Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay about We Should NOT Censor Internet Pornography
Pornography is an age-old phenomenon that has been under much modern-day scrutiny. With the recent proliferation of online pornography, possible social ramifications of sexually explicit material on uncontrolled mediums have become the subjects of intense debate. Proponents of a liberal approach toward pornography argue that access to online smut is a constitutionally protected freedom and a harmless diversion that serves to satisfy curiosity and relieve sexual tensions.5 Opponents of this view are particularly concerned with the social effects of online pornography and its effect on the values and morals of minors who can access pornographic images. I will argue for the liberal side and argue that porn in both print form and†¦show more content†¦One major flaw of the CDA is that it uses community standards to judge what is considered legal on the Internet. Unlike most forms of media, the Internet has no defined community; it is a decentralized, ungoverned body that is acces sible to every person with a computer and a telephone line in the world. If there are community standards, to which community do they belong? Do they belong to the communities of the Netherlands where prostitution and marijuana are legal, or to the communities of Bible-belt American, where family values are top priorities? The CDA went beyond its jurisdiction by claiming that community standards was the device with which to measure indecency. The standards of conservative lawmakers should not be the standards that gauge the appropriateness of the Internet, and these lawmakers are wrong to assume that their morals are mirrored in community standards throughout America. The vast library located on the Internet would be transformed into nothing more than a childrens reading room, where only material suitable for minors could be viewed and discussed, since the bill would have made books such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Catcher in the Rye illegal in electric form5. Banning books solely because they are in electronic form is a direct infringement on every Americans First AmendmentShow MoreRelatedEffects of Media Violence on Children and the Youth2748 Words  | 11 Pagesï » ¿MEDIA AND THE YOUTH What has the humanity come too lately? It repeatedly seems as everywhere one looks, hostility rears its hideous head. We witness it on the streets, school, college, shopping malls and even at home. The very last of these is a key basis of violence. In numerous peoples living rooms there resides a channel for violence that frequently goes unobserved. It is the media, and the individuals who view it are frequently drawn into its realistic planet of violent graphics with sometimesRead MorePorn and Censorship15240 Words  | 61 PagesPornography and Censorship Should the government be allowed to legitimately prohibit citizens from publishing or viewing pornography, or would this be an unjustified violation of basic freedoms? Traditionally, liberals defended the freedom of consenting adults to publish and consume pornography in private from moral and religious conservatives who wanted pornography banned for its obscenity, its corrupting impact on consumers and its corrosive effect on traditional family and religious values. ButRead MoreStronger Internet Privacy Laws Are Unnecessary3382 Words  | 14 PagesStronger Internet Privacy Laws Are Unnecessary The Internet, 2005 As you read, consider the following questions: 1. What company was sued because its Web site s advertisement placed cookies on the computers of people visiting the site? 2. In what European country was a privacy-protection law used to curtail free speech, according to Mishkin? The right to privacy has been around since the early part of the last century. It has evolved to applyâ€â€more or lessâ€â€to a disparate array of socialRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesappropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use materialRead MoreAdidas Marketing Plan20779 Words  | 84 Pagesmarket.†© †© We†©have†©five†©recommendations†©that,†©if†©implemented†©effectively,†©will†©lead†©adidas†©into†© a†©new†©era†©of†©market†©penetration†©and†©customer†©loyalty†©that†©will†©put†©adidas†©in†©position†©to†© truly†©compete†©with†©its†©rival†©Nike.†©Our†©first†©recommendation†©is†©to†©become†©a†©more†©socially†© responsible†©company†©by†©improving†©supply†©chain†©management†©practices.†©Secondly,†©we†© recommend†©that†©adidas†©put†©a†©strong†©focus†©on†©the†©female†©market†©of†©active†©women†©who†©will†© not†©accept†©the†©Ã¢â‚¬Å"make†©it†©pink††©model.†©Third,†©we†©recommend†©that†©adidas†©streamline†©its†© Read MoreAdidas Marketing Plan20768 Words  | 84 Pagesmarket.†© †© We†©have†©five†©recommendati ons†©that,†©if†©implemented†©effectively,†©will†©lead†©adidas†©into†© a†©new†©era†©of†©market†©penetration†©and†©customer†©loyalty†©that†©will†©put†©adidas†©in†©position†©to†© truly†©compete†©with†©its†©rival†©Nike.†©Our†©first†©recommendation†©is†©to†©become†©a†©more†©socially†© responsible†©company†©by†©improving†©supply†©chain†©management†©practices.†©Secondly,†©we†© recommend†©that†©adidas†©put†©a†©strong†©focus†©on†©the†©female†©market†©of†©active†©women†©who†©will†© not†©accept†©the†©Ã¢â‚¬Å"make†©it†©pink††©model.†©Third,†©we†©recommend†©that†©adidas†©streamline†©its†©Read MoreMs Excel88443 Words  | 354 PagesProofreader Indexer Composition Illustrators Series Design Cover Series Design Cover Illustration Brandon A. Nordin Scott Rogers Katie Conley LeeAnn Pickrell Athena Honore Karen Weinstein Emily Wolman Marian Selig James Minkin Carie Abrew, Tabi Cagan, George T. Charbak Kathleen Fay Edwards, Melinda Moore Lytle, Michael Mueller, Lyssa Wald Mickey Galicia Dodie Shoemaker Eliot Bergman This book was composed with Corel VENTURAâ„ ¢ Publisher. Information has been obtained by McGraw-Hill/Osborne from sources
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Lyda Newman Invents Vented Hair Brush
African-American inventor Lyda D. Newman patented a new and improved hairbrush in 1898 while living in New York. A hairdresser by trade, Newman designed a brush that was easy to keep clean, durable, easy to make and provided ventilation during brushing by having recessed air chambers. In addition to her novel invention, she was a womens rights activist. Hairbrush Improvement Patent Newman received patent #614,335 on Nov. 15, 1898. Her hairbrush design included several features for efficiency and hygiene. It had evenly spaced rows of bristles, with open slots to guide debris away from the hair into a recessed compartment and a back that could be opened at the touch of a button for cleaning out the compartment. Women's Rights Activist In 1915, Newman was mentioned in local newspapers for her suffrage work. She was one of the organizers of an African-American branch of the Woman Suffrage Party, which was fighting to give women the legal right to vote. Working on behalf of her fellow African-American women in New York, Newman canvassed her neighborhood to raise awareness of the cause and organized suffrage meetings in her voting district. Prominent white suffragists of the Woman Suffrage Party worked with Newmans group, hoping to bring voting rights to all of New Yorks female residents. Her Life Newman was born in Ohio around 1885. Government censuses of 1920 and 1925 confirm that Newman, then in her 30s, was living in an apartment building on Manhattans West Side and was working as a familys hairdresser. Newman lived much of her adult life in New York City. Not much else is known about her private life. Hairbrush History Newman did not invent the hairbrush, but she did revolutionize its design to resemble the brushes in use more today. The history of the first hairbrush begins with the comb. Found by archaeologists at Paleolithic dig sites around the world, combs date back to the origins of human-made tools. Carved from bone, wood, and shells, they were initially used to groom hair and keep it free of pests, such as lice. As the comb developed, however, it became a decorative hair ornament used to display wealth and power in countries including China and Egypt. From ancient Egypt to Bourbon France, elaborate hairstyles were in vogue, which required brushes to style them. The hairstyles included ornate headdresses and wigs that were used as displays of wealth and social status. Because of their primary use as a styling tool, hairbrushes were an indulgence reserved exclusively for the wealthy. As late as the 1880s, each brush was unique and carefully handcraftedâ€â€a task that included carving or forging a handle from wood or metal as well as hand-stitching each individual bristle. Because of this detailed work, brushes were usually bought and gifted only on special occasions, such as weddings or christenings, and cherished for life. As brushes became more popular, brush makers developed a streamlined manufacturing process to keep up with demand.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Curriculum Based Assessment (CBA) for Students
Curriculum-Based Assessment (CBA) is any form of assessment based on the curriculum that a child is mastering. Most CBAs comes directly from the textbook, in the form of testsâ€â€often in the form of chapter tests. Other CBAs can be taken from online resources. This is especially true for online worksheet resources. The following are especially helpful. The Math Work Sheet Site The basic worksheet generator for this site is free, although it provides a variety of useful formats in its members section. You can choose to generate worksheets by the format (horizontal or vertical) the number of digits, whole numbers, the range of numbers use. It offers each of the basic operations, mixed problems, fractions, measurement, graphing and telling time. The worksheets have large numerals that are well spaced for the large digits made by most students in special education. Edhelper is a member only site, although access is provided to some items. The reading selections are not well adapted for children with reading disabilities: the text is often too close together for these readers, and the content is not particularly well written. My preference is always Reading A-Z, another member only site with excellent reading resources.Edhelpers math resources are excellent, especially for functional math skills such as money counting, fractions, and telling time. It provides several ways to show evidence of competence in each skill area. Money Instructor Money Instructor has both paid and member-only options. Many of the free options provide realistic (color) money for counting. These are excellent resources for children who have difficulty with generalization, such as children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Reading A-Z Reading A-Z is an excellent resource for special education teachers. It breaks reading levels into discrete levels from a-z for pre-primer through grade 6 readers. One of the advantages is that there is a great deal of non-fiction, which makes these lower level reading books age appropriate for older but very disabled readers. Not exactly the same as the Fountas and Pinnell levels, the website provides conversion charts which can be helpful if you are writing IEP goals with grade level goals (say, John will read at grade level 2.4 with 94% accuracy.)The website provides books in the PDF format that you can download and print in multiples. Each level provides benchmark books with pre-printed running record forms with the text from the books with places to check off the sort of errors for miscue analysis. Each benchmark also comes with a comprehension question, with different levels of questions geared to Blooms Taxonomy. Scholastic Bookwizard Finding leveled reading material for running records or miscue analysis can be a challenge. Scholastic offers a way to level the books they publish, either by grade level or guided reading level (Fountas and Pinnell.) Fountas and Pinnell also provide resources for leveling books but require a paid membership. Scholastic publishes some of the most popular childrens titles. Knowing grade level means that a teacher can select 100 word plus passages from authentic texts to use for running records and miscue analysis. Special Education Some publishers offer adapted assessments for special education students, or the special educator can adapt the assessment him or herself. Some text-based assessments can be read and scribed, especially if those accommodations are part of the students Specially Designed Instruction. Social studies tests are a good example: these are tests of a students social studies knowledge, not reading ability. The curriculum materials may be adapted to the students ability or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goals. For example, fourth-grade children are mastering long division, but children with disabilities in the same classroom may be mastering single digit divisors into two or three digit dividends. Curriculum-based assessment is just one of the ways to collect data to meet IEP goals. The above websites provide a lot of useful resources for the special educator.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Homosexuality A Natural or a Chosen Life - 923 Words
Homosexuality, Natural or A Chosen Life? Today, America is still faced with segregation issues, only today it isn’t about the color of skin but about your sexual orientation. A private matter that is suppose to be between two individuals, whether they are heterosexually or homosexually married, has become an issue of society. When it comes to finding a job, getting married, and all the legal rights involved in a marriage, homosexual couples are criticized and in some states not allowed. If it is proven to be natural, meaning no one has control over the people they choose to love, how could one deprive another from that happiness? Why should homosexuals be treated differently if it is proven that they have no control over the sexual preference? Well, the opposing side believes that homosexuals choose their orientation,and they are the groups that stand behind these anti-homosexual laws and believe that they should deal with the complications that come with loving the same sex. The only chance that homosexuals have is being able to prove that it is natural and therefore should be given the chance to pursue the â€Å"American Dream†. Homosexuality is a complicated aspect of our natural world, and there are many factors that can cause a human as well as many other species to become homosexual, some which are choices, but research has proven that sexual orientation is genetic and that there are only a slim amount of environmental interaction factors that effects one’s orientation,Show MoreRelatedEssay Gay and Lesbian Issues - Homosexuality Is Wrong1594 Words  | 7 PagesHomosexuality Is Wrong       Within the past several years gay and lesbian rights has become a huge issue. Gays and lesbians have started to come out of the closet, and proudly admitting their sexuality. In the past few years gays and lesbians have been fighting for the right to marry, and adopt children. So far there is only one state that allows gays to become married. People have become more and more open minded with homosexuality. Twenty years ago homosexuality was looked down uponRead MoreExamine the Way in Which One Religion Uses Scripture as a Basis for Its Teachings on Sexual Behaviour1525 Words  | 7 Pagesmarks). The Christian religion implements the use of scripture as the highest command for the way in which sexual ethics is implemented. Christian teaching explores several issues in light of sexuality such as extra-marital and pre-marital sex, homosexuality and pro-creation and I will write about these in this essay. When looking at pre-marital sex, traditional Christian teachings of the bible suggest that sex is only for married couples and hetro-sexual couples. For example, Timothy 5:2: ‘As a ChristianRead MoreThe Liberation Of Gays And Gays1214 Words  | 5 Pagesa women based on the natural sex organs. Lesbian experience, what they go through in their life is different from the experiences and the life of heterosexual women, and Beauvoir wanted to understand this concept. She wanted to understand how lesbians lived experiences were different, from those lived experience of heterosexual females in the chapter of The Lesbian. Beauvoir doesn’t see heterosexuality as more accurate then homosexuality. Beauvoir believes that, â€Å"homosexuality is no more a deliberateRead MoreEssay on Homosexuality and the American Baptist Church1701 Words  | 7 PagesHomosexuality in the Baptist Church: Homosexuality is one of the most debated issues among Christians today, regardless of the denomination of their church. Some churches view homosexuality as a sin and have no tolerance for it, while other denominations are more accepting and consider it a non-sin. Even though some denominations have taken a stand on homosexuality, there seems to much discord within the governing bodies of the churches regarding this issue. It has moved from a topic rarely discussedRead MoreRepresentations Of Gender And Masculinity1503 Words  | 7 PagesBarker s Regeneration. One of the major themes in Pat barker’s ‘Regeneration’ is gender and masculinity, this is my chosen theme. The novel overall reflects the struggles of World War one soldiers and their attempts to overcome the trauma of war experience. In this essay, I will be exploring ways which Barker represents my chosen themes. By discussing in depth and focusing on homosexuality, parenthood, emasculation, and mutism as a symbol. A key issue which falls under masculinity is on the battlefieldRead MoreThe Social Construction Of Heterosexuality1250 Words  | 5 Pagessexual orientation is shaped by social life and cultural backgrounds. He believes that â€Å"homosexuality in fact is a form of discipline, a form of sexual identification that must be consistently monitored and kept in check, and may not be as automatic as people think.†(Groner, 2014, par. 3 p.185) Homosexuality is the attraction to one’s own gender. This idea that homosexuality has to be constantly monitored just to keep it â€Å"in check†, proves that it is not a natural thing. Heteronormativity is the ideaRead MoreThe Effects Of Prenatal Hormones On The Developing Fetus1510 Words  | 7 Pagesthe X chromosome. Though genetic tendencies for homosexuality may be passed from mothers to their children (Rahman Wilson, 2003). During human evolution, homosexuality was developed to minimize competition between males for a limited number of potential female mates (Schulling, 2004). A different possibility is that prenatal hormone levels influence the developing fetus (Levay, 2011). According to the prenatal hormonal theory of homosexuality, some male fetuses are exposed to too little testosteroneRead MoreThe Protection Of Innocent Human Life916 Words  | 4 Pagesa right to â€Å"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness†. I support the Republican Party and its ideals including, but not limited to, the protection of innocent human life, traditional marriage, and its stance on immigration because they protect our right from fertilization until death, embody us to live a biblical lifestyle that honors God and government, and protects American rights and jobs while still promoting diversity within our borders. The protection of innocent human life is a fundamentalRead Morebiblical worldview essay981 Words  | 4 Pagesmillion inhabitants in Rome during this period of history. Nero himself was know for his cruelty and excessive life style he was also consider a lunatic. In this essay will explore teachings of Romans 1-8 and what it has to say about the natural world, human identity, human relationships and culture. The Natural World Romans states God created the world (Romans 1:20). Gods people the humankind race choseRead MoreThe Problem Of The American Society867 Words  | 4 Pagesand staying at home are the foundation for the destruction of American society. Progressive American politicians have passed bills that erode the moral fiber of our society. (questionable cause) The church and faith have been taken out of everyday life from children not being able to pray in school to the ten commandments being removed from state offices around the country. If this erosion is allowed to continue then American society will be a decadent immoral place to live. (appeal to fear) Every
Theory of Equity Free Essays
Is equal pay the same as equitable pay? First you need to know the difference between the two. Equal pay would be a female doing the job of a construction electrician getting the same pay as her male counter part. Equitable pay is the perceived fairness when employee†s compare pay from their job with other jobs in the company. We will write a custom essay sample on Theory of Equity or any similar topic only for you Order Now You also need to know that pay adequacy is the pay level that allows the employee to meet basic needs and to achieve a standard of living that is minimally acceptable to the employee. (Kirkpatrick 1996) the last thing to describe is Equity Theory. Equity Theory maintains that people seek a balance between there efforts and rewards and the rewards that others receive for their efforts. Thus, if one employee believes that his or her efforts are being under-rewarded in comparison to his or her colleagues’ efforts, the employee will attempt to restore balance by either securing additional rewards or reducing his or her efforts. Equity pay can undercompensate or overcompensate, two forms of inequity, and cause â€Å"distress†that workers seek. The results suggest that it is not necessarily the case that each [worker] is simply out to get as much as he can for the work. There appear to be equally strong desires that each one should earn the right amount-fair and reasonable amount relative to others. Workers who receive compensation that is considered less than equitable are more likely to strike, file grievances, or eventually withdraw from the workplace if the inequity, or the distress associated with inequity, is not reduced. Equity pay also implies that underpayment produces a different reaction in workers than overpayment does, although both reactions are considered distressing. Underpaid workers may experience feelings of deprivation and of being cheated, whereas overpayment may produce feelings of guilt and unworthiness. These different expressions of distress may engender quite different strategies for reduction. How workers reduce or avoid feelings of inequity caused by overpayment. Individuals would rather raise their estimations of their own inputs than reduce the valuation of their outcomes; the latter process could be far more costly to the individual. Attitudes that devalue the job and/or its outcomes could eventually lead to job dissatisfaction, which is likely to diminish one’s overall well-being. Kirkpatrick emplies that â€Å"If employee†s are not meeting pay adequacy through pay or other resources, then striving to maintain fair pay is irrelevant. †(P158) An organization that decides to base an employees’ compensation on his or her impact eliminates the need for job classifications and for most compensation management tools. Although this may seem extreme, it’s an attractive option, especially given the weaknesses of most classification and compensation systems. Current job classification methodologies attempt to create job level hierarchies based on such criteria as knowledge, skills and the required abilities. The logic here is that the classification system aids compensation management by providing a means to compare salaries paid to equivalent jobs throughout the organization. Compensation should be driven by an employee’s contribution, not by his or her classification. Impact analysis eliminates the need for most compensation management tools, including salary surveys that sound the depths of a collective pool of ignorance. Instead of capping salaries at some percentage of what everyone else is paying, compensation can be limited by the estimated r actual return generated by the position. In those rare cases in which market pressure and operational necessity demand that a position be paid more than the return it will generate, impact analysis will keep management apprised of the negative return to prevent its being lost or forgotten. Equal pay not only treats individuals fairly it benefits us all–particularly our Nation’s families. It empowers individuals to become more self-sufficient, reducing the dependence of many families on government assistance. It also rises women’s purchasing power, increases their pensions, and improves their capacity to save, all of which help to strengthen our economy. During the past three decades, our Nation has made a strong commitment to ensuring that every American is treated with dignity and equality in the workplace. Legislation such as the Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act has helped us make progress in correcting discriminatory practices. But we still have a long way to go before the wage gap between men and women are eliminated. How to cite Theory of Equity, Essay examples
Beowulf and the Realities of Human Nature free essay sample
It is natural for humans to assign meaning to what is unknown, either to rationalize the situation for themselves, or to prevent themselves from looking stupid. Throughout both texts, humans have attacked things they do not understand. Ignorance is a major theme in Grendel, and is also what causes the major conflict. When they first happen upon him, Grendel’s mangled body causes confusion within the group of townspeople, and they cannot determine what exactly he is. They decided that he is a tree spirit, and that he is most likely hungry, so they attempt to feed him a pig. When Grendel squeals with joy because of this, the townspeople become frightened and assume Grendel, the â€Å"tree spirit†, is angry. Rather than retreating or attempting to be civil, the townspeople attack Grendel. This event is what initially causes Grendel’s hatred towards the human race, which could have been avoided had the townspeople not been so quick to condemn. We will write a custom essay sample on Beowulf and the Realities of Human Nature or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A similar conflict occurs in Beowulf; rather than attempting to reason with Grendel, Beowulf and his men set a trap for Grendel, intending to trap him just like wild game. If, perhaps, Beowulf had just thought about compromising with Grendel, maybe Beowulf might have had a more peaceful ending. Although it may not be accurate to assume that compromising with Grendel would have brought absolute peace to the Danes, it would have at least eliminated two of the three monsters that Beowulf had to battle. But naturally, Grendel’s death brings more troubles for the Danes. The Danes think that killing Grendel will solve all of their problems, but between Grendel’s mother and the dragon, they are far from correct. The Danes’ assumption that solving their problems would be that easy is ignorant, because they think that Grendel is the only problem they face, when in reality more problems come to take its place. Both Beowulf and Grendel prove that ignorance is a reality of human nature, and that it can also be deadly. One last major blight of human nature is pride. Pride can be a tricky thing, often times making people overestimate their abilities. This is precisely what happens to Beowulf, almost constantly. When he first comes to Hrothgar, he tells tales of his conquests and battles, slipping in praises to himself here and there. He is confident in himself in regards to Grendel, stating that â€Å"alone now with Grendel,/ [he would] manage the matter,†(Hall VII lines 52-53. ) Having never seen Grendel or what he is capable of, it is safe to say that Beowulf is overconfident in himself and his abilities. Beowulf goes on to fatally wound Grendel, but runs into another problem with Grendel’s mother. Still taking pride in his latest and greatest conquest, Beowulf volunteers to slay Grendel’s mother, this time alone. Even though he did defeat Grendel, it is not safe for Beowulf to assume that he can defeat Grendel’s mother. He truly does not have the slightest idea what he is up against, and he sees this when he calls upon her. â€Å"The sword would not bite, her life would not injure,†(Hall XXIII line 49); Beowulf finds that he cannot use his weapons to fight her, but luckily finds an enchanted sword made by giants and is able to use it against her. Although Beowulf survived, it is his pride that almost got him killed again, because he thought he was fully prepared and able to easily slay Grendel’s mother. The last major example of pride occurs at the end of the story, when Beowulf decides to fight the dragon. Rather than gathering and presiding over an army, Beowulf brings a group of men to the dragon’s barrow, leading the pack himself. Many years have passed since Beowulf’s last battle, and while he still is in relatively good physical condition, he is not what he used to be. â€Å"The ring prince disdained to seek with a war band,â€Å" (Hall XXXIII line 34), but eventually he decides to bring along an army for reinforcement. Beowulf is later abandoned by his army, which in turn ultimately leads to his demise. However, had Beowulf turned back when the others did, he could have kept his life. But Beowulf’s pride told him to keep going, and led him straight to his death. Beowulf displays pride as a reality of human nature, one that is inevitable when concerning Beowulf, and also deadly. Both Beowulf and Grendel portray humans in a rather negative way. However, as negative as they may be, selfishness, ignorance, and pride are all realities of human nature. They are mostly irreparable, as people are naturally hardwired to behave this way, and also unavoidable, because society does not follow the same code of conduct.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Accounting Supplied by Wollongong
Question: Describe about the Business Accounting for Supplied by Wollongong. Answer: Introduction The building material is supplied by Wollongong. It operates on a small basis however, various economic transactions take place in the business. Therefore, it is a strong need to have tools that will aid in strengthening the business and provide a strong support. MYOB can be used by the business as it is a leading provider of solutions that pertains to business and covers areas such as accounting, job management, reporting, etc (Weistroffer et. al, 2010). Economic transaction in a small wholesale organization Economic transactions are those transactions that are directly involved with the benefit of the company. It is the activity that brings revenue to the company. When it comes to wholesale organization, there are many transactions that are witnessed in the normal routine. Wholesale organization involves tasks on a complex scenario. The day to sales happens in a small wholesale organization that needs a proper recording (Miller, 2002). Further, the inflow and outflow of cash need to be ascertained. Secondly, the stock movement is one of the main economic transactions that need a proper recording. Thirdly, storage of product on various parameters is another important transaction. Further, the exchange of information between the supplier and buyer is yet another economic activity that brings revenue. Fluctuation risk that is linked to price is yet another economic transaction because it impacts the inflow and outflow of funds. These are the economic transactions that are present in the ca se of small business and are importantly linked with the generation of revenue (Porter, 2008). Therefore, utmost attention is needed in this regard. Advantages of using online accounting software tool in comparison to the maintenance of a manual set of books. The online accounting software tool is a big boon to the business and especially the small and medium size business. Such programs can be purchased at relatively low cost. Manual set of books is cumbersome and difficult to prepare. It needs a lot of labor and chances of error are present (MYOB, 2016). However, the accounting tools perform various activities like invoicing, payments, wages, etc. Further, it enables to carry out important function like invoicing, payment of wages and preparation of a report on a regular basis that is the trading and profit and loss account that facilitates the preparation of the balance sheet. The introduction of online software tool provides innumerable advantages over the manual set of books like speed and accuracy. It is the primary advantage that helps in ensuring faster application and process. Moreover, the state of the company can be seen with ease and flexibility. The accounts of customers have updated automatically, the supplier's invoices are recorded on its own, general ledger is updated, etc (Cats, 2016). Therefore, a variety of advantages exists that is not available when it comes to the manual system. Moreover, for a small business, it is important that the internal reports are readily available so that policies can be formulated with ease and flexibility. With the help of software like MYOB the summary of aged debtors can be extracted, valuation of the stock can be done, evaluation of the sales can be done and evaluation of payroll is easy (Cats, 2016). When it comes to the manual system, it takes a lot of time and chances of error are more. Therefore, a slight mistake can hamper the entire process. Further, the best use of the software appears in the fact that when the transaction is entered once, it gets automatically updated with different accounting records as the ledgers are completely integrated. On the contrary, the manual system needs three to four entries for recording the same. It even leads to the motiva tion of the staff as the staff gets experienced in MYOB while manual labor becomes complex (MYOB, 2016). Overall, the use of accounting software leads to savings in terms of cost. Transaction cycle Small wholesale business has two major transaction cycles that are the sales cycle and the financing cycle. Sales cycle The sales cycle of Wollongong-based supplier happens when the order is received from a customer. In this scenario the credit worthiness of the customer is evaluated, the product is then shipped to the customer. An invoice is received and payment is collected accordingly. Therefore, a sale cycle is a set of interrelated activities (Mehdi, 2006). In this scenario, MYOB can play a leading role. Since, the information is system generated, the credit worthiness of the customer can be known with ease and flexibility on the click of a single button. Moreover, the software will help to know the stocks in hand and decision regarding the shipment can be taken accordingly. Purchase cycle For Wollongong, this cycle even matters because supplier for goods is issued a purchase order, receipt of the goods, recording of accounts payable. This cycle is expenditure cycle and MYOB can be useful in this scenario. MYOB can help the company in knowing the requirement of the purchase order. This will help the company to ascertain the goods that are needed for business (Weber, 2016). Moreover, the requirement of cash can be effectively determined with the help of the accounting tool. It will help to know whether the business can operate with the amount of the petty cash or procurement of funds needs to be done. Therefore, this tool helps in taking a strong decision when it comes to strategy. Strategically decision and plans can be formulated. It benefits the company both in terms of cost and policies. Risks and associated costs an organization faces for maintenance of manual set of books Manual set of books becomes cumbersome and prone to a lot of mistakes. In short, computerized accounting scores over manual practices. In the case of a manual set of books, there are various disadvantages that the firm might face. The biggest risk is the manipulation of accounts. This is one of the major problems that concern every organization that uses the manual practices (Brien Marakas, 2009). When it comes to a manual set of books, it can easily tamper and errors are more in this regard. This leads to unethical practices that dupe the innocent customers and lead to serious losses. Secondly, a manual set of books is easily prone to destruction (Kimball, 2008). Accidents, fire, theft, etc can lead to the destruction of the entire records. However, the presence of software has eliminated such risks and lead to ethical practices. Thirdly, preparation of a manual set of books is cumbersome in nature. There are innumerable transactions and a difference or a miss leads to a big error. Moreover, in the case of a manual set of books effect of transaction needs to be provided to every ledger and corresponding entries needs to be passed. However, such a problem is eliminated when software like MYOB is used. Manual set of books needs skilled personnel to look after it and hence, a lot of responsibility rests on him. Further, any audit or inspection takes a lot of time. On the other hand, technological inventions have eliminated such issues. There are various costs that need to be borne when it come to a manual set of books (Predisco, 2016). Costs like office expenditure, the cost of compliance, staff and personnel needs to be incurred. This burdens the organization. If the manual books are complex in nature then requirement of additional staff comes into the picture and this proves to be an additional burden for the company (Brien Marakas, 2009). Similarly, Wollongong will face such a problem if the manual set of books is prepared. Therefore, it is imperative and the need of the hour to have software like MYOB that will aid the organization and enhance the functioning of the company. Conclusion From the above report, it is clear that Wollongong operates on a small scale and to cater to the changing scenario, the presence of online software is essentially needed. MYOB can be used and it has innumerable advantages. The benefits of software-based system in comparison to the manual set of books are highlighted and it comes to the forefront that online system is well equipped and provides innumerable advantages (MYOB, 2016). Therefore, it is highly advocated that software must be used because it is cost effective and plays an important role in the generation of income. Further various other benefits are present that leads to a greater course of activity. Importantly, the fraud is less and hence, the business must vouch for it. References Brien, J Marakas, G 2009, Management Information Systems, McGraw-Hill. Cats 2016, MYOB Training, viewed 23 October 2016 Kimball, R 2008, The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit, Wiley. Mehdi, K.P 2006, Emerging Trends and Challenges in Information Technology, Management. Idea Group. Miller, R 2002, The Legal and E-Commerce Environment Today, Thomson Learning. 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