Saturday, September 21, 2019
Teen Pregnancy Leads to Adoption Essay Example for Free
Teen Pregnancy Leads to Adoption Essay Teen Pregnancy is a problem in todays society. There appears to be a lack of support and teen mothers dont know their options. I feel that many teens today are unaware of the dangers of unprotected sex and what the outcomes are in this process. To bring another life into this world without proper care and attention that they need is not a good thing at all. Keeping the child is a big step but is also a benefit at times. It’s only beneficial when the teen mom is one hundred percent sure that they are ready for this new life to come into their world and to give them the attention they need. Because teen pregnancy is so common in the United States there needs to be a solution to people that have no support for the child. People that have no support after having the child, should consider adoption for the best of the child. Babies are great. They are all loving, cute and make the best cuddle buddy but who knew taking care of a baby would be so much work. Most teens don’t think of a baby being so hard to take care of a child at sixteen years old because they have never taken care of one all by themselves before, but it’s more work than you could ever expect. Babies take so much energy to take care of from waking up every three hours, changing diapers, feeding them, buying them the things the need to giving them all you attention. Being a teen mom you must give your full attention to them, this is why most teens fail at being a teen mom because teens are young and like their attention on other things. Most teens get pregnant because they have lack of knowledge of birth control and protection. Most teens don’t discuss these things with their partner, that’s why teen pregnancy is so popular now days. By age fifteen, thirteen percent of teens have had sex at least once, could be more. Almost half of the United States have had sex by age fifteen some even at fourteen (Friedman). Most teens can talk to anybody about sex besides their partners or their parents, which parents and partners are the most important people to talk to in this situation. You have to be open and willing to talk to absolutely anyone so you feel comfortable. Some teens think that their crushes are true love and that’s when unprotected sex happens because you don’t know the other person as well as you think you do. When teens get pregnant they have multiple risk factors. Some factors are growing up in a single-parent family, living in poverty or high-poverty neighborhood having low attachments to school, and having parents with low educational attainment to teach their children on their own (Mayard). Most teens normally grow their children up in a very poor place because they have no money to support the child. This happens to a lot of teens in the world today. Just about every year about one million teenagers in the United States become pregnant at a very young age and out of these only thirteen percent are planned pregnancies (Mayard). The whole reason for open adoption is to offer opportunity to learn, without someone teasing you because you don’t have any parents if you’re an adopted child (DeMatteo). Some people love the whole adoption thing and want to bring new kinds in to have a home and to feel loved, but you need to get licensed for being a foster parent to be able to take these kids in. To become a foster parenet you need to get a license and to do that you need to attend an open house, which is where you do background checks and assessments to see if your place and family is safe enough for a child. Then you have to have thirty hours of training for ten weeks. After doing this they determine if you get your license or not. If you do, your license are good for two years so after your two years are up you need to renew them (DeMatteo). Becoming a foster parent is really important these days because there are a lot of kids that don’t have homes. Throughout the entire state statistics show that there are four thousand one hundred and forty eight kids in a foster or other care today. Children in foster homes â€Å"age out†or become too old to be in foster care when they turn eighteen because they are officially a legal adult and have their own choices to make. When these kids come out of foster care and they tell people that they are adopted and do not know their biological family, some kids find that bad, but it’s not. People think those kids that are adopted are different from everyone else but they are not any different. They do the same exact stuff as us and function just as well. Most kids are proud to be adopted because they know their biological parents wanted the best for them. The children know their parents will still be there for them but just thought that open adoption would be the best possible solution. Open adoption is probably the best way to go not closed adoption. Open adoption allows the biological parents and child to see and talk to each other but closed adoption doesn’t. Open adoption lets the parents see who their child is going to and closed adoption just puts the child somewhere. Parents in open adoption tend to have better health towards this than the parents in closed adoption. They don’t go through a lot of grief for years they may have grief for maybe 5 months at the most (Silber). The adoptive parents and birthparents gain trust in each other over the years. In open adoption the adoptees has their questions answered right away because they adoptive parents have access to anything. In closed adoption those kids with questions are left there clueless because they have no access to records or anything. The children in open adoption love to hear that their birthparents are coming to see then but in closed adoption those words hurt the child because they don’t know the true story why they got put up for adoption. In closed adoption it may take seven to ten years to adopt a child and in open adoption it could take a couple of days (Silber).
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