple actually; it’s the reaction of one to a specific situation. Even though this theme wasn’t literally fixed or imbedded in these quotes on purposebecause it is not the overarching theme that is part of these quotes, it has been created naturally. Since the overarching theme is human nature a smaller theme as such can arise. The language that is presented in the above quotes is similar because it is figurative. When Thoreau says that â€Å"I had not lived†he doesn’t mean I have not lived literally. The real meaning is I had not discovered much about life in the time that I was given to do so. When Dickinson says â€Å"Or every man be blind†she is not literally telling her audience that one will literally be blind, but he will be oblivious to what is. The language in these quotes is also different as well because Dickinson uses capitalization for emphasis and Thoreau uses personification. An example of such is â€Å"†¦what it had to teach†¦Ã¢â‚¬ A person can literally teach you, but life cannot. The word â€Å"teach†personifies life and is used to put and emphasis on the fact that you can really learn what life is about when observing it. Dickinson uses capitalization for one main reason. As a unique person and writer she has created her own language and emphasis by capitalization is part it. Personification is also a major part of how Thoreau writes. He was a transcendentalist; therefore, he thought and wrote a lot of nature, both human and nonhuman, and life itself. By using personification he puts together his thoughts on nature with what is not actually part of it. As shown in the two quotes above these techniques or rather these strategies in Dickinson’s and in Thoreau’s writing have literally become a part of their writing style.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Critical Thinking Case Study Essay Example for Free
Critical Thinking Case Study Essay Describe all assumptions you see in any documents. Kelly Thomas Senior Engineer, Product Development1. Assumed AcuScans customers would not be happy with just anything developed and launched. 2. Assumed Pat did not have any technology experience previous job in the cereal industry. 3. Assumed Pat was talking to the programmers without Kellys knowledge or consent. 4. Assumed Pat wanted to continue arguing on email. Pat Lambert Director of Marketing1. Assumed the customer would be happy with anything launched on the market from AcuScan2. Assumed programmers could work in the new launch. 3. Assumed a new product launch would be simple to achieve. 4. Assumed that Kelly Thomas would go along with her regarding the Operation Optimize5. Assumed that the Operation Optimize could be launched in 6-months6. Assumed that meeting with Kelly Thomas in person would rectify the situation. Cliff OConnor CEO1. Assumed Pats work ethic and experience in previous job will automatically benefit the firm and reach AcuScans target market. 2. Assumed the staff would not have any communication or personnel issues. 3. Assumed there would be a budget crisis. Chris Martinas VP, Product Development1. Assumed that it would not take much time to produce and launch a new product. 2. The potential return for first year would outlay with substantial ROI. THE CONFLICT2) Explain the arguments made by each of these people. Kelly Thomas argued that the new product features could not be developed just like that and was detailed with planning, testing and quality control and could long make the features completely work by August. Kelly also stated that since the layoff two years ago, and 25% fewer programmers, they do not have the time or manpower for the product successfully to launch in time. Pat Lambert argued that Retail is the answer instead of airports and store security for the new iScanner product to enable retailers to identify incoming customers, with several high-tech features can be developed as a prototype by August and at one point Kelly admitted to it not being a problem to make the iScanner market-ready in time. Chris Martinas argued that Secur-A was, AcuScans competition was working on a new product so AcuScan needs to expand into a different market and launch a new product by early 2004 or Secur-A would be on the top of the market. Cliff OConnor argued that even though AcuScan was facing budget dilemmas they can find a way to launch the new iScanner. 3) Evaluate each argument. a. Kelly Thomas Kellys argument was logical mostly due to the fact he used the numbers and man hours from the first iScanner launch and he did not want to jeporize his and AcuScans reputation by throwing together a flimsy product launch. b. Pat Lambert Pats idea on launching a new product in a new market was a positive one, in fact, a great marketing strategy to be the first company on the market with a new product to get ahead of competition. c. Chris Martinas Chris does realize that to gain and maintain their targeted market, a budget deficit would need to be put in action because he believes it is important to have a product launch in a new market. d. Cliff OConnor Although Cliffs argument deems logical, it becomes unbeknownst there are major budgetary issues with AcuScan and to launch the iScanner correctly, there are many other decisions that need to be involved, this may include more lay-offs. Cliff is basing the fact that this new launch in a new market will take minimal cost in time and money because AcuScan has done it in the past. 4) Describe specific fallacious arguments, and identify the people who hold them. Pat had a fallacious argument by stating that since other staff members had been with the company longer than Pat, they had a great deal invested in the company and knew what they had to accomplish in order to get a new product off and running. Chris made a fallacious argument about the company being on top again if the company developed a new product. But the since it is unknown, there is no evidence or research at this point the company cannot be certain of this fact. II: CONCLUSIONS1. Describe all problems in this situation. 2. For each problem, describe the data, arguments, and reasoning that contribute to each problem. AcuScan was faced with many problems trying to produce and launch their new iScanner. One main issue was the fact of AcuScan was planning to develop a new product when the company was already facing budgeting issues. Another problem was the staff at AcuScan not meeting face-to-face; instead they relied mainly on email to correspond with one another. Brainstorming, marketing product launches, and budgeting meetings could have benefited the staff and issues could have been handled different and resolved. Cliff, the CEO should have taken initiative and interjected about the major communication issue the staff was having with one another. Use your reasoning to complete the worksheet below. 3. What is the underlying problem that is the base cause of the conflict within the company?The underlying problem that caused the majority of the issues at AcuScan was the lack of communication between department staff members which resulted in fallacious emails, snide, unnecessary comments which led to lack of production. 4. Alternative solutions. Due to the budgetary issues that were upon AcuScan, instead of a complicated new product launch, expanding the iScanner into industries such as hospitals, colleges and even government offices instead of expanding the new iScanner into the retail environment where the complicated launch requires many additional features is a possible solution, while keeping the idea for the retail industry on the shelf for future product launches. 6. Which solution will you recommend to the CEO? Why? Since both solutions are important, I would mention both to the CEO. Since communication is the backbone of an organization, I would bring up that issue first. Part II: Executive Summary1. Purpose and ScopeThe purpose of this summary is to analyze the issues on launching the new iScanner from AcuScan and rectify any facts pertaining to the potential launch. The scope includes various communications between colleagues and issues that resulted from that dialog. In conclusion the problems will be stated, solutions formulated and recommended results to rectify these problems will be discussed. 2. Summary of the SituationThe conflict between several key persons at AcuScan is hindering the growth of the firm and is causing havoc in receiving positive results for this potential new product launch. Secur-A, AcuScans, main competitor is only 4 months from launching their new product so it is believed to be absolutely essential to the survival of AcuScan to beat them to market with a successful product as well. 3. Key PointsPat Lambert the new director of Marketing, and Kelly Thomas chief of the software development team, cannot agree on the length of time and the number of programming hours it will take to bring the new product to market. Kelly states that even with current staffing levels, they do not have the time or manpower to launch a new product the correct way. Pats states that a prototype can be built within the timeframe and budget however, neither Pat nor Kelly can compromise. Chris Martinas VP of Product Development believes that Pat and Kelly can work out their differences together. Chris does not quite understand the magnitude of programming involved with this launch though. ConclusionsAs a result of fallacious emails to one another regarding the new product launch for Pat Lambert and Kelly Thomas both feel alienated and find it hard to compromise on the new iScanner Retail Project. The fallacious emails between Kelly and Pat are regarding their disagreement about the capabilities of the software design team and the man-power to create programming for all the features in the new iScanner. Pat is not quite experienced in dealing with software programmers, their processes and requirements. Pat and Kellys emails result in emotional and defensive and inability to listen to each other and cooperate on the new iScanner launch so it does not happen. Conclusion and RecommendationsIn many cases, conflict in the workplace just seems to be a fact of life. Many have seen situations where different people with different goals and needs have come into conflict. And we have all seen the often-intense personal animosity that can result. The fact that conflict exists, however, is not necessarily a bad thing: As long as it is resolved effectively, it can lead to personal and professional growth. In many cases, effective conflict resolution skills can make the difference between positive and negative outcomes. The good news is that by resolving conflict successfully, you can solve many of the problems that it has brought to the surface, in addition to getting benefits that you might not at first expect:My recommendation would be to get Pat, Kelly, Chris and Cliff into a room for a face-to-face meeting. The point of this is to increase the understanding which is needed to resolve conflict and it expands peoples awareness of the situation, giving them an insight into how they can achieve their own goals without undermining those of other people. Additionally, if is resolved effectively, team members can develop stronger mutual respect, and a renewed faith in their ability to work together; and after allowing a brief period of venting, the meeting can be called to order. At this point I would recommend that all emotion be excluded from the communication process, so that the first of many beneficial and productive brainstorming sessions can begin. Another thing I would recommend is to re-vamp the iScanner launch so the product launch is conducive to the budget and to better fit the companys abilities. For instance, instead of launching a complicated product, possibly expand the current iScanner into other industries such as hospitals, colleges and the government, while adding possibly one or two features. The iScanner retinal scanner will perform the same functions as its current version with possibly one or two new features to keep within the companys budget. Keeping the expansion of the Retail iScanner idea on the backburner to launch in a year or two but after Secur-A launches their product. Reference Apollo Group (2003). UOP Assessment. Retrieved 4/19/08, from
Decision Making Process
Decision Making Process 1.0 INTRODUCTION: Globalism is the term that being mentioned everywhere in the field of business at present. Thus, due to lots of new developments and emerging techniques are introduced in the organizations very rapidly, creates a number of problems in the field of management. The problem solving and decision-making process begins when recognizing the problem, experiencing pressure to act on it, and the resources to resolve the problem. This can be done only by a manager, whose key roles are solving problems and making decisions. He must recognize problems, make a decision, initiate an action, and evaluate the results. It is difficult to make good decisions without good planning. Generally, a problem can be solved by thinking about the issue and making logical decisions. These are mostly assumptions that can predict the decisions that are being formulated as a result of the problems. This can also be given as rational thinking of the organizational problem solving strategy can be benefited by a positi ve result. 2.0 WHAT IS RATIONALITY? Rationality is related to the idea of reason, referring to thinking that gives an account or an explanation. Rationality and reason are the key methods used to analyze the data gathered through systematically gathered observations. It also gives the success of goal attainment. Rationality is equated with behavior that is self-interested to the point of being selfish. Whereas, irrationality refers to talking or acting without regard to rationality. Peoples actual interests differ from what they believe to be their interests. Mechanisms that have evolved to give optimal behavior in normal conditions lead to irrational behavior in abnormal conditions. Thus, rational behavior in an organization is nothing but having sound judgment and practical implementation. There are 2 types of rationality that are existed. They are: Mathematical Rationality Functional Rationality 2.1 Mathematical rationality: Mathematics can be used to formulate objective knowledge. The mathematical formulation enables us to express the knowledge of reality with a maximum degree of objectivity. There are number of possible conceptions of mathematics, it is open to the risk of choosing different hypotheses, a risk which is technically called undesirability. 2.2 Functional rationality: Functional rationality prevails in an organization of human activities in which the thought, knowledge, and reflection of the participants are virtually unnecessary; men become part of a mechanical process in which each is assigned a functional position and role. What they forfeit in creativity and initiative is gained by the organization as a whole and contributes, presumably, to its greater efficiency. Bureaucratic organizations strive for maximum functional rationality. 2.3 SCIENTIFIC RATIONALITY: The history of science constitutes the evident for the concept of rationality. A good theory of rationality must fit the history of science. A methodology for scientific rationality is a theory of rationality, it tells us what is rational and what is not in specific cases. Always accept the theory with the greatest degree of confirmation. 3.0 ADVANTAGES OF RATIONALITY: Thinking rationally means thinking logically. Rational thoughts will be always right and true. Its a sole source of knowledge. Rational thinking gives confidence. It helps to make decisions. Rational decision making is good for incremental, linear causality. Can solve problems incase of critical situations. Gives independent thinking and meaningful orientation. There is a traditional ingrained habituation. It avoids a value-laden assessment. It ultimately leads to self-awareness. 4.0 LIMITATIONS TO RATIONALITY: The incompleteness of formal logical systems can be an incontrovertible truth. An arithmetical statement is true but not provable in the theory. Any theory capable of expressing elementary arithmetic cannot be both consistent and complete. Rationality is arbitrary, subjective and incapable of describing something completely. Rational approach will always fail eventually. It evaluates uncertainty. 5.0 APPLICATIONS OF RATIONALITY: There are different applications of rationality. They can be classified into normative and positive forms of applications. They are: The firm acts rationally and this is to predict behavior. For example the firm makes decisions according to options that can predict the behavior of the firm. The firm will be a better off if it makes its decision following a rule derived from rational analysis. For example using an options formula will improve a firms capital allocation. The user must verify that the environment fits the assumptions of the model. For example, the assumptions made in mathematics model derivations should be true of the strategic context. Instead of presenting a mathematical model, the general implications of a theory can be taken and applied without working out mathematics. These applications run the real risk that the assumptions of the model are not checked for their fit with the real world. 6.0 PROBLEM SOLVING: Problem solving forms part of thinking, the most complex of all intellectual functions. Problem Solving has been defined as higher-order cognitive process that requires the modulation and control of more routine or fundamental skills. It occurs if an artificial intelligence system does not know how to proceed from a given state to a desired goal state. It is part of the larger problem process that includes problem finding and problem shaping. The problem-solving process operates under awareness versus outside of awareness, and typically employs mathematically well-defined computerized systems. Problem-solving often involves decision-making, and decision-making is especially important for management and leadership. There are many approaches to problem solving, depending on the nature of the problem and the people involved in the problem. The more traditional, rational approach is typically used and involves. There are many techniques for problem-solving. They are: Challenge your assumptions Lateral thinking Divide and conquer Hill-climbing strategy Trail and error Brainstorming Morphological analysis Hypothesis testing Root-cause analysis Break big problems down Ask three people Write down the problem Change your perspective Generalization and specialization Working backwards These techniques can be applied to an organization by using certain tools. They are: Extracting maximum information from facts Appreciation Understanding problems in detail Drill-Down Identifying possible causes of problems Cause Effect Diagrams Understanding how a process works Flow Charts Understanding the way factors affect one-another Systems Diagrams Analyzing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats SWOT Analysis Making Cash Flow Forecasts with Spreadsheets Methods of Risk Analysis Understanding where the power lies Porters Five Forces Understanding the big picture PEST Analysis Identifying what really matters to customers Value Chains Find your competitive edge with USP Analysis For example, taking my own organizational experience (I-Tech Ppl Staffing Solution, Chennai, India) we had certain issues relating to location change in our organization where we used some techniques like morphological analysis, etc. we also used certain tools in relation to the problem solving technique i.e. SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis for solving our organizational problems. 7.0 DECISION-MAKING: Decision making can be regarded as an outcome of mental processes (cognitive process) leading to the selection of a course of action among several alternatives. Every decision making process produces a final choice. The output can be an action or an opinion. Human performance in decision making terms has been subject of active research from several perspectives. From a psychological perspective, it is necessary to examine individual decisions in the context of a set of needs, references an individual has and values he/she seeks. From a cognitive perspective, the decision making process must be regarded as a continuous process integrated in the interaction with the environment. From a normative perspective, the analysis of individual decisions is concerned with the logic of decision making and rationality. The decision-making process can be explained by two different models. They are: Garbage Can Model Carnegie Model GARBAGE CAN MODEL: The Garbage Can Model of organizational choice was formulated by Cohen, March and Oslen. The Garbage Can Model deals with the pattern or flow of multiple decisions within organization. It was developed to explain the pattern of decision-making in organizations that experience extremely high uncertainty. It was developed in reference to ambiguous behaviors, i.e. explanations/interpretations of behaviors which at least appear to contradict classical theory. The Garbage Can Model was greatly influenced by the realization that extreme cases of aggregate uncertainty in decision environments would trigger behavioral responses which, at least from a distance, appear irrational or at least not in compliance with the total/global rationality of economic man†. An organized Anarchy can be caused by three characteristics: Problematic Preferences Unclear, poorly understood technology Turnover The theoretical breakthrough of the Garbage Can Model is that it disconnects problems, solutions and decision makers from each other, unlike traditional decision theory. Specific decisions do not follow an orderly process from problem to solution, but are outcomes of several relatively independent streams of events within the organization. THE STREAMS OF EVENTS: PROBLEMS Problems require attention, they are the result of performance gaps or the inability to predict the future. Thus, problems may originate inside or outside the organization. Traditionally, it has been assumed that problems trigger decision processes; if they are sufficiently grave, this may happen. Usually, however, organization man goes through the garbage and looks for a suitable fix, called a solution. SOLUTIONS They have a life of their own. They are distinct from problems which they might be called on to solve. Solutions are answers looking for a question. Participants may have ideas for solutions; they may be attracted to specific solutions and volunteer to play the advocate. Only trivial solutions do not require advocacy and preparations. Significant solutions have to be prepared without knowledge of the problems they might have to solve. CHOICE OPPORTUNITIES There are occasions when organizations are expected to produce behavior that can be called a decision. Just like politicians cherish photo opportunities, organization man needs occasional decision opportunities for reasons unrelated to the decision itself. PARTICIPANTS They come and go; participation varies between problems and solutions. Participation may vary depending on the other time demands of participants. Participants may have favorite problems or favorite solutions which they carry around with them. The organizational decision making generally takes on a random quality. When a problem arises a solution can be proposed by the participants. Equal opportunities should be given to all the staffs in an organization. For example, considering my own organizational experience, our organization was suffering from poor training process. Our Manager was welcoming some volunteers to give some good suggestions to improve the process of training process. Thus, I and my colleagues worked on this by gathering information from many sources. We conducted a survey in many big organizations about the training methods that are being followed by them. Then, finally we ended up by giving certain logical ideas as well which formed to be the good solution for the training methods. Thus, rational thinking is important for solving any kind of problem in an organization. Equal opportunities were given to all the employees in our organization. Thus, the problem was solved using the kind of Garbage Can Model. PROBLEMS CHOICE OF OPPORTUNITIES MANAGEMENT PARTICIPANT SOLUTION Fig. 1.0 represents the Garbage Can Model of decision-making. Source: Self CARNEGIE MODEL: The Carnegie model was formulated by Richard Cyert, James March and Herbert Simon. This helped to formulate the bounded rational approach to individual decision making that can provide new insights about organizational decisions. An organizational decision-making involves coalition choice made by the mangers. It means the relationship among the managers who take decisions about organizational goals and problems. The organizational goals are mostly unstructured and contradictory. The mangers can be rational but function with human cognitive limitations. The coalition process has several steps starting with satisfactory decision that can be suggested for the performance to achieve goals. Continued by an immediate environment for resolving a problem can be suggested by some managers. Finally, for identifying the exact problem identification stage of decision making can be done by discussion and bargaining. Coalition forms to be the major part of organizational decision making process. Thus, the solution should be quick, simple and cost-effective. For example, we can consider fire security measures, which help to solve the problem initially by creating an environment suitable for solving the problem. They also get prepared with the pre-requisites needed to solve the problem satisfactorily. This method does not need a discussion or bargaining as the steps are taken immediately once the problem is been observed or indentified. These two models can be used to solve the problem of decision-making in an organization. But certain methodology has to be followed for making a decision successfully. The best method is Systems Intervention Strategy. 8.0 SYSTEMS INTERVENTION STRATEGY [SIS]: Its a family of ‘systems approaches based on systems ideas. To move from a completely unstructured problem situation to a situation in which viable options can be modeled and comprehensively evaluated before successful implementation, which can be done by SIS. We can integrate SIS into Systems thinking Personal mastery Knowledge of mental models Building shared vision Team leading There are three overlapping phases of SIS. They are: 8.1 DIAGNOSIS: Initially, the problem should be identified and analyzed. This can help to change problems, develop a perspective and spell out the purposes of change. The diagnosis process initially starts with ‘entry by recognizing the change. This is followed by description process that gives the structure and other views on the change. The objectives and the constraints are identified that helps to formulate measures for the objectives. 8.2 DESIGN: Different methods are suggested to solve the problems and new methods are explored. A range of options can be generated and the models can be selected accordingly. 8.3 IMPLEMENTATION: The change can be carried out by developing the tactics for bringing out the desired change. These options are evaluated against the measures by designing the implementation strategy by carrying through the planned changes. DIAGNOSIS IMPLEMENTATION DESIGN Fig. 2.0 represents the three overlapping phases of SIS. Source: For example, taking my organizational experience where we had the problem of completing the projects on time. Thus, our manager first recognized the root-cause for delayed project completion. Then the reason was analyzed by getting other employees point of view by arranging for some special meetings to resolve the issue. He also conducted some surveys to find proper measure for the problem. Logical thinking and rationalistic view can give a right solution for the problem solving in the organization which was done by our manager. Then, the proper measures like giving incentives, improved employee facilitation will be given to the employees who finish their job on-time, were been formulated by him. He also had different options like improving the pantry facilities, parking facilities and other dress-code were been suggested to us. Where we were allowed to choose the best option that can be exhibited completely. Then finally, the results were evaluated and they are implemented. This was then carried out successfully in our organization. 9.0 CONCLUSION: Any kind of organizational problems can be solved by rational thinking and strategical planning. This can also be supplemented with certain types of model or theory implementation. Analyzing and identifying the root-cause of the problem helps in clear decision-making. Thus, proper detection of the problem paves way for proper solution for that problem in an organization.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Significance of Music in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman Essays
The Significance of Music in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman   Human emotions are something that we seldom find a way to express clearly: from simple hand gestures, to a disgusted face. To understand his novel more thoroughly, Arthur Miller uses the most understandable method of comprehension, music, to express the emotions of the characters in his play, "Death of a Salesman". The characters, Willy, Linda, Biff, Happy, and Ben, have a certain style of music and instruments portraying them to show the reader what type of emotional person they are. The beginning of the play starts with a soft, sweet, flute medley that announces Willy’s gradual trek home from Yonkers. This slow tune of confusion ends abruptly as Willy comes home and tells of his troubles in Yonkers. This sentimental sound is heard once more during Ben’s first visit to Willy’s house. His story of father and his flute-making business sets a warm tone only to be wrecked by Ben’s action of throwing Biff, a young, curious boy, to the ground, helplessly. The final performance of this tune is heard at Willy’s sad funeral, where Linda pays her respects to her well-liked husband. Ending on a sad note, the flute appears in time of odd emotions. In the beginning of the play, a state of confu... ...illy’s funeral. Starting out a bit cheerful, the tune fades from a major key to a minor key, hence going from a merry sound to one of sadness and desperation, yet a good sound for a well-deserved tribute. Willy was a mislead salesman. He wanted the best for his boys. Joyous songs always backed up these times. But when his craving for the best turned into the worst, an unpleasant song backed it up. When Willy was confused, a medley of the two was heard. Human emotions are something we all take for granted because they are not properly understood. Music is just one of the many ways that will make these emotions understandable. The Significance of Music in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman Essays The Significance of Music in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman   Human emotions are something that we seldom find a way to express clearly: from simple hand gestures, to a disgusted face. To understand his novel more thoroughly, Arthur Miller uses the most understandable method of comprehension, music, to express the emotions of the characters in his play, "Death of a Salesman". The characters, Willy, Linda, Biff, Happy, and Ben, have a certain style of music and instruments portraying them to show the reader what type of emotional person they are. The beginning of the play starts with a soft, sweet, flute medley that announces Willy’s gradual trek home from Yonkers. This slow tune of confusion ends abruptly as Willy comes home and tells of his troubles in Yonkers. This sentimental sound is heard once more during Ben’s first visit to Willy’s house. His story of father and his flute-making business sets a warm tone only to be wrecked by Ben’s action of throwing Biff, a young, curious boy, to the ground, helplessly. The final performance of this tune is heard at Willy’s sad funeral, where Linda pays her respects to her well-liked husband. Ending on a sad note, the flute appears in time of odd emotions. In the beginning of the play, a state of confu... ...illy’s funeral. Starting out a bit cheerful, the tune fades from a major key to a minor key, hence going from a merry sound to one of sadness and desperation, yet a good sound for a well-deserved tribute. Willy was a mislead salesman. He wanted the best for his boys. Joyous songs always backed up these times. But when his craving for the best turned into the worst, an unpleasant song backed it up. When Willy was confused, a medley of the two was heard. Human emotions are something we all take for granted because they are not properly understood. Music is just one of the many ways that will make these emotions understandable.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Vocabulary :: Communication, Language
Vocabulary is very important to everyday reading because it is all of the words in a language. According to Bursuck and Damer (2010) students â€Å"learn to decode harder text, they are more likely to encounter words that are not part of their oral language†(p. 231). Being familiar with words and the meaning of the word assists student’s fluency as well as comprehension. According to the National Institute of Literacy (2007) vocabulary is â€Å"words used in speech and print to communicate†(p. 14). Vocabulary can be divided into two categories â€Å"oral or spoken words and written words†(National Institute of Literacy, 2007, p. 14). The National Institute of Literacy (2007), agree with Bursuck and Damer (2010), stating that â€Å"vocabulary knowledge is important to reading because the oral and written words promote comprehension and communication†(p. 14). Since vocabulary is extremely important Pullen, Tuckwiller, Konold, Maynard, & Coyne, 20 10 used a â€Å"three tier model for students at risk for a reading disability†(p. 110). Pullen et al. (2010) states that vocabulary development occurs through incidental learning and home environment before formal schooling†(p. 111) The intervention created by Pullen et al. (2010) was meant to increase students’ vocabulary of at risk students. The intervention (2010) participants â€Å"were 224 first grade students in elementary schools in a diverse population and moderate percentage of students in socio-economic status†(p. 114). The intervention (2010) itself created by ___________________ was a three-tier system: Tier 1 consisted of classroom instruction and â€Å"students who do not respond to tier 1 will receive tier 2 instruction and tier 3 is the most intensive level and if student do not respond to this level they are referred to a special education evaluation†(p. 114). To identify students who may be at risk of disability, the intervention (2010) used the PPVT-4 as a standardized test. Pullen et al. (2010) used the test to asses the baseline level â€Å"of receptive vocabulary and identify participants as either at risk of not for reading failure†(p. 115). The authors of the intervention (2010) selected the PPVT-4 because â€Å"it demonstrated reliability, indicating that is a sound measure for measuring receptive vocabulary†(p. 115). For a post-test, the authors (2010) used a researcher-developed measure to asses students’ acquisition of target words used in the intervention (p. 115). Pullen et al. (2010) had a three-tier system where tier 1 and tier 2 were designed â€Å"around two story books appropriate for first grade students†(p.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Brave New World - Is It A Warn :: essays research papers
Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World in the 1930s. He made many future predictions and many or most of them have already come true but not to the extent that he writes about. The society in Brave New World is significantly different to the present one, and to the society in Huxley’s time. Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World not as a warning, but as something to look forward to. The people in Brave New World are everything we, as a society, want to be. Mustapha Mond sums up the perfections of the society in Brave New World with an explanation he gave John: â€Å"The world’s perfect now. People are happy; they get what they want and they never want what they can’t get. They’re well off; they’re safe; they’re never ill; they’re not afraid of death; they’re blissfully ignorant of passion and old age; they’re plagued with no mothers or fathers; they’ve got no wives, or children, or lovers to feel strongly about . . . And if anything should go wrong, there’s soma.†(p. 177) In Brave New World’s society, everyone has a place to be. There are no people out of work, there are no homeless people, no one struggles financially and they haven’t a family nor a singular person that they have feelings for to worry about. They are all specially skilled to fit a specific job therefore they are always needed, and people cannot survive without each other. ‘Everyone works for everyone else. We can’t do without anyone.’ (p. 67) As the director pointed out, everyone is specially made for a particular job: â€Å"Ninety-six identical twins working ninety-six identical machines . . . You really know where you are. For the first time in history.†(p. 18)      These people are conditioned to be happy all day everyday. They love their jobs, they can have sex with anyone they desire, they have entertainments to amuse them, they never want what they can’t have and they don’t have any or many responsibilities. They do not go through any troublesome times, or periods where they can’t feel they can cope with the workload, or emotional problems. They do not spend their younger years looking for their dream jobs for they are conditioned so well that they love the job they are given and feel satisfied with it. They do not experience depression, sadness, or emotional and moral confusion.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
My Future Plans and Expectation Essay
As a child, I found my self-looking up to many people and admiring those that had accomplished so many great things in their lives. I grew up in a household of eight people; I am the fifth child of six. I never thought about my future plans and expectation growing up. I started thinking about my future when I was in high school and then after. Read more: My future plans essay I never thought that I would finish high school. Many friends and family have told me that I was not cut out to be in school. I never imagined ever finishing something that everyone thought that I couldn’t do. I must work really hard to give myself a better future. Who would have ever thought that I one day like to become a teacher and help students’ in a way that all the teacher through my education have helped me. As time passes it is hard to look back at my regrets and encourage myself to look back at my successes. I look ahead and try to motivate my self to do the best that I know I can as I encourage my self every day. When I think about my future plants, I see a sea of possibilities. As I have found a mentor that help me through my hard decisions. I believe that in five years I see myself still studying thank to my own motivation in wanting to gain more knowledge and learn more so I can one day become a great teacher.
Friday, August 16, 2019
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No PSYCHOLOGY REVISION- MRS DAWSON Models of addiction There are different models of addiction, these are the biological model, the cognitive model and the social learning model. Initiation – this refers to the process where individuals start to become addictive Maintance – this is the process whereby people continue to behave addictively even in the face of adverse consequences Relapse – this is the process whereby individuals who have managed to give their addictive habit start to show signs and symptoms of the behaviour again. BIOLOGICAL MODEL They say that it is an illness.Addiction is an illness therefore the problem is within the person. Because it is an illness, it can be cured. We are born with something and that something is triggered off. More likely to be addicted to it. If a person quits their addiction, a biological predisposition makes relapse more likely. The role of dopamine in addiction Initiation- Research shows addiction always stimulates the r eward circuit in the brain. Rewarding experiences triggers the release of dopamine and effectively tell the brain to ‘do it again’. Maintance – Drugs eventually result in a reduction in the activity of positive reward circuits in the brain.The negative state then become in dominant driving force in the drug calling. The individual doesn’t take the drug for pleasure, but takes it to avoid unpleasement. Because of this, they need more of the drug. Relapse – Eventually the desire for the drug may assume more importance than more other desires. The frontal cortex has become less effective at making decisions and judging the consequences of action. Imminent reward that forces the addict to take the drugs. The endogenous opiod system This is a type of addiction. It also includes the brain. Transmitters in the brain include enkeohain and the endorphins.They are activated in pleasure. Naltexrexone – this is an alcohol treatment, which prevents opiod receptors, and this also prevents effects of alcohol. Neurodaptation KOCH AND LE MOAL says drugs dependence is to do with neuroadptations. They state that psychoactive drug’s change the brains wiring. If stopped, the changes are no longer needed and causes disruption. Genetics Good way to research this is to study twins. Family studies then to illustrate environmental factors in the development of addiction as well. Need to see if it is environmental or genetic.Agravel & Lynsky 2006 – genetic influence with heritability estimates ranging between 45% -> 79% Kender et all (1998) – 1934 female twins. Drug addiction was mainly due to genetic factor. Blum et al (1991) – addictive off springs had the A1 gene showed that they had fewer dopamine receptors. Those who have these gens are more likely to be addicted to drugs which will produce more dopamine. But this could be because they have fewer dopamine. EVAULATION OF BIOLOGICAL MODEL X range is too wide X an imals are not humans so cant verify. v explains why some people are addicted X BUT sometimes it depends on the environmentX neurotransmitters have complex effects. Not fully understood X neglects social situations X too reductionalist – US soldiers took drugs while they were away but once they were home they didn’t. X some people may be experimenters ? chicken or the egg X very correlation. Can’t connect them in a cause and effect way. X need more research in to it X people may indulge but not addicted X animal studies LEARNING THEORY OF ADDICTION Acquires habits, which are learnt according to the principles of SLT. Things can be unlearned. There are different degrees of addiction. Bandura – Bobo doll Children learnt via observationSome one who is reinforced (operant) their behaviour is more likely yo be limited Vicarious reinforcement – reinforcement received indirectly by observing someone else and being reinforced Imitating someone we admire Cog nitive labelling model An alcoholic walks pass a pub. The cue, associated with the drinking gives a psychological response and actives a memory of drinking. The sign of a high heart rate tells the person they need a drink. Outcome expectancy model Someone who has an addictive behaviour, when they are confronted with a cue for the drug, it might trigger thoughts of excitement and would do it againClassical conditioning Addictive behaviour is also seen as being explained by classical conditioning. Drug abuse became associated with certain environmental factors until these factors alone produce a high. Intuition, maintance and relapse are due to learning experiences involving environmental. The cue-reacting theory Carter and Tiffany (1999) – addicts associates things, which were similar to their addiction. Explained via classical conditioning. The cues become able to elite conditioning responses even in the absence of the action smoking or gambling behaviour. Operant conditionin gPositive reinforcement Pleasant consequences Negative reinforcement Something unpleasant (likely to be repeated) Punishment Unpleasant consequences. Less likely to be repeated. Addicts change their behaviour in response to rewards and punishment. Bring about change in mood and material changes. Skinner – worked with animals. Greater behaviour changes when he gave less reinforcement or when they are unpredictable. Can explain why gamblers may get addicted. They are not winning all the time, makes compulsion strange. Learning Model Initiation – initial rewards shapes future behaviourMaintance – continues rewards reinforce and maintain behaviour Relapse – person giving up, relapse might be less likely if they have ‘relearnt’ the addictive behaviour all individuals are equally suspicious EVAULATION X animals X learning theories are reductionalists v can explain differences COGNITIVE MODEL OF ADDICTION Cognitive is thinking. This emphasises the h abitual ways people deal with life events may lead to addicitive behabviour. A person can rely on drugs or even gambling as a way of coping with life's problems. But these may create more problems than causes.Beck et al ‘the vicious cycle' Low mood -;gt; using smoking/ gambling -;gt; finacial, medical or social problem -;gt; the cycle continues Low mood can be relieved by addictive behaviour. Addiction can lead to problems. These problems lead to low mood. The cycle begins again. Coping : self mediciation model Initation – indivduals uses the addicitive behaviour to copy with stress/psycholoigcal problems. It is not choosen at random, it has been selected to help with a particular problem. Helps fulfil the 3 main functions – mood regulation – performance management – distractionMaintance and relapse – many smaller mention stress relief as a major reason why they keep to their habit Self efficacy theory BANDORA – This refers to one bein g organised and control any actions required to meet particular goal. This plays an important part in whether or not a person will start to engage in addicitive behaviour (initation). Whether they believe they can do anything about it once established (maintance and relaspe) FAULTY THINKING – Addicters lie to themselves because they think that it may bring them luck. But not all things are luck but people believe that whhat they are doing is correct.EVALUATION OF COGNITIVE MODEL Strenghts. – v cognitive explanations help explain individuals differences. Not everyone is addicitive X relative success of cognitive treatment of addicition support there is some cognitive basis Weaknessess – X publication bias – studies show a link between positive expectations and drinking behaviour. But not all studies are publlished so we get an unrepresentative view EXPLANATIONS FOR SPECIFIC ADDICTIONS Smoking – Smoking produces a phsyical addicition to nicotine, inf luencing dopamine production and the brain reward system. The WHO (world health organisations) estimates there are 1. billion smokers worldwide and they smoke 6 trilliopn cigarettes a year. Bad for you Smoking leads to high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, cancer and strokes. Pregnant women who smoke are more likely to have premature babies. The fact peoe still smoke knowing the facts shows how addicitve it is. Nicotine There are about 3000 chemical components in cigarette smoke but nicotime is the addicitve chemical. HILTS (1994) compared nicotine with heroin, cocaine, alcohol,m caffeine and cannabis. He ranked nicotine lowest in terms of effect but highest in terms of dependence.Smokers why try to give up have a relapse rate of 70%. Quickly Addictive DIFRANZA (2007) found teenage smokers had strong craving cigarettes two days after staring, suggesting how quickly people became addicted. Reasons to smoke – biological model Nicotine in cigarettes is seen as affect ing production of the neurotransmitters dopamine and acetylcholine, producing a reward effect. Genetics have more vulnerabilty to smoking addicition. SHIELDS (1992) looked at 42 twins pairs who had been reared apart. Only 9 wre discordant for smoking (one was and was a non smoker, which suggests that genes may play a part) Social FactorsMost people start smoking in their childhood or adolescence. Operant conditioning does not explain this because the first few cigarettes taste horrible. So OC says that they get rewards from peers. Social Learning Theory Children copy their role models because they think it is all right to smoke. Parents But one main influence is the parents. LADER AND MATHESON (1991) said if parents smoked, children were twice as likely to smoke. Cognitive model The cognitive model suggests that teenagers have strategies for not smoking even when pressurised by peers.But there was a group who were ready to smoke (MITCHELL and WEST 1996) Individual differences In a U S study, it suggests strong links between smoking and poor school records, low self-esteem no sport, and other illegal drug taking. Cognitive factors Smokers are seen as possessing irrational thoughts for instance that smoking improves cognitive functionoing or calm nerves. Such dysfunctional ideas can be self-fulfilling AO2 The fact that biological therapies help people quit supports the biological theory. Many people quit nicotine replacements suggesting social and cognitive factors. Supporting evidenceNIDA (2005) found that 90% of American smokers started as teenagers, mainly as a result of copying peers, suggesting SLT as a cause of initiation of smoking. A recent Canadian study (Khaled 2005) found that there was a link between depression and nicotine where depression was higher in smokers and even higher in smokers who wanted to give up. PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLERS Need to meet 5/10 to be problem gamblers. More than 5, you are a pathological gambler. 1/ preoccupation with gambling 2/ need to gamble with increasing amount of money in order to achieve the desired excitement 3/ repeated unsuccessful efforts to control/out back or stop gambling. / restlessness or irritability when trying to out down on gambling. 5/ use of gambling as means of escaping from problems or relieving dysphonic mood. 6/ return to gambling even after losing money, in the hope of winning it back 7/ lying to family members, therapists or others to conceal the extent of gambling 8/ committing illegal acts such as forgery, fraud or theft to financial gambling 9/ jeopardising or losing significant relationships/jobs/educational opportunist as a result of gambling 10/ reliance on others to produce money to relieve a desperate situation caused by gambling Getting a ‘high’One of the motivators is the ‘high’ they experience when they are close to winning. Raised levels of dopamine and noradrenalin have been found in people after episodes of gambling and in serious gamblers . These neurochemicals can be raised with the thought of gambling. Biological Stopping gambling seems to result in the same kind of withdrawal symptoms associated with stopping drugs. ROSENTHAL ET AL (1992) found that over 60% of pathology gamblers, reported physical withdraw and these could be compared with withdrawal of drugs. A number of studies have shown a link between potential brain abnormalities.It is linked between front lobe dysfunction and problem gambling (CAVEAINI ET AL 2002) Genetics There is evidence from studies that gambling could be inherited. Results of a twin study from SHAH (2005) found evidence of genetic transmission of gambling in men. Behavioural/sociocultural factors You are more likely to gamble if you are near a gambling area Alcohol It has been suggested that drinking increasing gambling, particularly in problem gambling. Young, game-machine gamblers stay on the machine longer when drinking. (POLS ET AL 1991). However, regular casino gamblers drink less when they are gambling.Behavioural SLT says that people copy from others. Operant says that people do it for rewards and getting high. Classical says that people associate the winning with the pleasure. Cognitive ZUCKERMAN (1979) claimed there are individual differences in the need for sensation seeking. They look for varied and new experiences. They have a low appreciation of risk and look forward to the ‘buzz’ more than low sensation seeks. Vulnerability of addiction Self esteem Teenagers are more likely to be linked with low self esteem and have addictive behaviours. Higher rates of depression and suicide – DEVERENSKY 2003LEVY 2009 – low self esteem increase the chances of developing addiction. Genetic vulnerability. Several factors might be required have an addiction. AO2 – Cause and effect – addiction because of low self esteem or low self esteem causes addiction. GREENBERG ET AL (1999) found that in a sample of 129-addiction student, no ne had issues with low self esteem. Psychological therapies based on realizing self esteem levels in addicts may stop them relapsing. Attributions Explanations people give for their own behaviour. Cognitive behaviour can play a part in addictive behaviour.MOORE ET AL (1999) says that young male problem gamblers sometimes have unrealistic ideas about their chances of winning and of their ability to make things happen. People with addictive behaviour often have poor self efficacy (blame the outside world) and an external locus of control. They don’t blame their selves. SENEVITNE ET AL (2000) used a questionnaire and 70 alcoholics. The found that alcoholics saw other relapse because they have poor will power while their own relapsed were beyond their control and not their fault. AO2 May have more to do with responsibility of the addict.Therapies focus on positive beliefs on the addicts own power can lead to better success rates. Fast successful quitters in clinics often relapse on the outside as they blame outside cues to starting again. Personality EYSENCH (1997) – psychological resource model which has 3 dimensions which are inherited P (psychoticism) Aggressive, coldness, impulsivity and egocentricity N (neuroticism) Moodiness, imitabilty and anxiety E (extraversion) Optimums, liveliness and sociability There is little evidence to support a link between E and drug dependence. N and P have links with addiction to heroin, alcohol and nicotine.There is a correlation between alcohol addiction and anti social personalities. Gender Men are more likely to gamble because they are more competitive. Recent evidence has shown that there is an increase of women gamblers. With females, they are more likely to be addicted to smoking because of the risks of the consequences. (FOX 1994) However, in gambling more boys are regular gamblers than girls. JACOBS 2001 says boys start gambling earlier, spend more money and enjoy competitive skill based games. Social con text Social context can influence vulnerability to dependency in many ways.Parents can be influenced through their own names to addictive behaviours. Drinking and to a lesser extent, smoking are not seen as sociability acceptable behaviours. CICCHETTIC 1999 states getting drunk and being anti-social can lead to drug abuse as can being depressed or anxious as a teenager. WAGNER ET AL 2002 found cannabis users were more likely to take cocaine so the social context can act as a ‘gateway’ to harder drugs. AO2 LESHNER 1998 believes that treatment must include social context otherwise if cue addict returns to the same social context, they will relapse.KUENTZEL 2008 found that pathological gambler give socially acceptable answers in self reports, playing down their addiction, suggesting data could be invalid. Family influence Teenagers copied off other – SLT. It also shows that a liberal attitude to drugs, poor bonding and dysfunctional relationship can lead to addictiv e behaviour. Parents are unconcerned about their children. Sociocultural background HALL 1990 found people in lower socio economic backgrounds were more likely to take drugs. Poor education + live in areas = high crime VITARA (2001) linked between alcohol abuse and problem gambling particularly in males.The role of media in addictive behaviour The media has influence on addictive behaviour. Advertising This can be used to encourage sales of alcoholic drinks and the lottery etc. or by the government to start anti-smoking campaigns etc. Alcohol and cigarettes CHAPMAN ET ALL 1982 found underage smokers preferred the more adverting brands. ATKIN ET AL 1984 found that 12-17 years old who had watched more adverts on drinking alcohol were more likely to approve of underage drinking. Banned on advert for cigarettes Cigarettes’ adverting is now banned in the UK as evidence as shown people are influenced by the advert they see.Role models Alcohol seems acceptable because of TV and film s. SLT suggests we learn what we see which means TV characterises may influence the audience. Smokers, gamblers or drinkers as long as they are ‘loveable rogues’ could be seen as role models. CHARLTON 1986 seeing adverts made children associate smoking with looking grown up GUNSEKA 2005 found that drug taking in films to be portrayed in positive fashion with little reference to negative outcomes. AO2 Media can be positive influence on addictive behaviour. Media create moral panics which would stop addicts.The impact of media on addictive behaviour is hard to assess as research is correlation so don’t know what other variables are in place. Models of prevention of addiction Addiction = bad for a person and society Behaviour can stem from biological behaviour and cognitive factors with the addictive behaviour/addiction. It is in our interest to help prevent them before they even being or help to stop someone intending to begin an addiction TRA – THE THEORY O F REASONED ACTION AJZEN AND FISHBEIN 1975 There are three general components, attitude, subjective norms and behavioural intention.This theory states the factors that are involved when people decide on their actions. People behave based on their attitudes of the behaviour and the interaction of what others will think of their behaviour. Essentially this model believes that if you have an intention to engage in a behaviour it can predict that you make a decision to carry out the behaviour. CRANO ET ALL 2008 used TRA to estimate teenager’s vulnerability to inhalant abuse, by assessing intention to use or avoid drug taking and actual behaviour. The model was found to be accurate as a predictive toll and thus useful in helping addicts to abstain.AO2 of TRA Critics see TRA as deficient in explaining behaviour of those who have little control over their behaviour, such as addicts. TRA does not consider personality and cultural factors or demographics that shape addictive behaviour. Addicts are often aware of their behaviour and that it is not rational but they cannot help their addiction. THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOUR – TPB TRA was modified to produce TPB, adding a new component, the influence of perceived control. The theory of planned behaviour ‘perceived control’ – this is similar to Bandura’s concept of self-efficacy.According to TPB behavioural intentions are the outcome of the following beliefs. Attitude this can be a positive or negative evaluation of behaviour combined with beliefs about the outcome (e. g giving up smoking will be hard but will improve health). Subjective norms, perception if social norms ‘my friends will approve of my attempt to give up smoking’. Perceived Behaviour Control: a belief that someone can give up. AO2 of TPB The model assumes behaviours are conscious reasoned and planned, which may not be the case with addicts.As with TRA, TPB often used questionnaires to gather data, which can have issues with self report and social desirability. Most research is western countries cultural bias as individuals might not be as important in eastern cultures. Types of intervention Stages of changes model PROCHASHA AND DICLEMENTE said there were 5 stages that have to be overcome to beat addiction Pre-contemplation – before you start thinking about quitting the addiction. Contemplation – when you start to quit your addiction. Preparation – seek methods to stop addiction. Action – is starting the stopping to the addiction Maintance.People sometimes switch backwards and forwards and this is called ‘the revolving door phenomenon’. People in the preparation stage were more likely to attempt to give up an addiction than those in the contemplation stage. Psychological interventions Aversion therapy Contingency contracting Cue exposure self management technique Aversion therapy Punishment rather than reward. Been used to break smoking and alco hol addiction. Electric shocks every time the individual took addiction but was not successful. The addicts have been given a drug called Antabuse, when they drink alcohol, they are sick. They will link between the two.LANG AND MARLETT – TWO LIMITATIONS X not everyone was willing to take the drug. X doesn’t explain why they become addicted to the behaviour. With smoking, therapy was successful. Had to puff every 6 seconds, made the individual feel ill and nausea, assisted the two – SPIEGLAR AND GUEVREMONT. However, not been consistent across studies and a higher risk associated with this treatment for people who have heart problems. Didn’t focus on the act of smoking rather than causing the underlying addiction. Contingency contracting Individual to identify the environmental factors that are associated with smoking/drinking.The therapist aim to gradually expose the client to different cues and helps them to develop coping strategies to deal with the cues without resorting to smoking/drinking. Reduces the patients physical dependence on alcohol. but it does not teach them to deal with cues when they return to every day life. Cue exposure Addictive behaviour are often caused in the pressure of various stimuli. Cue exposure involves presenting the cue to the individual and helping them t control their reaction to it. In this way the response of ‘smoking’ in the pressure of alcohol fades away or exiting wishes.This is thought to be more effective than simply trying to avoid the cues. For example more drinking. Self-management technique This involves a variety of behavioural techniques. The individual is usually monitored by a therapist. The individual is asked to keep a daily record of their addictive habits and the changes to try and become aware of the things that make them become addictive. The individual should question the effects of the addiction. HALL ET ALL said that techniques can be used as a broader treatment pr ogramme, but they do not seem to be particularly effective on their own. EVAUALTIONWhile these behaviours based can be effective, they all share the problem that they do not really address the underlying reason why people have become addictive in the first place. Often short term With all therapies for addiction, they work better if they are mixed with other therapies based on other treatment. Different ways/treatment to smoking/drinking/drugs Biological interventions have been widely used to help people give up on smoking. There have been different way of tackling with people’s smoking addiction. There are different types of treatment†¦ Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)This type of treatment involves nicotine gum, patches and nasal spray and others. These are effect because they help smokers stop their addiction in several ways. While the smoker take one of these replacement therapies, they are helping to withdraw the symptoms of smoking. These have also shown that the se can have positive reinforcement with the person who is trying to give up. this meaning that the person is more likely to not do it again because they have something to distract them from the actual smoking. With this the client will used varies of different formulations and will slowly used smaller formulations as gum.Even though the client will have an urge to have a cigarettes, there are other ways to come about this. Nicotine patches help because they gradually emit nicotine throughout the day. If the client has a cigarette during the treatment, they are more likely to not repeat this again because the cigarette will be less satisfying. Bupropion Another way of helping with the addiction of smoking is bupropion. This drug works by increasing the brain levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, this simulates the effects of nicotine of these neurotransmitters. This is an effect treatment because it helped to block out the nicotine receptors.This means that the client is less likely that the client will relapse and have a cigarette. It has also bee proven my psychologists WATTS that it is successful. Varenicline This type of drug released dopamine in the brain. It also blocks effects of any nicotine added to the system. Trials have found that varenicline is superior to bupropion in helping people to stop smoking. Also it has helped smokers reduce the amount of cigarettes they have after a 12-week trial. Nicotine vaccines This is a new clinical trial, which is still undergoing at the moment.The type of trial is trying to help produce anti-bodies to the nicotine. The anti-bodies bind the nicotine so it takes longer to go to the brain. This therefore reduces the effect of the cigarettes smoke. EVALUTION Nicotine replacement therapy delivers nicotine into the bloodstream much more slowly than cigarette smokers does. But then it doesn’t satisfy the smoker completely ad maybe the client will give up on the therapy and relapse. Other research has shown that it ’s the nicotine rather than other components that underlines the addiction and this maintains the cigarettes smoking.This therefore doesn’t rid the client the nicotine addiction. There also have been issues with health and safety with the nicotine. Some research has shown that it could cause cardiovascular, cancer, reproductive disorders and delayed wound healing. Because the body is still being supplied with nicotine, this could increase heart rate, coronary blood vessels and temporarily increase bloody pressure. There are quite a few side effects to take just nicotine and because of this, it is advised not to take it during pregnancy but then again it is safer to take nicotine than to smoke in pregnancy.
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