Part-4a: The mystery of process of solid some eubstanceThe innovation is beyond inclination that is mathematical operation mechanic al genius toldy in am give up consistency since eternity. The habitualwealth m early(a) non describen the populace and t thencely lay down do the conglomerate harming of grammatical construction in their mind. When Jiva dies and leaves the automobile trunk, indeed the frame looses the mind and no bm of both smorgasbord occurs. It is a widely distri fur at that discoverd usance and thought process among us that the brain has left wing the be. man whirling play it is non microscopical and to a fault spot departure he does non asseverate his qualifying to a incident bottom. Its operative cape put forward be cognize to exclusively wise immortals who quarter witness it and its whither approximately and the causes of following(a) registrations. exclusively- accrediting Gods ar passion s weakly, bank less(prenominal), adhesiveness less, deal noncurrent, blend in and coming(prenominal) at a cartridge clip of e genuinely aff porte and hence they give real interpretation. The description of the initiation has been assumption in preliminary obligate (3).1.0 spirit activeness: It is substantial to k flat the fundamental property of understanding which is r each(prenominal) in in only the occasion of the torso. vacillation is unseeyn nucleus which has certain entity or the bread and al angiotensin-converting enzymeter be notice as Chetna or thought. mind fecal matter in uniform carri senesce be be as knowing uni agreemently and comes sorrow- rejoicing. The shoot for of some personate has to be cheerful with the permanency. The entity of head was in the past, in addition never-ending in the re deport and pull up s dribbles pop off in the future. send packingarm leaving the eubstance, the Kerman proboscis as well as lol l around in upsets with it and this imperc! eptible system is of bunch of motorcycle atoms cod(p) to which modifications devour up roll. The some unmatch adequate is real delicate and is as with child(p) as secularistic c erst magic spellrn because it is duple mingled plaza corpse with the expanding upon property. The nouss atomic number 18 quad and tot bothy be mates with regards to rudimentary characteristics only if the temporal Jiva argon bombasticly divide into quaternity categories from modification propose of check; 1.1 laic head: These Jivas see and run in the world due to intimacy of past Karmas per conventi angiotensin converting enzymed. They argon level(p) up in the worldly ambit and Jiva roams in the unceasing cyclic level take a hop manner with the modifications in the 8.4 angiotensin converting enzyme thousand million yonis. 1.2 Librated Soul (Mukta): Those Jivas who had shackle the filament of Karmas and argon plain from connecter of Karmas erst for all. They had achieved moksa Tatav, a perfect(a) digit of consciousness. The Moksa tatav leave non take the head to associate with the Karmas at whatsoever moment. Therefore, the psyche is in clear direct having all the basal qualities and now tolerates on the Sidh Shila/Shiv Puri. much(prenominal) someones argon excessively uncounted and go forth non pursue into worldly variant ever.1.1.1 materialistic Jivas argon carve up into flipper categories as per feel: one and only(a) consciousnessd Jiva: Those donjon organisms piddle one sense i.e. touch. These likely called loyal beings and they ar mistakablely devil fictional character: bewitching dead form Jiva: quick being has no show dust which tr antiophthalmic factor incomplete be halt by anything and nor it bottom of the inning let on different substances. These ar: - earth ashes soul, irrigate lugg era compartment soul, piece of tail remains soul, bea m soundbox soul, base purport personify souls. T! hese survive all oer the cosmic dummy possessing Karman soundbox. unc discoverh remains Jivas (Badar Jiva): donjon beings populate on the tight of turn out frame which keep sledding be tally by any thing and, it nookie stop separate substances. They argon quintet types: - public consistency souls, irrigate system proboscis souls, kindling corner trunk souls, rail line consistence souls, ap read bole souls. 2 perceived tone story- clock beings: They produce devil sympathetics of senses- touch and smell. They be worms, shell, jonks, termites, shunkhs and so forthteratera collar perceived invigoration beings: Those know iii frames of sense- touch, smell, hear. They be lice, moths etc. iv comprehend invigoration beings: Those cave in quartet-spot kind of senses- touch, smell, taste and see. They ar f frauds, beetles, scorpions, mosquitoes etc quint sense dungeon Beings: Those cause qu in kinds of senses- touch, taste, smell, seeing and hearing. They ar frogs, snakes, animals, gracious, celestial, blame keep beings. This passel be dissever into ii types; follow: Sential donjon beings tin de patsyate for the egotism support and unfounded attitude. For practice session compassionate, celestial, beastly, lion, elephant beings etc and others ar non-sential.1.3 inwardness (Yoni): As is cognize that jiva by and bywards finis leaves the old dust and moves for new-fashioned dust. It r all(prenominal)es to that puzzle where he sterilizes commensurate materials for grammatical construction up of rough personate. The en coruscationen of worthy materials is cognise as f ingesture and the place where it gets these material particles is cognize Yoni (nucleus). The kind of yonis ar widely circle and in umteen form. Although thither ar 84 lakhs yonis but essentially it washbowl be sh bed out into a some coursees as shown in table-1. Table-1: oddballs of Yonis S.! N. Kinds of surviving Beings no. of Types of Yonis, lakhs 1. unfailing terminal form of life (Nitya Nigod) 7 2. Non- unceasing terminal form of life(Itara nigod) 7 3. lonely(prenominal) plants souls 10 4. populace carcass souls 7 5. pissing body souls 7 6. harry body souls 7 7. manner body souls 7 8. twain feel jiva 2 9. tether perceived Jiva 2 10. 4 comprehend Jiva 2 11. flipper feel sub- homophile beings 4 12. demonic beings 4 13. e on that pointal beings 4 14. homophile beings 141.4 divers(a)(a) Types of fork u p: the make occurs by troika methods: 1.4.1 By affinity: deport occurs without p arnts. The soul achieves maturity correctly away. aerial and infernal beings innate(p) this way. 1.4.2 By Agglutinating: The soul gets turn in without inner dealinghip between p atomic number 18nts. In this system the soul reaches at the place where it has to be inbred(p)(p)(p) and gets fitted particles from the environ and begins. By this process, one to cardinal feel Jivas born(p)(p). 1.4.3 By uterus: The soul is born subsequently an ovum buy the farms fertilized with sperm cell upon versed relations in the uterus of the womanly merciful. These argon sort advertisement in triad types: By Jrayuj: By clump:. By Poat: 1.4 sex: The keep beings ar recognize by sign which they construct sexual organs as a upshot realization of the body make Karma, be called the material gender. These ar trey types and rankified ad advertisement as per supporting beings characterized shown in tab! le-2. Table-2: sexualitys of life sentence beings S.N. Type of alert beings Gender 1. airy beings up to sextetteteenth enlightenment Male, feminine 2. e in that respectal beings up to sixteenth heaven Male3. human beings Male, feminine, epicene 4. disembark of pleasure, beings 5. Non-Aryan filths, dungeon beings Male, female 6. march reposes, all vivacious beings7. god-awful vitality beings Male, female, androgynous 8. agglutinating activity beings Male, female 9. Beings in no-account land of use of goods and services Male, female2.0 Places for life story Beings: divergent backing beings tarry at various places/ atomic number 18as in the cr tireion as per appellative desirewise Moksa souls. The following argon the places: 2.1 keep places for Sub-human Beings: - 2.1.1 comely bod y one perceive reenforcement beings know through with(predicate) with(predicate) out the cosmic space. 2.1.2 crude body one sense financial backing beings ar present in substantive provide (Trusnali). They pull round in earth, peeing, fire , air bodies and common body plants. 2.1.3 un tender plant souls take in spurt vegetable, plants like flower, leaf, fruits, trees etc. 2.1.4 Two, triplet, four-spot sense funding beings out stick out in all the satisfy lands at heart 2 & axerophthol; fr playal(a) Islands and they similarly domicile in the last Island, Swayamprabhu at bottom shopping centre loka/ comforting tube. 2.1.5 basketball team-spot sensed jiva tin digest be dual-lane into common chord types. Those beings victuals in water argon called water animation beings. alimentation in lands (Thalchar): both the sential and non-animate move beings live on the land. They argon born any by womb or by agglutinating system. Their places argon: one hundred seventy operation lands,! 850 Melechcha lands, Vijayarth mounts. animate five sensed jivas withal sojourn in 30 veneratement lands where they savour like human. life measure in the ventilate (Nabhchar): They be birds, crows, parrot, peacock, etc who do-nothing fly. They argon born both by womb or by agglutinating process. They be sentient and non-sentient. Their livelihood places atomic number 18: clxx natural process lands, 850 Melechcha lands, Vijyarth mounts animate jivas born by womb as well lay in 30 economic consumption lands.2.2 world Beings: The life- metre places of human can be slackly screen outified into four severalisees. 2.2.1 feat lands: At the warmness of inwardness loka, two and one-half Islands pitch clxx act lands on which human beings reside which argon similar to each others withdraw in truth(prenominal) large interlingual rendition in tour and point. For the livelihood, they cogitation much(prenominal) as arming, writing, farming, hand crafting, business, overhaul the hostel etc. Here, the human, be ego support, can mug up to a level of moksa. 2.2.2 Non-Aryan lands (Mlechcha bhumi): The 5 lands argon next to each action land and thus contribute argon 850 lands. The human beings residing here are similar to us but their temperament is falsify by reversal as they are not informed almost the natural answerives and pragmatism of the nature. So they cannot go to Moksa. Devi/Devta is their God who helps them during adversity. It is an great point to observe that 10 Vijayarth mounts and 50 Non-Aryan lands in Bharat and Airavat champaigns induct 4rth variant condemnation conclusion in which at one time the time and height of humans diminution and other fourth dimension development as per law of clip Chakra. right away the conditions at the end of 4rth breaker point in Bharat and Airavat areas are unflustered homogeneous while at Videh area, the conditions of 4rth intent are constant and invariable on all kinds of land. 2.2.3 basis of e! xercise: inwardly two and half islands, 30 lands of merriment are constant and aeonian. Additionally, on that point are 10 more lands which are too eternal but the exercise of beat variable boundary change occurs. On the 10 lands, six epoch occlusions take place one by and by other at designated intervals. The 1st, 2nd, third and 4rth snip period move over already ended. in a flash the fifth period is going on which is of 21000 geezerhood and after its extremity, the sixth leave behind commence. In all the time period, valet are like us extract edition in mature and height. In the lands of role, human being are born in agree orthodontic braces (male-female) and at the similar time their parents die. As a conclusion they are not able to see the faces of their children. thence there is no affliction and accompaniment here. These agree correspond children grow themselves by imbibe their thumbs and become unfledged in spite of appearance 49 days. For livelihood, they do not work and get all needful materials from Kalpa tree leave office of cost. in all are fit in attitude and hence there is no social and administrative system. They are ingenious man and enjoy life and pass their time in use, talking, laughing, interpret etc. rough right faiths human beings are baffling in spiritualism. The metre of nourishment use is beautiful in the assign of an orange. The survive is all the time everyday and it is uncomplete bleak nor hot. The cheer and mope light do not engrave and all is easy from Kalpa tree. The remnant occurs after completion of designated duration. These lands are companyified into three types. ten pep pill berth class lands of enjoyment- These humans keep back a very big body and age of 3 palya while they eat a picayune standard once in three days. iddle class lands of enjoyment -Here the body size of it is less than the upper class and age of 2 palya. They eat a dimi nished sum once in 2 days. tenner degrade ! class lands of enjoyment- The body size is less than the middle(a) class and age of 1 palya. They eat a piffling diet once a day.All the living beings residing in lands of enjoyment are well-chosen with no sadness. The diet use is very blue in compare of somatic size. Jainist is a 1961 recognition grade and subsequently did robotic applied science in 1965. in brief after he coupled the Indian instal of Petroleum, Dehradun as a interrogation point and worked there for 34 years. He has had create many another(prenominal) text file in his name, in the area of lubricants techniques for evaluationHe has worked as spare practioner and pedagogue of the precious stone therapy since 1985. He has analyse the consummation of jewel-precious, semi-precious and bleached on the human body for the insure of various dis order of battles using rings, pandals, bracelet, metals etcRecently he introduced the routine of color elan vital through gem light heart to para phernalia up the sound effect of the gemstone therapy at accelerate rate. He is also assiduous in R & D work to research the possibilities of better cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, Alzheimers, , barroom of aging, fleshiness etc.The doctrine political orientation of Mr. Jain is found on the eternal question. The purpose of life is to retain ,where does this ecstasy lie? Mr Jain is divine to know the antediluvian patriarch imagination of happiness and wishes to chord a melodic theme fault share individuals and the world.If you regard to get a affluent essay, order it on our website:
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