Thursday, December 26, 2019
American History X Essay - 1126 Words
American History X nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Will racism ever come to an end or will its path go on infinitely? For the most part, the majority of people respect those who are different either in color, race, and/or heritage; however, there are those few that hold bigoted views towards people who are different than they are. The movie American History X by Tony Kaye displays an example of people who hold bigoted views. Derek, a Neo-Nazi leader, must contend with his actions relating to his past racist views and actions. This powerful movie explores its characters thoroughly and gives reasons why people become so callous and turn towards a racist group. It also exposes insight to problems that plague America when it comes to racism in†¦show more content†¦Derek realized that hatred towards people did not help him, his family, or the situation at hand. Instead of being negative and destructive, why not be positive. Hurting people and destroying property does not solve problems, but only makes the m worse by causing more resentment and tension between people (Theriou). Nothing good has ever come out of a situation where one person has been the victim of a crime or abuse. Good things come out of situations where people show hospitality, good will, and compassion; not hatred. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;It is made very clear that Derek and Danny have no affiliations with the Ku Klux Klan. Derek calls the KKK a bunch of disorganized rednecks that very inanely run around with sheets on their heads. Instead they are part of a Neo-Nazi group in Southern California. In America today there are â€Å"estimated to be about 200,000 members 602 3 associated with white power groups (included in these estimates are supporters and hard core members plus their families)†(Suall). That is a lot of people who are affiliated with known racist groups. When looking on the Internet a person can realize how much hate is present in our world. John Hron website has estimates of Neo-Nazis in countries and a little bit about how that country views Nazism. America has about 85,000 Neo-Nazi members compared with 47,000 German Neo-Nazis. Germany though has a lotShow MoreRelatedEssay on Racism in American History X936 Words  | 4 Pages American History X is clearly a film dealing with racism. The interesting thing about this film is the way in which the subject is treated. First of all, it is obvious that, though racism is always a difficult subject to deal with, American History X presents it without any reservations or dumming down. Second, the films figurehead for racism, Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton), is not an unintellige nt redneck racist as films often portray them, but is in fact well-spoken, charismatic and intelligentRead MoreAmerican History X By Tony Kaye1343 Words  | 6 PagesLet me introduce you to a world where colour matters, where if you are African American you can say goodbye to being a living soul, and you can definitely guarantee a brutal end to your life. Now â€Å"put your motherf****** mouth on the curb†and say goodnight. It’s a white man s world and you my friend have no rights at all. American History X, directed by Tony Kaye is about a former neo-Nazi who has been released from jail and is now trying to right his wrongs. His goal to make sure his brother doesRead MoreAmerican History X: Analysis of Lighting and Color2182 Words  | 9 PagesAmerican History X American History X is divided into two color schemes, black and white, and color, these schemes symbolize the before and after of Derek Vinyards life. The film is about the life of an idol skinhead and D.O.C. member Derek Vinyard, and how his life of hate and racism has affected his family and himself. Throughout the movie the importance of color and lighting is obvious, because it divides the movie into two fused worlds of Derek. Some of the movie is shot in black and whiteRead MoreRacism in American History X1021 Words  | 5 PagesRacism in American History X â€Å"Get the fuck out of my house!†exclaims Derek as he pulls down his wife-beater to reveal a swastika tattoo, â€Å"See this? That means not welcome.†American History X, directed by Tony Kaye, is a movie about the transformation of Derek Vinyard: a young neo-Nazi skinhead. Derek’s father, Dennis Vinyard, was a middle-class fireman who disagreed with many of the ideological changes–such as affirmative â€Å"black†action–happening in America at the time. His father died whileRead MoreRacism in American History X951 Words  | 4 PagesAmerican History X is clearly a film dealing with racism. The interesting thing about this film is the way in which the subject is treated. First of all, it is obvious that, though racism is always a difficult subject to deal with, American History X presents it without any reservations or dumming down. Second, the films figurehead for racism, Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton), is not an unintelligent redne ck racist as films often portray them, but is in fact well-spoken, charismatic and intelligentRead MoreThe Film American History X1248 Words  | 5 PagesThe film American History X begins with an average American middle-class family; four well-behaved children and two all-American parents living in Long Beach, California. The father is killed in a shooting, leaving his eldest son, Derek, the head of the household. Derek becomes enveloped in Neo-Nazi culture from the end of his adolescent years into early adulthood, and he becomes the leader of a gang. At this point, his younger brother, Danny, is an adolescent and begins mimicking his older brother’sRead MoreThe Movie American History X979 Words  | 4 PagesRecently I watched the movie American History X. Its major subjects are gang violence and racism, that has been passed on from generation to generation. It also asked questions like, what were their racist ideas really based on, how did racism effect the community, can racism be reshaped by actual experiences, and how or why racism to begin with? Racism has been the main topic in the judicial system, police affairs, and racially divided communities for years but it s neither disappearing nor growingRead MorePrejudice in the Film American History X1422 Words  | 6 Pagesone is free from it. In the film, American History X, Derek is a great example of how prejudice someone can be. Derek agrees with the white power movement because he feels victimized and threatened by everyone who is not white, but in prison he learns his stereotypes are full of holes; from the film I learned there is no reason to hate one another based on race or stereotypes. Life is too short to live a life based on hate. Throughout the film, American History X, Derek feels victimized and threatenedRead More American History X Essay examples1430 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican History X American History X is clearly a film dealing with the social topic of racism. The interesting thing about this film is the way in which the subject is presented. First of all, it is obvious that, though racism is always a difficult subject to deal with, American History X presents it without any reservations or dummying down. Second, the films figurehead for racism, Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton), is not an unintelligent redneck racist as films often portray them, but is inRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie American History X 1586 Words  | 7 PagesIn the movie, â€Å"American History X†, the plot surrounds the life of two brothers who are involved with the D.O.C. a well-known white supremacist group in Venice Beach. Danny Vinyard is a high school student who admires his older brother, Derek, a former skinhead. Through the incarceration of his brother Derek, Danny becomes more affiliated with the skinheads and is mentioned at times as being the resemblance of his elder brothe r. The movie begins with flashbacks of Derek’s incarceration, and everything
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Project Management and Autonomous Mobile Vehicles
Week 4 Discussion Question In working out your responses to the Discussion Question, you may choose examples from your own experience or find appropriate cases on the Web that you feel able to discuss. Credit will be given for references you make to relevant examples from real companies. Please read widely and cite and reference all your sources, as per the Harvard Referencing System. Compose a synthesis of the lessons from the Wong text pages 149–165. Develop your thinking with wider academic support in order to bring out your understanding of the terms used, including: * Personal space, culture, individual versus community orientation, respect for authority, non-verbal communications, the value of time, valuing cultural diversity†¦show more content†¦So far in your career, you have been managing projects under different organisational forms including functional, projectized, and matrix structures. You have completed projects to initiate new business units in existing organisations. However, you do not have experience in starting an organisation, in particular an organisation where the time to allow the employees to work collectively as a team is limited. An entrepreneur, Dr. Ryan ONeal, and an investor, Jeff Hoffman, approach you with a business idea and a funding of $12 million. Ryan and Jeff would like you to develop an innovative system in warehouse order fulfilment. The system will consist of a group of autonomous mobile vehicles which will move quickly through the warehouse and load and move orders to the fulfilment platform ( Dr. ONeal is an expert in mobile robotics while Jeff Hoffman is an investor with a strong background in warehouse management, supply chain management, and fulfilment technologies. A critical project requirement is to implement the business idea and launch the product within 10 months. Ryan and Jeff are both convinced that if the product is launched in 10 months, there will be a set of committed customers in the U.S. to sustain future venture funding. Ryan andShow MoreRelatedProject Management and Autonomous Mobile Vehicles1980 Words  | 8 PagesWeek 4 Individua l Project Individual Project: Project Proposal Your task for Week 4 is to prepare a project proposal on how to set up the start-up company successfully, while ensuring that the executive team and the supplier teams remain motivated. Your proposal must indicate all the tasks that you will complete to ensure a successful start-up along with the schedule for completion of these tasks. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Service Management
Question: Write a report aimed at Senior Executive level which Identifies and Discussed examples of Service Management excellence in one or more actual Service Organisations of your choice. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this report is to provide a brief overview to the senior level executives of the organization. The report explains about the service management activities presented in the external environment. Further the task explains detailed information about the Singapore Airlines company and how they excelled in their service management target market with the use of their own efficiencies and human resource present in the organization (Eaton 2017). Service industry refers to the industry which provides service to the market, the company does not provide any provide to the customers in the market. The task shows the particular field in which the company has graced with its efficient human resource. It shall be noted that service industry does not provide any product on which the customer relies their expectation and satisfaction level, so the company needs to provide adequate services to the customers so that they can achieve brand image in the target market (Chao, and Kao 2015). So, the theme of the report is to show the activities of the company on the below mentioned sectors present in the service management industry with the help of which they aced their market. Further details about the task are discussed below: Company Background Singapore Airlines (SIA) is an internationally recognized company involved in providing Airlines services to the world. The company recognized as one of the leading carrier in the world. It has a route network of around 90 cities in more than 40 countries. SIA is regarded as the world largest operator of Boeing 747-400s and provide services as a modern fleet in the airlines industry. Also the company provides frees services to its customers during the flights as well like free drinks, brunch and headsets as well. The company is setting the standards all around the world with their innovations like KrisWorld interactive entertainment system (Gittell, et. al., 2015). The company is major carrier in the Pacific region with the route from Europe to North America. The company is 54% owned by the Singapore Government with a minor shareholding of Delta Airlines and Swissair. The company is a major route for transit point for people who travel to areas of Far East. The fact shall be noted that in crucial times of recession also, the company managed to make consistent profits for them while other competitors were going under debts at that time (Appendices 2). The youngest aircraft of Singapore Airlines Company is 106 aircraft which is of seven years (Singapore Air, 2017). Excellence of Singapore Airlines in Service management industry Talking about the service management industry it shall be noted that it is noted that it is not easy for organizations to initiate their effectiveness in the service management industry as services cannot be measured n number for the purpose of satisfaction of the customers. So it is very difficult for such companies to initiate their success in the target market as there are many factors to considering while looking at the success of an organization (Connell, Burgess, and Waring 2017). Further talking about the airlines industry it shall be noted that now days there is presence of tough competition in the external due to which no organization is giving space to other competitor to move, but the company while successfully satisfy the expectations of the employees achieve growth and success. There are many aspects to measure the excellence of a service management company to measure its excellence in the target market but the most important aspect which can help the marketer to analyze the excellence of the companies can be calculate with analyzing the satisfaction level of the customers present in the target market who are attaining their services. More satisfaction, more excellence achieved and vice versa (Heracleous, and Wirtz 2010). Further it shall be noted that Singapore airlines successfully achieved their defined goals in the target market and is an all-rounder in providing services to the customers in the target market. The company is not online acing the market because they are providing good airlines services in the market, but Singapore Airlines has conquered the market because it provides all types of services it the customers which drive better satisfaction for them (Heracleous, and Wirtz 2012). Further details about the achievement and the activities of Singapore Airlines are discussed below: Managing People This term of service management industry includes the process of managing both human resource of the company and the customers and client of the company as well. Talking about the customers of the company, the growth of the company clearly tells that the customers are satisfied with the activities of the organization in the target market. In the previous year, Singapore Airlines earned revenue of S $15.228 billion which is an optimum amount to show that the customers of the company are making repetitive sales and are happy with the services provided by the company (Heracleous, and Wirtz 2014). Further it shall be noted that most of the people love to travel in business class in Singapore Airlines as the company has a positive vibe and aura due to which they get attracted towards their services (Appendices 3). Further talking about the human resource of SIA, it shall be noted that the company is a diversified family of around 24574 employees working with them. And the fact shall also be remarked that the management is working well to support the employees and help them to achieve better level of satisfaction as well. Talking about the jobs in this company, it is signified that SIA has one of the most demanding jobs in the whole world (Yu, Chen, and Chiang 2017). All people want to become a part of this company as they management of the company provide such satisfactory services to them. One of the best qualities of the management is that they believe in rewarding the employees in both monetary and non-monetary terms. This helps the employees to get financial assistance along with motivation to work more as well. Thus, in this way the organization manages people connected with their working (Heshmati, and Kim 2016). Customer Relationship Management About Singapore Airlines, the fact which was accounted that despite of the pressure inputted by the competitors present in the society, the company as major occupied by the pressure of the client which they lay on them. The client and customers of the company have sky high expectations from the company they will achieve their targets according to their brand image. Under the process of customer relationship management, the company supports the organizational process of value proposition to gain advantage. This phase helps the organization to fully concentrate on the creation better experiences for the customers by consistently using their resources to achieve effectiveness for the employees (Jain 2015). The company utilized the customer centric approach to ace the target market. The company utilizes the strategy of targeting the customers on the basis of their cultural values inherited in their nature. With the help of that information, the company created brand loyalty with the customers which increased their level of satisfaction as well (Zentner 2016). Four realms of customer experience were identified which involved the relationship management of the company with the customers of the company. Absorption, active participation, immersion and passive participation are the four aspects on the basis of which relationship of the company was compared with the customers. Esthetic experience derived to the customers is regarded as the best which provide delightful experiences to them with their airlines services (Karatepe, and Vatankhah 2014). Lastly, it shall be noted that Singapore Airlines is constantly aiming to improve flight attendant abilities to provide products and services to the customers according to the reputation of the company in the market; this factor is regarded as the key driver of their relationship (Appendices 1). Thus, it shall be noted that the qualified personnel of the company helps them to maintain good customer relationship. Also the relation is maintain and refined through feedback of satisfaction which give better results (Kaufman 2017). Service communication Service communication refers to the process communicating to other regarding the service rendered by the company. Services that are offered in the market depend upon their differentiation present in them, further it also depends upon the offline and online level store. But it shall be noted that services communication lays major impact on the success of the company as it helps people to gain knowledge about the product and services offered by the organization and view its features as well (Wirtz, Tuzovic, and Kuppelwieser 2014). Further it shall also be note that just as communication play a major role in enhancing in internal communication, similarly external communication in the organization also enhanced with the initiation of communication. Such type of communication includes advertisement and promotion plans of the organization which help them to communicate about their service in the target market (Lim, and Tkaczynski 2017). The company adequately advertises their Singapore Gi rl who shows her happiness while flying with the company, this notion helps the customers to realize the value of services which the company provides in the target market. Further in accordance to the customer service culture the company also initiate an easy talk to help the customers get better level of satisfaction from the services. Clarity in commitment is maintain by the organization while flying or while promoting the services of the company which shows their solidarity initiate action plan which drive satisfaction of customers. Resulting to which, the SIA is regularly earning huge profit in the target market. The Singapore Girl is the best used model which tells people about the new airplanes and destinations provided by the company (Low, and Lee 2014). Further the fact shall be noted that the brand image of the company says that they provide high quality services with great level of entertainment services in the market. For the purpose of which the SIA Girls correctly portray the image in the market which attract the right customers demanded by the company. Thus, in this way efficient communication leads to achievement of excellence for the company in the external market (Pang 2016). Performance Measurement Performance management refers to the process of reviewing the employees and then managing different types of performances and rewarding them accordingly. The fact shall be noted that no organization can gain excellence without dissatisfying the employees of the company. So, the company Singapore Airline has earned goodwill in the target market because of its valuable employees. In accordance to which, it is mandatory for the company to reward the employees who help them to attain success in the target market (Wirtz, Heracleous, and Pangarkar 2008). The management of SIA has defined parameters to assess the efficiency of the employees to work in the company. The HR manager of the company analyses and evaluates the work performed by the company and motivates them to work more. Further depending upon the quality of services provided by the employees the company provide them monetary and non-monetary rewards. Such rewards help the employees to increase their efficiency and motivate them to achieve their personal goals along with organizational goals as well (Reference for Business 2017). Further the best service which the company provides to the employees is that they provide them quality training services and initiate conversation to understand and solve their issues. Resulting to which, the employees also positively respond to the organization (Migacz, Zou, and Petrick 2017). Also Singapore Airlines successfully achieved Holy Grail of strategic success and sustainable competitive advantage. As the company providing high value to the customers in the market, but the high value of the company does not given high value of cost to the customers. In simple words it shall be noted that the company manages their performance in market by initiate cost-effectiveness in their business structure (Hapsari, et. al., 2017). Monitoring and evaluation of service Initially the company builds high performance team to empower their employees to work efficiently in the target market. The company invested on training and retraining of employees to inculcate efficiency in them so that they employees can provide better results to the company. They also provided efficiency to the front line officers so that they can provide better results to the customers of the organization (Wirtz, and Heracleous 2016). Then the managerial team of the organization developed the parameters to monitor and evaluate the activities initiated by the company. As it is noted that the organization is involved in delivering high quality services to the company so the managers also monitor and evaluate the growth of the company and employees as well. The level of productivity is decided on the basis of which the performance of the organization is compared, use of sufficient resource tells about the growth of the company so this also a way through which the company evaluate the growth of the whole organization in wider context. Further the employees activities are monitored and evaluated on the basis of their performance evaluation method. The company earned excellence in the market because it uses simplified techniques to measure and monitor the growth depending upon the vision and mission of the organization (Wensveen 2016). Conclusion Thus, in the limelight of above mentioned events the facts that shall be noted is that the organization Singapore Airline focused on their human resource and capabilities and vision mission to successfully achieve growth in the competitive market. The company never lost its pace in the market because it focused on their efficiency and high value creation in organization. Further the company also focused on providing quality services to the customers so as to gain competitive advantage in the target market. The best services which the organization provides due to which they earned excellence are that the organization supplies additional and complimentary services to the customers on board. Thus, due to which practices the organization receives excellence in the market. Further few recommendations to the company is discussed below: Delivering highest quality is the mission of the organization. For this purpose the organization shall constant look for ways and resources with the help of which they can gain more profit for the company. Apart from creating business class experiences better, the organization shall also focus on economic class. With this process they can earn greater level of profit ad attract more customers in the market. This process will also help the organization to create diversified brand image in the target market. The customers of the company who make repeated sales shall be given discounts on travelling and other allowances a well so as to maximize their level of satisfaction with the organization. A feedback form shall be filled by the customers of the organization regarding their experiences with the company while travelling (Heizer 2016). This will help the organization to analyze and evaluate the areas where the company is working absolutely fine and the areas where the organization needs to monitor their growth. Same feedback form shall be filled by the employees in the organization so as to monitor the level of satisfaction derived to the employees in the organization. This will help the management to monitor and evaluate the performance of the employees in a better way. Lastly, the company shall focus on expanding their areas of work by developing new channel routes all around the world. References Chao, C.C. and Kao, K.T., 2015. 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Monday, December 2, 2019
John Edwards an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by
John Edwards by Expert Prof Akunga | 05 Oct 2016 John Edwards and the Americans for the Preservation for Fundamental Americanism As a former Senator, John Edwards has a number of qualifications to run for the Presidency of the United States. Qualifications alone, however, are simply not enough to make a successful campaign as it is critical to also have solid backing and support from organizations that can deliver votes. In other words, when an organization has a number of members or loyal followers, an endorsement or relationship between the candidate and the organization can prove to be quite fruitful. Need essay sample on "John Edwards" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed In the case of the hypothetical organization Americans for the Preservation for Fundamental Americanism, Edwards would not be an individual who this organization would wish to associate with. Considering that the organization would require Edwards to agree with all their positions, the two parties would never be able to work together. Edwards is a leftist candidate and while this organization holds a variety of leftist positions, it also holds a number of far right positions. Yes, this is an inexplicable mix and that is why the organization is a hypothetical one and not a real one. However, it is the organization in question and as such a comparison between this organization's stances on certain issues will be compared with Edwards' stances on certain issues. From this, a clearer understanding of Edwards' position on a variety of issues will be more clearly understood. Edwards, for example, is a major supporter of abortion rights and has always been a supporter of abortion rights. This was a stance that he had taken when he was in the Senate and it was a stance that he had taken when he was a running mate for the Vice Presidential nomination with John Kerry. In the recent months that Edwards has been running for the Democratic nomination, he was long since established that he is a supporter of abortion rights and even backs the very controversial partial-birth abortion procedure. This is not an issue that Edwards has ever wavered on and, as such, would not align all that well with this organization on this particular issue at all. Additionally, in a recent Democratic Presidential nomination debate Edwards staunchly put forth his support for legalizing all illegal immigrants in the United States. There are a number of reasons for his stance on this issue which include the fact that many illegal immigrant supporters find allies in the Democratic Party and the Party is also heavily backed by unions which are staunch supporters of illegal aliens in certain industries such as food service, etc. Because of this, it would be categorically impossible for a candidate such as Edwards who is strongly courting the liberal base of his party to switch positions and support any deportations of illegal immigrants. In fact, Edwards has long since been a supporter of immigration lawyer organizations (Edwards, himself, was a trial lawyer) and his support for these groups has been unwavering and will remain so. In Edwards own words, he has stated the following which was printed in the online news magazine The Hill: "We're going t o ensure that every single person living in the United States of America has a completely achievable path to American citizenship so that they don't live in the shadows." In terms of "universal health care coverage," Edwards would probably be a staunch ally of this organization as one of his campaign pledges has been that he would provide a universal health care plan for all American citizens. In fact, he has routinely criticized Hillary Clinton for "borrowing" some of his ideas on the campaign trail in regard to health care plans and ideas. Additionally, one could even go so far as to call Edwards a "hardliner" as he has even gone so far as to say if elected President he would deny Congress their health coverage unless they passed a universal health care plan. (He could try, but it would be a major violation of the Separation of Powers clause in the US constitution!) So, this would definitely be an area that Edwards and the organization would be a good mix. The Associated Press has quoted Edwards strong stance on this issue as follows: "'It requires that everybody is covered. It requires that everybody get preventive care,' he told a crowd sitting in lawn chairs in front of the Cedar County Courthouse. 'If you are going to be in the system, you can&'t choose not to go to the doctor for 20 years. You have to go in and be checked and make sure that you are OK.' " In terms of a law requiring that 1/3 of the federal budget would be used for social programs is a somewhat curious area. While Edwards does definitely believe that there should be expensive social program spending, he has never committed a mandatory monetary figure of the budget to the spending. In fact, it would be bizarre to pass a law that perpetually mandates a certain percentage of the budget blindly without ever looking at the overall costs to the nation. With the nation currently at war, it is doubtful that such a figure could ever be maintained. Additionally, it is doubtful that the electorate would support the social spending of that degree so this figure is probably a bit too high for Edwards to through his support behind. While Edwards and Americans for the Preservation for Fundamental Americanism share certain values, they also disagree strongly on other matters. As such, it is doubtful that the two would ever be able to work together in any capacity. Bibliography Associated Press/ "John Edwards&' Universal Health Care Plan Would Make Regular Checkups Mandatory" 03 Sept 2007 Retrieved 14 October 2007 From Youngman, Sam. "Dems Push Immigration." 20 September 2007 Retrieved 14 October 2007
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