Wednesday, January 30, 2019
A Critique of Nelson Goodman’s Concept of the New Riddle
The development of the method of knowledgeability has been lavatory to the sacrificeation and solution of spread outs. At the initial level of its development, it has been privy to the gray-haired screen of induction discovered by Hume. After the solution of the occasion riddle, only, a newfangled riddle of induction was discovered by Nelson Goodman. In lieu of this, this paper opts to consider the development of the method of induction as a methodology defined by Hume and Goodmans universe of the inducive method.Induction refers to a method of reasoning by which a general only ifness or principle is inferred from observed particular instances (Flew 171). The method of inductive inference may be considered as the primary kernel through which only whenifications be explicate to show the relationship of evidence towards particular assertions (Norton 2). The act upon of induction, in this sense, may be seen to arise whenever we n peerless that evidence lends support to a hypothesis while in the process failing to establish its deductive certainty. It was such(prenominal) a formulation of the method of induction that enabled the conception of the first riddle. What follows is a presentation of the main arguments of the said(prenominal) riddle as formulated by David Hume.Hume argued that since no necessary connections exists between empirical phenomena, it is al sorts potential that a future observation will bear our inferences wrong no matter how appealing it may pretend been or how richly support by onetime(prenominal) observations. This job, in the more recent formulations of the paradox has been referred to as the amity principle in this sense the lack of such uniformity.According to the argument, nature has no uniformity. If such is the case it at that placeby follows that there is no voucher that which moderate the consistency of mans most refined divinations. It might be argued that such an assumption has never been denied in the formulation of foretellions however there has been agreement regarding the results of such an agreement or lack thereof within the province of induction. To some, it means that induction is never bindingated or justified, while to others, it means that induction simply c entirelys for different standards of validity (Landesman 164). The latter view strips the aforementi sensationd riddle Humean riddle of its problematic context.This is evident if one considers that since the rules of deductive validity argon inapplicable to induction, it cannot be a problem that inductive inference is unavoidably go to by the possibility that a future observation may prove it wrong (Goodman 4). The old riddle is then dismissed beca practise it cannot possibly be the genuine problem of induction.Fact, Fiction, and Forecast present Goodmans construal of what he refers to as the new riddle of induction. After refuting the old riddle of induction the vindication of which is evident in the former paragraph, Goodman proceeds to outline what he takes to be the genuine problem of induction and its tentative solution. The problem of induction, he writes, is a problem of demonstrating the difference between valid and disenable predictions (Goodman 4).According to Goodman, a prediction is valid if it conforms to a valid rule of induction, and a rule is valid if it yields valid predictions. He acknowledges that such an assumption is characterized by circularity however he notes that it is alpha to perceive such a conception of the problem in terms of the conceptions of justifications for arguments. Goodman notes that inductive predictions hatefuld on past regularities diddle better than those based on any other alternative. If such is the case, the rules for formulating predictions moldiness be constructed in such a way that they will acquiesce with common practices of inductive reasoning.This, on the other hand, is further developed by the quality of predictions, which it pro duces. This is clearly explicated by Rubenstein as he notes, the centerpiece of a valid inductive logic according to Goodman is its reliance on past regularities, and the prescriptive mandate of inductive validity is inseparable from a descriptive notice of how inductive judgments are commonly made (39). This has been the result of Goodmans detachment of the old riddle of induction. What follows this is Goodmans explication that the most promising solution of the aforementioned riddle is untenable. It is through the introduction of such untenability that Goodman presents what he perceives to be the new riddle of induction.Goodman presents two hypotheses that are to be addressed through the use of the inductive method. One says that all emeralds are green and the other says that all emeralds are grue, where grue is said to apply to all things examined before t just in case they are green but to other things just in case they are blue (Goodman 10). Both hypotheses seem to be equally well supported by the evidence all emeralds examined earlier to t have been found to be green and grue. However, the two hypotheses are mutually exclusive. If emeralds are grue, they will be blue at t and thereafter, but if the alternative hypothesis is correct, they will be green. Thus, we are left(p) with the paradox that Goodman christened the new riddle of induction.We cannot, after all, justify induction by appealing to past regularities. However, the reason, according to Goodman, is not the lack of the elusive uniformity principle, but the previously unrecognized ubiquity of regularities. According to Goodman, regularities exist where one finds them. In relation to this Goodman states that one, however, finds them everywhere (12). If such is the case, it therefore follows that it is useless to base inductive validity on past regularities since it is not possible to predict and hence distinguish which regularities are valid and disable.At this point, I would like to present a summary of the aforementioned discussion. In the aforementioned discussion, Goodman believes that the old riddle the Humean riddle/the uniformity principle has been dissolved and that induction is justified by past regularities. The only remaining difficulty he sees, however, lies in finding a rule for distinguishing between regularities that do and do not yield valid inductive predictions.As was noted in the above discussion, the possibility of such is not possible. This is evident if one considers that method necessitates the occurrence of acts of inductive inference. Therefore, the genuine problem of induction cannot be the distinction between the distinction of regularities that do or do not yield valid inductive predictions since the specification of such necessitates the formulation of inductive inferences.As I reckon, Goodman aforementioned conception fails to account for the process of induction. It is important to note that Goodman contends that induction begins with re gularity. Rubenstein notes, induction does not begin with regularity it ends with it (44). The failure to consider this leads Goodman to misconstrue the problem of induction.It is important to note that find of reality does not necessarily start with regularities but rather with singular observations. The role of induction, in this sense lies in providing us with justified methods that allows us to posit the observations that we will account for as regularities. Goodman, however, failed to account for this.In addition to this, it is important to note that such a failure can also be traced to Goodmans assumptions regarding the process in which individuals formulate inferences. Goodmans error is compounded when he makes a distinction between identifying regularity and projecting it. Once we have decided that our observations represent regularity, it is automatically projected in both blase directions. This is, in fact, what we mean by applying the term regularity to our data.Furth ermore, Stich and Nisbett contend that the rest with inductive practices that Goodman posited as a necessary aspect in formulating a valid inductive methodology is neither necessary nor sufficient for a rule of inductive inference to be justified (194). They argue that such an assumption fails to consider that human subjects regularly and systematically make invalid inferences and that there an instance wherein human reasoning enables an individual to accept invalid rules and reject valid ones that ought to govern the inference at hand (Stitch and Nisbett 194).In summary, the aforementioned paper presented Goodmans arguments in relation to his conception of the new riddle in induction. Such a riddle, however, under interrogation may be seen as based upon a mistaken assumption of the justification process of beliefs that necessitates the introduction of information garnered through the method of induction. This is evident, for example, if one considers the manner in which observati ons enable the formulation of regularities and not the other way around. An analysis of Goodmans supposed riddle of induction thereby leaves the endorser wondering if such a riddle may be considered as a valid concern for the adherents of the inductive methodology.Works CitedFlew, Anthony. A Dictionary of Philosophy. capital of the United Kingdom Pan Books, 1983.Goodman, Nelson. Fact, Fiction, and Forecast. Massachussets Harvard University Press, 1983.Landesman, Charles. Skepticism The Central Issues. London Blackwell Publishing, 2002.Rubenstein, Arthur. Induction, Grue Emeralds and Lady Macbeths Fallacy. The philosophic Quarterly 48.190 (Jan. 1998) 37-49.Stitch, Stephen and Richard Nisbett. Justification and the Psychology of Human Reasoning. Philosophy of Science 47.2 (Jun. 1980) 188-202.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Plutonium and Internet Start-Up Company Essay
Plutonium and internet start-up attach to which was founded at the beginning of the technology boom was developing the technological systems required to support the rapidly expanding employmentr base. Plutonium purchased an expensive and complex cathexis system to automate the billing of internet accounts apply a ascribe entry invoice to integrate its system. Jonathan, the manager of operations department, was given the phony credit card to help fix corrupted accounts created by the launch and integration.Chris an employee of Plutonium, who in truth acquaintanceable and trusted was given the phony credit card number. Chris was using the credit card to approaching websites that charter pirated softw are and music. After an FBI investigation, Chris was warned and determine into probation. Jonathan was asked to write a warning letter to Chris. Few months later, Jonathan noniced a change in Chriss behavior. He was making unusual purchases, much(prenominal) as Palm Pilots, MP3 Players. The first element of the fake triangle is pressure. each fraud perpetrator faces some kind of perceived pressure.Most pressures have-to doe with a financial need, although nonfinancial pressures, such as the need to composing financial results better than actual performance, frustration with work, or even a challenge to beat the system, can also motivate fraud. Financial pressures oft motivate misappropriation frauds by employees. Common pressures such as animate beyond ones means, greed, high debt, unrecognized performance and short pay could lead employees to fraud. Chris had several perceived pressures to commit fraud.He has a family to support and he earned minimal wages compared to other who has his skills. Chris could have a student loan and other debts he has to pay in addition to taking care of his family. That could have caused him a lot of pressure. The flake element of the fraud triangle is perceived opportunity. The opportunity to commit and keep ba ck fraud when a company has unclear policies and procedures, fails to teach and stress corporal honesty, and fails to prosecute those who perpetrate fraud. (Romney 129).The opportunity for fraud is created when employees are given access to records and valuable information. In the case of Chris, he had the opportunity to commit fraud because he has the expertise in technology. He has the phony credit card given to him by his manager and he was able to use that without the knowledge of his manager or co-workers. The third element of fraud triangle is rationalization. rationalisation allows perpetrators to justify their illegal behavior. For example, a fraudster can rationalize by saying, I only took what they owed me. Or the rules do not apply to me.Perpetrators rationalize that they are not being dishonest, that honesty is not required of them, or that they observe what they take more than honesty and integrity. Some perpetrators rationalize that they are not hurting a real pers on, but a faceless and unsung computer system or an impersonal company that will not miss the money. (Romney 130). Christ could have thought that he was underpaid and by using these credit cards he was not hurting anyone. He index have also used the lack of underpayment as justification for the use of the companys credit cards for personal gain.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Computerised Accounting System Essay
At very outset I sincerely grateful to you for promoting me in the cadre of A. O. ( Mkt) & would like to draw your kind trouble to my various earlier requests for restoration of my three increments as per the suppose go out 25th January 2005, passed by then CMD (copy enclosed ) by modifying the earlier prepare the following. 1 Restoring the fundamental pay to the same level as the order was to be without cumulative effect as has been very categorically condition in the order.However, nonwithstanding the above, the first part of the enclosed order was implement long back in the year 2005, but even afterwards so many years the 2nd part of the order is not implemented by your office till today & my basic salary has not so far been restored. It is respectfully submitted that non restoration of my basic pay as mandated by the order under reference would be in derogation of the order passed by the erstwhile CMD. my salary in the promoted cadre cannot be stock-still unless my 3 increments are restored & alone after restoration of these 3 increments my salary can be fixed In promoted (A. O. ) cadre . I therefore request your kind self-importance to immediate restore my three increments ( by which my basic pay has been already been reduced )w. e. f. year 2005. & so that there is no delay in fixing my salary in promoted cadre. I shall be exceedingly grateful to you for the act of kindness.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Hamlet’s Love for Ophelia
Hamlet is noned as being one of Shakespe aran close puzzling and darkest plays. While the play has a concise story, there are numerous doubts relating to different issues behind the plot. One issue that is never sincerely resolved deals with the true feelings of Prince Hamlet, and whether he in fact dos Aphelia. The word rage is extremely commanding, and the concept of drive in may be hard to arrive at when one of the lovers remains undecided. In Act Ill, Scene 1, Hamlet claims to adjudge lovedAphelia however, four lines later, he states that he does not love her anymore. This makes it difficult to line when Hamlet is truly in love, as his feeling towards Aphelia regularly change. This puzzling cycle is due to Hamlets madness, and is further influenced by Hamlet forever and a day being pushed to his limits due to anguish and sorrow. Hamlet is portrayed as an go-as-you-please lover, which explains why he sends mixed messages that confuse Aphelia, making her question whether or not his feelings for her are true.Two people who are in love would not want to risk the chance of hurting one another because to them it is not worth it. Hamlet does not think in this manner, which raises the question of whether the love between them is strong enough to have lasted through the chaos and trouble in Hamlets life. It is true that Hamlets love for Aphelia is debatable however, when analyzing the go thy ways to a nunnery interaction, the dispute with Alerter, and Hamlets twisted affection towards Aphelia, one can see that his love is authentic.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Reflections Theory
Reflections conjecture Introduction In this report I result be study two brooding theories, outlining their similarities and differences. I will be choosing the angiotensin-converting enzyme I consider to be the best in my opinion. This will be the one I will be using in my end of category musing account. The two contemplative theories I will be flavor at are, Johns Model of Structured Reflection and Gibbss Reflective Cycle. Theories at that place are two important differences between the two theories. Johns uses a one-dimensional anatomical structure, with a beginning and an end.yet, Gibbs uses a more cyclic structure and has no defined beginning or end. Johns theory is alike chief(prenominal)ly aimed towards health care and chides nearly working with patients and their families. Gibbs on the other hand can be aimed more towards students and their experiences. Johns uses the 2 main headings Looking in and looking out. Under Looking in at that place are 5 Sub-Heading s Aesthetics, Personal, Ethics, Empirics and Reflexivity. Johns for the most part requires the unavoidableness to work with a supervisor and as such he calls this a guided reflection.It requires you to bring out a description of the experience before you begin the reflection, once you collect do this it requires you to follow the questions as they come up. One of the advantage of Johns meditative beat is that there is a establish Beginning and an end consequence the somebody looking back on their experience has a clear outline on where to begin and the process used in the reflection. However the issue with the reflexive pattern of knowing is that it will only be relevant for a space that has been resolved.If your were searching to analyze a situation thats was ongoing you would grow to incorporate parts of another reflective model to help you. With Johns model of structured reflection you would not present to use all the questions within the model, but you could also use the questions a number of times if appropriate. Gibbs Reflective Model is easier to be used by students as it talks about getting a clear thought the situations. It uses the six main Headings Description, Feelings, Evaluation, Analysis, Conclusion and Action Plan.It uses these heading to gain a clear understanding of what went on, what was the experience like for the somebody, how they interpreted the situation, what they could have done and what they would do again if the situation arose again. Because there is no defined structure and no definite beginning or end, there is the advantage that if the person going through the reflection of their experience and they look back on it they can add more information to each section as and when they think of it, so they can go back or earlier to one of the headings and add in the information into the specific field.For example if they retrieve they need to talk about their observeing first they can do that or if they feel they need to evaluate the situation or talk about what they would do again, and add their input to it, as they can go through the round of drinks as many times as they need to get all the information down. Gibbs also talks about what would we do different if the situation arose again. They both put great emphasis on the feelings and the emotions of the person throughout the reflection process. They both talk about what happened and try to make sense of the situation. They both also talk about ConclusionTo decide the theory that I will be choosing for my reflective practice at the end of year is, Gibbs Reflective Cycle. I have chosen this reflective model for a number of reasons. I believe that Gibbs reflective cycle is more aimed towards Student whereas Johns is aimed more towards health care and talks about working with patients and their families. Gibbs reflective model is also easier to interpret and I believe it to be easier to use to analyze any given situation with the main headings it u ses to gain information about the situation the feelings of the person and the experience the person underwent during any given situation.I believe it is easier to follow than Johns model of structured reflection. Gibbs reflective cycle does not require the need of a supervisor to back up the reflection whereas Johns model talks about have one present to go through the reflection process. I will be using Gibbs Reflective cycle as I feel that it is more relevant to myself and it is clearer to follow and would be easier to use for my reflection process. References (2012) REFLECTION.Available http//moodle. bcu. ac. uk/ golf tee/pluginfile. php/116376/mod_resource/content/0/reflective_models. pdf. Last accessed 15th declivity 2012. (2012) About Johns model of structured reflection. Available http//www. brookes. ac. uk/services/upgrade/a-z/reflective_johns. html. Last accessed sixteenth Dec 2012. (2012) About Gibbs reflective cycle. Available http//www. brookes. ac. uk/services/upgrade /a-z/reflective_gibbs. html. Last accessed 16th Dec 2012.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Questions and Answers on Intermolecular Forces Essay
Intermolecular forces written response Hexane and urine do not mix. When the two essences argon have they separate into layers in the aforesaid(prenominal) manner oil and urine do. rationalize why this is? Well to begin with this, these two things are very dissimilar. Water is considered polar and secondly hexane is considered non-polar. Polar and non-polar cannot mix together they are to distinguishable substances. Polar solutes will push aside in polar solvents and non-polar solutes will dissolve in non-polar solvents, this is where the expression like dissolves like comes from.When theses two substances are combine they form opposite layers and this is because hexane is denser then wet. Another very important antecedent to remember is that water is only soluble with nitrogen, fluorine, and oxygen. These two liquids are tell to be immiscible. Water and oil will not mix for the same priming water is polar and oil is non-polar and for the same exact reason they are not mixable in a solution. Methane, ammonia and water are chemically similar. Yet the three substances have very different faging daubs. Explain why this is true? This is due to the bonding among the molecules.The stronger they are the hotter you must make the liquid to cause it to boil. Intermolecular forces are the forces between the molecules of a substance. If a substance has very strong intermolecular forces, it is likely to be a solid, and if it has very weak intermolecular forces it is more(prenominal) likely to be a gas, and this is because there would be less regard among the molecules (strong intermolecular force=more friendship between molecules). As you know, when you boil something, you are changing it from a liquid to a gas which marrow you would want to decrease the attraction among the molecules of the substance by adding energy.If a substance has intermolecular forces that are stronger, you would need more energy to overcome the forces which doer it would have a higher boiling point (higher boiling point=higher temperature=more heat=more energy). The opposite is also true. If a substance has weaker intermolecular forces, less energy is required to decrease the attraction among the molecules and therefore it would have a kickoffer boiling point. Ammonia and water have higher boiling points due to hydrogen bonding. Methane has a low boiling point because it belongs to the weakest London dispersion forces.
Morality in Ethan Frome Essay
In The pietism of Inertia, Lionel say argues that Ethan Fromes softness to make his own ethical decisions ultimately makes his smash-up a tragic event caused by the in lickivity of morality. The nonexistence of this moral inertia is the explanation, for Trilling, for the outcome of Frome the lack of moral responsibility in any of the main characters from the reservoir of their lives paralyzes their decision reservation process they simply exist and do what is their duty.Trillings aspect that Frome was a morally inadequate man is a valid particular affirmed by Edith Whartons provided background of him the appraisal that he was unable to make elections and is only capable of enduring put forward be proven inaccurate with his Fromes actions throughout the story. The notion that Ethan Frome is unequal to(p) of devising ethical decisions based on his background john in any case be countered with his background and actions.Trilling uses Fromes duties as a preserve and son as support for his claim that choice is incompatible with Ethans existence (from religion of Inertia). However, the reader is exposed to Ethans ability to recognize choices, and decisions not to act on them, throughout the story. Frome acknowledges his dilemma of running away with Mattie or staying with Zeena, provided is inefficient in seeing past the initial consequences of each choice and exploring other possibilities of escape besides the basic.Ethans central decision in the book, to commit suicide with Mattie, is made with trim will although it is Matties idea, Ethan agrees and takes the reins in the front of the sled. Although Ethan Frome is a broken man perpetually frozen in a bleak Starkfield, one cannot disregard his inaction when he is presented and acknowledges choices. He constantly contemplates expressing his love for Mattie, looking for the all-expressive word, just fails to, even when alone with her, making free choice a moot occlusive (Ethan Frome from Morality of Inertia).Morality is not caused by inertia in Ethans case but personal authorization Ethans decision to commit suicide proves this point the act proves that he was capable of confessing his love to Mattie, but failed to up to that moment. Although Frome can be held responsible for his moral inactivity, he can be considered a morally inadequate man in his present state. His inadequacy, however, was not a constant in purport or a sudden concomitant it snowballed from his youth and finally solidified through the smash-up.His earlier experiences in a university and the joy it brought him was quickly interrupted after a grade by his sickly parents. The unfortunate circumstance forces Ethan Frome to move back to the cheerless Starkfield he had just escaped. His parents illnesses bring along Zenobia, who would be another future, spiritual domain oppression along with Starkfield. For years, Ethan lives in depressing conditions that decline as while goes on. The chance to finally lea ve them behind, however, comes in Mattie, Zenobias cousin and maid.Ethans inability to act on this chance of escape finally seals his lot when Mattie is paralyzed and he is critically injured. Although jinxed with unfortunate circumstances, Ethan Fromes life could have been bettered if one small step or action was taken by him for himself with the intention to create personal joy or pleasure. The wideness of taking steps in life betterment can be seen in Ethan Frome. Although one may lack a history of making moral decisions, the human instinct to do so is always in that respect (from Morality of Inertia).Ethan Frome was able to rationalize and recognize choices inside of his head it was his inability to act on any one until his attempted suicide that created his depressing circumstances. The irony of his only decision with Mattie being one of the most deciding ones in his life underscores the fact that if he had taken this initiative ahead this instance, his life might have ta ken a different track. This was not a forced or accidental occurrence Ethan Frome was in fact an unfortunate individual in undesirable circumstances, but with a free will and mind developed enough to make
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Accounting Cycle
The invoice rung is a strategyatic process utilize to help bring about the basic function of write up, which is to identify, record, and communicate information. A business or transcription whitethorn read its own unique way of performing its accounting cycle, but each must perform the task in ace way or another. Alv arz Bookkeeping Services, a small family operated business, has a in truth change version of the accounting cycle. The company was established in 1971 and is fit(p) in Flushing, NY.The company is consists of four employees this includes the owner. One person, the owner, performs the entire accounting cycle for the Alvarez Bookkeeping Services. Gradually, the accounting cycle has evolved much like business scram evolved the multiple steps have been reduced as technology has simplified the process, today, most companies use accounting software that processes many of these steps at the same time (Averkamp, n. d. , para. 3).The accounting cycle consists of ide ntifying, journalizing, posting, trail brace, modify entries, adjusted footrace balance, preparing pecuniary statements, closing, post-closing trial balance, reversing entries, and financial statements (Kieso, Weygandt, & Warfield, 2007). Identifying a transaction or fount is the first step in the cycle businesses engage in different activities on a daily, as a result, determining when to record and application is crucial. Once the activity is identified a transaction must be recorded, the next step is to journalize the transaction.The journalizing process can be completed in a variety of ways the most common method is the commonplace journal, although whatsoever companies keep other special journals. The next step in the accounting cycle is posting, which is the procedure of transferring journal entries to the ledger accounts (Kieso et al. , 2007), so that the minutes reflect in the appropriate ledger accounts balances. After the transactions from the ecumenical journ al have passed to the general ledger a trail balance can be performed. The trial balance lists accounts and their balances at a disposed time (Kieso et al., 2007, pg. 74), which is very useful in detecting errors that may have occurred during recording or posting. In the event an error is detected or a transaction is missing, an adjusting entry is do. Adjusting entries may also be do to update an account, such as prepaid accounts. For instance, a company may have pre-paid insurance on its books as assets, at the end of the accomplishment an adjusting entry is made to reflect what is prepaid and what an expense is. Often measure a trial balance is done after the adjusting entries are made just to be sure everything is still in balance.At this point in the accounting cycle, the financial promulgates are typically generated, the most common are the balance sheet, income statement, and retained winnings. The accounting cycle concludes with the closing entries and closing trial ba lances. The expense and revenue accounts are closed against income summary, which is closed against retained earnings thus, preparing the cycle to start again in the coming period. Today, technology is used often in accounting and has made it easier processing accounting. The way a company processes accounting is changing.Alvarez Bookkeeping Services uses accounting software called Peachtree Quantum has vastly improved the accounting cycle process. The transactions are recorded in the softwares general journal, if the transaction is out of balance the system will not complete the transaction and prompt to balance the transaction, thence eliminating the need for trial balances. Once the transaction is recorded the system automatically posts to proper ledger accounts and also carries the information over to financial statements.If the owner wishes to review how the company is doing, he would run a financial report by selecting the report and forms option selecting the specific repo rt they would like run. Adjusting entries are still necessary, but the accounting cycle has been effectively reduced to identifying, journalizing, adjusted entries, financial statements, and closing. The accounting cycle is proven methodical system is practiced in performing accounting tasks at Alvarez Bookkeeping Service.The role of raft and systems in the cycle has changed the way companies perform the accounting cycle some companies have departments specified for specific tasks of the cycle, whereas Alvarez Bookkeeping Services has one somebody who does the entire process. Nonetheless, companies have benefited from the advancements in technology and most notably in accounting systems. Accounting systems have expedited the process and given more ideal results, which allow the user to focus on analyzing the information.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Enterprise Strategy Essay
This type of blood structure that is E- military control is more than parking bea in the developed countries than in third class countries to sell products nodes in the comfort of their homes is widespread in these countries, so Forejustin Passman the founder and general motorbus plans to make widespread this type of railway line in time in a developing country, Botswana. 1. 0 THE entrepreneur 1. 1 The motivation for starting the dividing line Pull factors are exploiting opportunity and a financial incentive whilst the stab factor that led him to open the occupation was threat of unemployment.The pull factors He was pulled into this business beca hold he inadequacyed to exploit an opportunity to sell gad doctors much(prenominal) as t qualifiedts i. e. Apples Ipads, Amazons Kindle and Barnes & internationalist ampereampNobles the nook. Consequently he contumacious to open assort bitty, a predominantly virtual beau monde, having little physical presence and high net profit presence. After a grocery store research he realised that around gadget stores in Botswana undermine internet trading and he persistent to exploit this opportunity.Citing more or less gadget stores are set up tally to a dodging and are purposely designed to make customer experience as pleasant as possible just their websites commonly do non commit a similar strategy affair to them, as the sites are normally a glorified business board that does non engage visitors and in just almost cases flat harm the business image. Mr Passman was similarly pulled to gain financial incentive he paid precise attention to primary research in order to weigh the benefits, the address and opportunities of his procession. The push factors The threat of unemployment is the only push factor that influenced Forejustin to start his business.At age 18 he performed poorly in his A-level results which caused him to fail to affiance a business degree at university, early(a) than co mpromising and act other degree programmes that he lacked inte relief in he decided to re-sit some examinations. Whilst in wait for examination results he did non want to be considered to be part of the unemployed so he started his compe very assemblage miniscule. 1. 2 Forejustin Passmans character traits Proactive- he is one of the hardly a(prenominal) people who do not believe in luck, he seeks aft(prenominal) opportunities other than wait for them to present themselves to him.He is as well as quick and decisive, when face up with the dilemma of whether to go into just conventional retailing he decided and to energise the virtual retailing, where he has limited physical presence and a fully-fledged internet presence. His logic behind such a decision cosmos that the internet is a necessary portal for succeeder in the twenty-first century business and beyond. He is regarded by some a unquiet while he considers himself easily bored because as he says he is easily diverte d to the most recent market opportunity.He is curiously known as a man who acts and then learns from the outcomes of his action, and thus uttermost his upbeat approach has subject areaed positively to advance the society. Visionary- Mr Passman has and had a clear fantasy for root brusk for it to compel a household name in virtual companies of Africa and to be an expert in Africas virtual market space. He wants separate short to be benchmarked by any international company exploring to invest in the virtual market nonplus of Africa. right off this visionary flair has positioned him to be ever so at the right coif at the right time and being able snatch opportunities deep down his vision. 1. MR Passmans personality type Mr Forejustin Passman is certainly spontaneous. Spontaneous because most of the things he does, he does instinctively. This matches positively with his proactive character trait mentioned previously in section 1. 2. He is a creative, lively and open-minded person. His humorous record disposes a contagious zest for life. Forejustins enthusiasm and sparkling might inspires the team up to work harder, his strengths therefore are creative problem solutions, disc everyplaceing refreshed ways and opportunities, the conceptualization of new ideas on one hand, and not so much his concrete implementation on the other.To compensate for this failing he has staff of capable colleagues that takes over his concepts and runs with them. Spontaneous is the best sort of Mr Passman, other than classifying him as an introvert or extrovert which is a widely used approach of personality type definition, which in some cases is change to define peculiar individuals as Mr Forejustin Passman. 1. 4 Decision devising and leaders style Decision making style Forejustin Passmans decision making style is conceptual.He has high tolerance for ambiguity in that even when he was not sure how Batswana will respond to an e-business he hushed went on decided to do what he planned. He has a spacious outlook in business, with the resident of truth being not generous Batswana are connected to internet currently, he deemed it fit to go earlier because most industries around the world are adopting e-business and even though Botswana is lull lagging behind the time is eminent for her as well to colligate in. His conceptual decision making style is besides evident in that he has found a creative way to exonerate the local problem of segregated demand and supply.Where people in difficult to finish up areas have a high quantity demand of some products from businesses to that extent they cannot execute those businesses to be supplied with what they demand, so he decided the customers will fly the coop in the comfort of their own far away home and he will deliver the products to them. 1. 5 Leadership style Laissez-faire style, he is a leader who has consciously made a decision to rid of taper of power to the outsourced employees. He c onsidered since the workforce is already talented and strung-out to do the job they must be able to positively workout judgement to respond to issues.Mr Passman entirely sets out the targets and deadlines afterwards he charges the taskforce to do the work that is at hand, he is not very interested in how they do the job he just wants the work to be through with(p) in due time. Some have criticised his type of leadership say he is risking the success of his business by delegating power the employees entirely according to him this type of surround breeds creativity, and that is what he wants from his team, creative ways to solve problems, which is a direct match to his decision making style he wants them to think like him. 1. 6 Mr Forejustin Passmans role within the businessForejustin oversees the review of separate Littles corporate strategy, looks for market opportunities, acquires strategical assets and protects mathematical group Littles make iting competencies. As this organisation is comparatively small, Forejustin has pick out this multidisciplinary role. His acquisition of strategic assets is done in order to solidify their position in the market, he cites sometimes organic growth is also slow for the companys vision therefore acquisition of some assets houses an impetus to desired growth. The staff The studyity of his staff is outsourced, the employees are extremely knowledgeable about internet business.Being a cheerful entrepreneur he advocates for a cheerful workforce because he believes if employees are quick that drives up productivity which in turn brings healthier profit margins. 1. 7 Entrepreneurial networking Forejustins decision to effectively network sprung up in the beginning stages of his business, he wanted a trademark for Group Little and he just happened to remember months earlier he sent his mixed-up ready reckoner to some young technicians one of them named Kabelo had recently graduated from a creative arts university of Limkokwing where he studied graphic designing.He had salve his contacts in case he need computer help barely his contact wound up birthing more than just computer solutions but also a trademark for his business. This was a highlight to Forejustin that networking in particular in evening gown networking is a tool for success, his response * He strikes conversations with strangers, to get any bit of information he can, exchanges contacts with such an individual and then regularly contact that individual until they establish a network that can provide him relevant business information, advice and support profits. Chats with movers and shakers of different industries in order to get some referrals and leads. Mr Passmans formal networks In this the entrepreneur is lacking. He has not signed up to any formal network which means his chances for collaborative opportunities with others are diminished. It is highly unlikely for him to form new business relationships and lastly it is slow to solve problems because there is no access to a funda noetic number of possible solution providers as emphasised by Kay (2010).His professed inhibitors to formal networking are high membership fees of some formal arrangements. He also attributed inflexible structured timetable for some of these formal networks as a major impediment for him join as he prefers groups that are open where he can come on casual drop in basis. merely considerations are still being made to join the Diamond concern Company (DTC) network an outlet that informs and organizes exhibitions for small enterprises. 1. 8 Innovation at that place a certain drivers of innovation that prompted Forejustin Passman to pursue e-business and figure a, is quite very useful in illustrating that. Source Sheth and Ram (1987) Figure a Because of proficient advances, after the internet boom he realised he needed to adopt an approach in business which matches the changes in technology. The change in technology alters the business environment. This then means that threshold competencies and basic resources are redefined, he implication to Forejustins company is, whatever used to be basic necessities of thriving trading is now redefined to fit the current juicy and continually changing business environment. Group Littles business environment is no longish just about having the right gadgets, it is also about close interaction with customers and widespread, effective selling therefore Mr Passman had to approach service delivery differently. Competition for selling gadgets has intensified, with Incredible Connections, Hi-Fi, Game and other gadgets stores exerting pressure, Group Little had to distinguish itself by going online.Understanding that service delivery is directly related to the customers psyche he found it fit to aver technical products in a technical platform such as the internet which sends a message to customers of technological proficiency. He also had to innovate since customer needs are oftentimes changing consequently he had to effectively address them. The weakness of his advance(a) approach steady though innovation is commendable and obtaining ideas from the international bowel movement is encouraged it is evident Forejustin Passman has failed to address the contextualization of this worldwide trend.His payment outlets for instance should have been modified to fit the traditionalistic payment outlets other than just adopting the internationally proclaimed payment system PayPal. 2. 0 The enterprise 2. 1 business strategy According to Meyer (2010) strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long-term. General enterprise strategy E unitent strategy is Group Littles adopted strategy. Having considered the high turbulence in the industry he trades in Mr Passman decided to use this approach to point his business. This strategy has been adopted since this industry is uncertainty and innovation based.It allows frequent feedback on th e business environment which in turn permits reallocation of resources to address any information that is stock about any changes in the business external environment. Operations strategy Figure b Sourceibbusinessandmanagement. com(2012) Using Michael Porters generic model figure b above, Forejustin has opted differentiation operational strategy. In this strategy unique attributes that are valued by customers and which are perceived to be better than the gadgets of the competition are intensively adopted by Group Little.This company has the following internal strengths to make this differentiation strategy successful * Highly skilled and creative development team. * Strong sales team with the ability to successfully communicate the perceived strengths of the gadgets The risks linked with this strategy hold imitation by competitors and changes in customer tastes. In admittance, a range of firms pursuing focus strategies may be able to achieve even greater differentiation in their m arket segments. 2. 2 E-businessAs Group Little is a typical example of an e-business it is quite instructive to use the SWOT model to analyse the strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats this organisation it has Strengths Global wee-wee to marketing. Since the web is an international platform Group Littles marketing is not just limited to local media and advertising opportunities it spreads out to other regions. There is improved customer interaction. The customer and the enterprise meet in the comfort zone of the customer, therefore the customer can openly offer ideas, orders and even complaints all this will better Group Littles service delivery.Weaknesses Security customers are always concerned with the integrity of their payments, most shy away from revealing confidential bank information in the web, which costs Group Little significantly. The other weakness is the customer has no idea of the quality and physical condition of the gadgets it is very common for discrepancie s to exist between what sites advertise and the actual product. Opportunities New technologies surfacing could open up internet accessibility in Botswana which will be advantageous to Forejustins company since the critics argument pivots around this matter.Group Little also has prospects on cutting down local competition. As local competition has not adequately used the online trading space which can give Group Little an online competitive advantage if Forejustin Passman chooses to invest significantly to develop this area. Threats art given that there are some individuals that are out to cozen for financial gain are always Mr Passmans concern, they may postiche Group Littles website and deceive the customers. Changes in law and canon are always a threat.Regulatory authorities to protect customers from snake oil they may place laws and regulations that will stifle Group Littles competitiveness. 2. 3 Organisational culture This has been defined as, a system of shared actions, s et and beliefs that develop within an organisation and guides the behaviour. This is as cited by Uhl-Bien et al. (2010). Forejustin Passman has directed Group Little culture, one of the shared values is the no Sunday policy. In this Forejustin has reflected his Christian beliefs and his philosophy of people out front profit into the corporations culture.His belief in God prompts him to keep the Sabbath which to him is Sunday and his people before profits philosophy leads him to protect their wellbeing by giving them rest on Sunday. any(prenominal) order placed on Sunday is attended on Monday by rejuvenated and more productive employees. This has its obvious disadvantages such as foregone sales but Mr Passman believes his policy is beneficial to all parties involved. When work is on between Monday to Saturday the team is relaxed and open, this as Forejustin says allows for conception of creative ideas.Any facet that stifles creativity is minimized be it the tangible such as tables or chairs or the intangible aspect like a mental attitude that stigmatizes mistakes. This culture solves two important issues external adaptation, which pass outs with reaching goals how to reach those goals and if members have developed this freedom to make mistakes they can effectively guide their day-to-day activities. It also solves the issue of internal integration, members can easily merge and share ideas when mistakes are not stigmatized and this leads to greater productivity. . 4 Critical success factors of his business Branding Forejustins Group Little has to create a shop that appeals to the African technologically adept. Now as asserted by Perry (2009) a brand is more than just a corporate token it is an intangible asset that provokes emotional responses from individuals which presents a sustainable competitive advantage. This entrepreneur must position his companys brand to be able to leverage from being one of Botswanas a couple of(prenominal) companies that are c ommitted to successful internet trading.Little is known of Group Little but this is an incentive not a deterrent because the brand can be driven in any direction that Forejustin sees proper to execute his vision. Even though his company was registered with the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property in 2009, not long ago every product and or service he introduces must align to the strategy of the company he has to monitor Group Littles identity, as the perception portrayed to customers over these few years is the one that affords the company to leverage on the brand premium.Realising that the companys brand was its critical success factor efforts to protect his brand symbol from infringement were undertook he decided to copyright the brand symbol. statistical dispersal Comprehending their need for effective systems, Group Little has rationalized their distribution systems to enhance functioning of their products. As an attempt to enhance the logistics execution and capabi lities Mr Passman decided to form a synergy with Botswana Couriers.This he decided to do in order to vivify delivery of the gadgets sold, in contrast to sending the orders via Botswana Post with their renowned incompetency he decided to solidify his distribution by having an exclusive pact with Couriers. As Meyer (2010) asserts exclusive distributor agreements will constitute a major impediment to the distributors if the distributor wants to switch from the commitment. In this synergy Group Little is offered discounts because of the volume of gadgets it trades around the country and basic efficiency in the distribution of the products is greatly enhanced.Technology It seems obvious yet still noteworthy that Group Little has technology as their trading platform has to remain on vigilant and aware of new technology developments. Most gadgets they sell use mobile applications, applications are pieces of software that are designed to fulfil a particular purpose, for Group Little that purpose simply is to make loose access to its websites content and increase sales, therefore Group Little is in the process of having their own application.The entrepreneur has looked at engaging a company named Bright labs which operates in Tlokweng for the development of Group Littles very own mobile application this will enable those who have bought these gadgets to also download the application and then browse for more products from Mr Forejustin Passmans Group Little. 2. 5 Conclusion Forejustin Passmans Group Littles performance has been average, but if he can put measures in place to direct its strategy the company will realise its potential to become a benchmark e-business in Botswana and even in Africa.He simply needs to re-assess who he is and what Group Little is, a point of focus (the target market to approach, how he is going to approach that market). In addition he is required to solidify his networks as this is one business competence he has ignored and it will ulti mately cost him and his business from ripening from being a small medium enterprise to being the visualise benchmark multinational. Contextualisation of Group Littles business model also can provide an impetus its success as well, Mr Passman shall consider adopting traditional transaction means in order not to inhibit his business from reaching every possible customer.Bibliography Books 1. Meyer, R, Wit, B, (2010), Strategy-process, content, context an international perspective, 4ed, Hampshire Cengage learning EMEA 2. Perry, B, (2009), enterprisingness operations, Oxford Cima publishing 3. Uhl-Bien. M, Schermerhorn J. R. , Hunt . J G, Osborn R. N, (2010), Organisational behaviour, Hoboken derriere Wiley & Sons 4. Kay. F, (2010), prospering networks, London Kogan Page 5. Yves, L, Goz, G. H, (1998), Alliance Advantage-The art of creating value through partners, capital of Massachusetts Harvard business School Press. 6. Sugars. B, (2012), Super Size your sales, the entrepren eur, August, p. 2 7. Bessant J, Tidd J,(2011), innovation and entrepreneurship, 2ed, Sussex John Wiley and sons 8. Moon. R, Gee. S, (2012), Creating business opportunity, Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan 9. Mullins L. J, (2010), management & organisational behaviour, 9ed, Essex Prentice Hall Websites 10. cypher (2012) Spontaneous idealist online Available from http//mirau. multiply. com/journal/item/116/My-Personality-Type-Spontaneous , accessed 14 declination 2012 Appendix Personal reflection Studying real entrepreneurs and real companies always equips I as the student beyond lecture content.The study of this enterprise and Mr Forejustin Passman was a delight because I got to know interesting real aspects about business, I have learnt when in real business some schoolman theories will have to be set aside and suspended to deal with the challenges of real business. The more I researched I understood what differentiates successful entrepreneurs and done for(predicate) entrepren eurs and that content I learnt were not part of the assignment requisite but I did learn This module lectures are also noteworthy, I evaluate this was a reiteration of Enterprise anagement I did in my second year, so lectures consisted of emphasis of year two material. Even though the material is more or less the same as of second year the judgment was interestingly structured, it was strategic rather than operational that seems like an obvious color but this has really marked the difference in our approach. We were no longer just reporting facts, concepts and academic theories we had to apply and use our groomed correspondence to critically analyse the business case.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Growth In Population Essay
Delhi has been experiencing phenomenal growth in population in the last a few(prenominal) decades. So, the number of vehicles has been increased to 40 lakhs, these ar more than that of Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai put together. nowadays traffic on the roads of Delhi is a mix-up of cycles, scooters, buses, cars and rickshaws, resulting fuel wastage, environmental pollution and increasing number of rod accidents.To rectify the situation the governing body of India and the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, in equal partnership have set up a company on 03.05.1995 named Delhi vacuum tube Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC).This necessitates a policy shift to discourage insular modes. So, introduction of a rail based (MRTS) Mass Rapid behave establishment is called for. MRTS go forth result in time saving for commuters, accepted and safer journey, reduction in atmospheric pollution, reduction in accident rates, lessen fuel consumption, reduced vehicle operating costs a nd increase in the average speed of road vehicles.The proposed Mass Rapid Transport System (MRTS) is going to be one of the most eco friendly projects in Delhi. With world-wide consultants Ms. PCI (Japan) is associated with DMRC which is, building MRTS aims at using the latest technical knowhow available in Metro systems worldwide. The general consultants consisting of (PCI-PBI-TON1 CHI-JARTS-RITES) is overseeing the wind management. The total .and requirement of the land for the construction is about 458,256 hectares.DMRC has two types of corridors, under understanding, partly elevated and partly on the ground, having a total length of 52.60 kms. Out of which 11 kms. is underground from Delhi University to Central secretariate thither are 41 blank spaces on the entire corridors. There are three different routes of MRTS, Vishwavidyalaya-Central Secretariat, Shahdra Barwala and Tri Nagar- Nagloi.There are certain opposite routes under consideration with the DMRC. The bowed str inged instrument ordain run on coarse gauge. Number of passenger using the service per day is estimated to be 19.5 lakhs. The train will run at a speed 30 kms per hour.The coaches will be 3.2 M wide. The maintenance depots for underground corridor are at Khyber pinch and Nagloi, for surface and elevated corridors at Trinagar and Barwala.The Ch atmman and Managing Director of the project are Sh. K. Kosal Ran and Sh. E. Sreedharan respectively. any the three corridors are scheduled to complete by March, 2005.The offshoot phase of the project from Shahdra to Tis Hazari has already been inaugurated by Prime Minister of India, Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee The slenderize for the Metro Section amid Central Secretarial to ISB has been awarded to consortium of five companies led by Ms Dyckrhoi & Widmann AG, Germany while section between Delhi University to ISBT has gone to a consortium led by Ms Kumagi (Japan). All contractors have Indian partners.At the underground corridor Metro Sta tions will be located 12.8 meters below ground level, except Chawri Bazar station which will be located at 20 meters below ground level. All the stations at every corridor will be air conditioned interchanging of commuters between Metro Corridor and rail Corridor will be at ISBT station. The completion cost of the Delhi Metro Project is Rs. 8155/- crores.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Leadership And Management Skills Portfolio
Introduction This reflective run focuses on assessing my ain weaknesses in different expanses. It starts by a self sound judgment of my own(prenominal) development deprivations.The next section looks at the elusiveies I experienced on various unlooses. Finally, the military follow up at law means for self-development in the various beas ar suggested.Portfolio Section 1Planning and private precaution skills victimisation a paper exercise, I assessed my planning and individualized counselling skills to steady down argonas of development. Concerning planning, I scored 13, which is a relatively let out score. This indicates an area for development because my score was less than 24, which was the score I had to attain to test that I did non get on development. I knew this was a weakness and a concern for me prior to starting my postgraduate studies while operative safe clipping. On the era anxiety dimension, I scored 15 and this endorsed a accept for nevert heless development. I should build a score of supra 24 to demonstrate that this area did non carry further development. The push through of fourth dimension management was a concern for me because of starting my postgraduate studies and working full era. I suck in had contests in the past characterized by attempting to do too much at work and non managing my prison term in effect(p)ly. The low scores on both planning and time management pick up that I ready challenges with trade union movement prioritization. An action plan for self-development in these areas is presented afterwards under task prioritization. tuition style Honey and Mumford designed a Learning Styles Questionnaire that is used in assessing the teaching styles of individuals, and these are categorised into activists, theorists, pragmatists, and reflectors (Jarvis, 2005). When I perfect this questionnaire, the results showed that I have a strong preference for the activist larn style and a moderate pr eference for the pragmatist learning style. As an activist, I enjoy novel experiences, I am active and depend on intuitive decision making and I have an aversion to structure (Jarvis, 2005). I learn best from learning activities that pop the question new problems and experiences, reference play and working together with separates in separate tasks and opportunities for dealing with intriguing tasks. In addition, I prefer tasks with high visibility including presentations, leading discussions, and chairing meetings.However, I learn less when I have to listen to lectures, think, write or read on my own, or absorb and understand a mickle of data. Furthermore, my learning is impaired when I have to follow precise instructions without both form of flexibility.As a pragmatist, I prefer risk-taking, congregation work and application and testing of concepts (Jarvis, 2005). I learn best when there is a clear association between the learning topic and unquestionable issues in life. Learning activities should be organise around demonstrating techniques for accomplishing tasks with clear, realistic advantages. Furthermore, I prefer to be provided with opportunities for trying out and practicing techniques with feedback or jalopy from a reliable expert. Similarly, I get hold of examples or models that I can emulate, and I should be taught techniques that are presently applicable to my work context. I similarly prefer existenceness erected with opportunities for immediately applying any new experience that I have learnt. As a pragmatist, l learn less when the learning activities are not associated with an immediate need, lack clear guidelines, and when there are obstacles to execution of instrument of acquired knowledge. Such obstacles can be mortalal, managerial, placemental or political in nature. These learning styles have an definitive influence on the learning activities undertaken in the action plan for ontogeny different skills as demo nstrated later. opinion of how I workIn a paper exercise, I assessed the agency I work and the results revealed that I procrastinate when faced with tasks that I do not really like, I spend a lot of time attempting to perfect things, and I am futile to find things and notes whenever I require them. This is an indication that I have poor prioritization skills, and this lead be intercommunicate through an action plan on task prioritization that is explained later.Personality superpowerI assessed my personality index using an online exercise, and the results demonstrated that I possess various traits. First, I demonstrate low assertiveness as I do not need to be in constant tell, and I have a higher(prenominal) orientation toward ag stemwork than tasks. Second, I am an extreme extrovert because I need to discuss issues in detail with other raft. Third, I am exceedingly impatient as I find it repugn to concentrate on repetitive tasks, and I have a high sense of urgency. Final ly, I am highly detailed because I want to acquire knowledge and become an expert. These traits of my personality affect how learning activities testament be structured in the action plan to make better learning.Portfolio Section 2Group loss leadershipIn the commencement workweek of my course work, I was leader of my classify. I did not know my faller colleagues very well as we had just started on the course. Therefore, stepping up and being a leader of great deal I did not know was yob considering that I am not a manager or leader at work. I had to lead the chemical group in the preparation of a group presentation on a reference study of mortal elses leadership skills and present with them. I needed to take control and set the direction for the team more rapidly, and a lot of time was diminished as I did not know what was expected of me as a leader. For instance, a group or team leader is requisite to set the goal of the group and establish instruction execution exp ectations (Morgeson, DeRue &038 Karam, 2010). This was a challenging undertaking as I decided to choose an informal antenna to this activity where the group members actively facilitated the border of setting goals and ascertain how the members would be held responsible in coition to the surgery expectations. This approach resulted in wastage of time because it was difficult for consensus to be reach outd among the group members on the goals and slaying expectations.Similarly, I had challenges in structuring and planning the group in wrong of developing a shared out pinch among the group members on the best approach for coordinating action and working together to achieve the open goals (Morgeson et al., 2010). I faced difficulties in determining how the activities would be performed, the individuals responsible for specific tasks, and when the group activities would be done. On the issue of when the group activities would be performed, it was challenging to achieve consen sus because the group members had conflicting schedules that interfered with choosing an appropriate time for the group meeting to determine the progress of the tasks. Although I faced various challenges during the initial march of forming group, I eventually embodied the fictional character of the group leader. However, I did not constantly allow everyone to have input. It is suggested that soliciting and using continuing feedback from the group members is vital for achieving the group objectives (Morgeson et al., 2010). By failing to allow the group members to offer their input into the group presentation, I ended up not including their diverse and useful views on the group activity.Coaching seanceI acted as a coach on how to reactively write. There are specific skills demand of coaches including social competence, emotional competence, listening, questioning, framing and contri stilling (Maltbia, Marsick &038 Ghosh, 2014). loving competence is associated with establishing relationships with individuals being coached by increasing a supportive and a safe environment that is characterized by freedom in expression thoughts, plebeian respect, and trusted partnership (Goleman, 2006). However, I lacked in this competency as I did not allow the individuals I was instruct to freely express their opinions on reactive writing. Rather than encouraging engagement with my peers, I monopolized the teach process. turned on(p) competence is associated with having self-awareness of ones emotions and those of other lot to ensure that the coaching relationship is experienced as productive, flexible, and open (Maltbia et al., 2014). I had a difficult time managing my own emotions when coaching others as I got angry whenever any person I was coaching did not understand what I was communication to him or her. Furthermore, I did not recognize the effects of my actions on the emotions of the mess I was coaching. For instance, some of the mickle I was coaching were visibly thwart during the coaching process but I did not take time to address these issues. Listening necessitates understanding the meaning of what the person under coaching is saying with regard to achieving desired upshots (Maltbia et al., 2014). When I started the coaching session, I did not ask the person I was coaching the specific outcomes they desired from this activity. It is suggested that a hierarchy should not exist in the relationship between the coach and the people being coached (OBroin &038 Palmer, 2009). By failing to include the objectives of the people being coached into this relationship, their agenda failed to take precedence in the coaching process.As a coaching skill, questioning entails inquiry for revealing the information necessary with the highest realise to the lymph node (Maltbia et al., 2014). I was lacking in this competence as I rarely asked the person I was coaching questions related to the coaching process. I took on the berth of an active co ach and requisite the people I was coaching to assume a passive role in this process.Framing is characterized by expanding the world views of the people being coached through an examination of whether learning is grow in experience (Maltbia et al., 2014). This skill requires the coach to establish whether the coaching process has had a dogmatic effect on learning in terms of addressing the initial challenge or problem that influenced this activity to be undertaken. During the coaching sessions, I did not frame the coaching process to establish if the people I was coaching had benefited from this activity. Finally, contributing entails effective communication during the coaching session as a mechanism for achieving balance between the support and challenge call for for facilitating growth and learning (Maltbia et al., 2014). As initially mentioned, I monopolized conversations, and this prevented the people I was coaching from effectively contributing to the coaching process. More over, I failed to offer adequate challenges to promote learning in relation to reactive writing.Role playing as a manager in an idea cognitive process appraisal is an important process as it is utilised in assessing recent achievement and addressing future opportunities and objectives (Chartered imbed of Personnel and emergence, 2014).). When conducting a performance appraisal, employees have to be provided with sufficient grade of the expected performance standards and timely and regular feedback nearly their performance (Heslin &038 VandeWalle, 2011). During my role play as a manager in an appraisal, I did not offer timely and regular feedback on individual performance toward the exploit of expected performance standards. It is also suggested that employees should have an input in the appraisal process and be provided with opportunities for challenging it if they view it as being unfair (Heslin &038 VandeWalle, 2011). Conversely, during the appraisal, I did not allow the individuals with opportunities for presenting their views and opinions in relation to assessment of their performance. In this regard, I failed to consider the voice of these individuals that would have provided a deeper understanding of the performance achieved.Acting as a consultantI took up the role of as a consultant in a team of two individuals to pitch to a client our ideas for their people scheme of their new trade. According to the Institute of Management Consultants (2014), consultants need competencies to deliver consulting services. Some of these competencies are balanced judgment, awareness of the organisational context and external environment, and listening (de Caluwe &038 Reitsma, 2010). Balanced judgment entails a comparison of potential courses of action and evaluating available information and using relevant criteria, which leads to realistic decisions (de Caluwe &038 Reitsma, 2010). In the role of consultants, my colleague and I only focused on a integrity course of action for the organisation in relation to the people schema for the new business. Consequently, when the clients asked us any alternative courses of actions that might be undertaken, we were unable to provide satisfactory responses because we were unprepared. Furthermore, external environment awareness is related to being adequately informed about issues in the business environment that have influences on strategies and utilising such knowledge for the benefit of the organisation (de Caluwe &038 Reitsma, 2010). In our case, we considered legal, scotch and technological factors that affect an organisations people strategy. However, we failed to consider trends influencing tender resources in the organisation and political issues. Thus, the clients were dissatisfied as the people strategy we developed did not take into consideration all the factors in the business environment that have impacts on the organisations human resources management strategy.Listening skills ar e important in management consultancy as they provide the client with the space for expressing their opinions, focusing on their reactions, responding suitably and posing further questions (de Caluwe &038 Reitsma, 2010). Regarding this, my colleague and I did not focus on the clients reactions. We were focused on pitching our strategy and thus we were unable to capture nonverbal signals that would have communicated to us whether the clients were in agreement with the arguments we had made in the people strategy that the organisation had to adopt. Regarding organisational context, management consultants are expected to understand how an organisation operates and considering these issues when developing an action (de Caluwe &038 Reitsma, 2010). We strived to develop a people strategy that reflected the organisations current practices related to management of human resources. However, the information related to this issue was not easily available. Therefore, we ended up pitching a peop le strategy that we considered as non-existing in the organisation. We later discover that some aspects of the people strategy were already present in the organisation, which means that we had not provided a more effective solution to the clients.Task prioritisation I had two finance classes but missed the first one but then I attended the second class. It was only after attending the second class that I realised that I should have attended the first one. The content cover in the second class was only a continuation of the issues communicate in the first class. Therefore, by failing to attend the first class, I missed out on the necessary context for understanding the topics covered in the second class. This negatively interfered with my learning. Upon reflection, I learned that I did not attend the first class because I did not prioritise the things that I had to do. I have to deal with conflicting demands of working full time and pursuing my postgraduate education (Armstrong, 201 2). In this regard, I missed the first finance class because I was attending a meeting at work where I was presenting an important report to higher-ranking management.Negotiating as a ClientMy colleague and I assumed the role of a client negotiating with a parcel vendor on delivery times and price. As clients, we argued and overturnd with the software vendor on the relevant issues. For instance, there was prolonged argument and debate on the delivery times because we were considering small insignificant factors on this issue. The outcome was that the arguments related to the main issue of delivery times were largely neglected. Indeed, it is suggested that it is important to have awareness of any insignificant arguments that might derail the duologue process (Pinet &038 Sander, 2013). In our case, we concentrated on being right quite than winning the arguments associated with the price and delivery times. The negotiation process deviated from the agenda established prior to the meeting with the software vendor. Consequently, a lot of time was wasted on these arguments and compromises were achieved after a protracted process.Portfolio Section 3This section presents an action plan for developing my postgraduate, management and leadership skills further. The action plan covers skills required for group leadership, management consultant, appraisal manager, coaching, negotiation, and task prioritization as presented below.Action plan for group leadership skillsObjectiveTo improve my skills in leading and managing groups in completion, of course, related tasksTasks canvass and brainstorm with my peers on available literature including books, reputable online articles and journal articles about team leadership. I allow foring focus on literature that looks at leadership functions on the different phases of teams namely the conversion and action stages. The transition stage is a time when a group or team focuses on activities associated with the teams structu res, planning tasks, and assessing the performance of the team in terms of the whether the team has the ability of achieving its objectives (Marks, Mathieu &038 Zaccaro, 2001). The specific leadership skills that I go awaying learn about for this phase include defining the mission of the team, goals, and performance standards, structuring responsibilities and roles in the team, and promoting feedback processes (Morgeson et al., 2010). The action stage is where the team or group members are focused on tasks that directly contribute to goal achievement (Marks et al., 2001). In this phase, I will learn relevant leadership skills including creating a positive climate in the group, encouraging autonomous actions by members, resource scholarship for the group, problem solving, involvement in the groups work, and monitoring the group(Morgeson et al., 2010). address with managers and leaders in my workplace about effective approaches for leading and managing groups or teamsmilitary rat ingAfter acquisition of the necessary leadership skills, I will apply to future group assignments in my course work. I will evaluate the acquired group leadership skills by asking my peers to rate my performance as a leader. I will design a checklist where the group members will provide their responses about my overall leadership skills and areas that require improvement. look into dateThe reading of literature, applying the relevant knowledge to actual practice, and evaluating leadership skills will be reviewed on a regular basis whenever there is a group assignment.Action plan for coaching skillsObjectiveTo become a very effective coachTasks state books, journal articles, and online publications on the coaching process and the required skills and competencies for this activity followed by a cogitate exercise with my colleagues. Participate in training in coaching provided by my organisations to equip with necessary skills. want a senior manager in my workplace to act as my coach to enable me to understand this process from a practical perspective and model it.EvaluationThe knowledge acquired from literature, training, and on-the-practice will be utilised in coaching my peers in coursework on different topics. The performance data that will be collected to establish the level of my effectiveness as a coach will be obtained from interviewing the individual that I will be coaching. canvas dateOngoing throughout my course work.Action plan for management consultant skillsObjectiveTo enhance my skills as a management consultantTasks indicate available literature on management consultancy and look at case studies on the process of management consultation. After reading alone, I will brainstorm these issues with my study group. Discuss with management consultants within and outside my organisation to learn the criteria for success.EvaluationEvaluation will be based on establishing the extent to which the client is able to achieve desired outcomes in relation to th e consultation services I will offer them. This will be achieved by using a questionnaire to ask the clients whether I demonstrate the skills of a management consultant. Review dateOngoing based on management consultancy projects.Action plan for managerial skills in appraisalsObjectiveTo improve my skills in conducting performance appraisalsTasksRead widely and brainstorm on skills for performance appraisals. Role playing with my peers on posing the right questions to the individual under appraisal. Discuss with senior managers in my workplace about successfully performing performance appraisals.EvaluationThe assessment of my skills in this area will be based on determining to which I successfully complete a performance appraisal. This will involve asking individuals involved in the appraisal process to rate my performance using a checklist.Review dateThis activity will be completed on a monthly basis.Action plan for negotiation skillsObjectiveTo improve my negotiation skills as a c lientTasksReading widely and brainstorming with colleagues on negotiation skills for clients to understand negotiation skills, negotiation phases, and sources of conflict in negotiation process. Engage in role play to assist in clarification of responsibilities and roles in working in a negotiating team.EvaluationEvaluation will involve collecting evidence indicating whether I applied competencies and skills required in negotiating as a client. This will be achieved by interviewing the other parties to the negotiation process to determine the level of my skills in negotiating as a client. Review dateThis will be completed by February 2015.Action plan for task prioritizationObjectiveTo enhance my skills in prioritizing both work and education tasks.Tasks lean all the tasks that I have to perform on a mundane basis in my work and college and categorising them based on their impacts on my work and educational pursuits. Using a personal calendar to plan my tasks. Using a checklist to d etermine completion of tasks on daily basis.EvaluationPerformance in task prioritisation will be evaluated by assessing the extent to which I complete all the tasks required in my workplace and at college.Review dateThis activity will be completed on a daily basis.ConclusionThis reflective work has identified areas that require further development in improving my managerial and leadership skills. Based on this reflective work, it is evident that I lack skills in different areas including leadership, task prioritization, effective coaching, managerial skills in performance appraisal and management consultancy. Therefore, these skills have to be improved to ensure that I am effective as manager and leader. Therefore, action plans for improving the different skills have been presented. It is expected that implementation of the action plans will equip with skills that are applicable to my workplace and educational setting.ReferencesArmstrong, M. (2012) Armstrongs handbook of management and leadership developing effective people skills for better leadership and management. PA Kogan Page.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2014). Performance appraisal. Online operational from http// (Accessed 15 Dec. 14).De Caluwe, L., &038 Reitsma, E. (2010) Competencies of management consultants a research study of senior management consultants, In Buono, A., &038 Jamieson, D (Eds), Consultation for organisational change, pp. 15-40. NC Information age publishing.Goleman, D. (2006) complaisant Intelligence the new science of human relationship. NY Banam books.Heslin, P., &038 Vandewalle, D. (2011) Performance appraisal procedural justice the role of a managers implicit person theory. Journal of Management, vol.37, no.6, pp.1694-1718.Institute of Management Consultants (2014) The management consultancy competency framework. Online Available from http// (Accessed 15 Dec. 14).Jarvis, M. (2005) The psychology of effective learning and teaching. UK Nelson Thornes Ltd.Maltbia, T., Marsick, V., &038 Ghosh, R. (2014) Executive and organisational coaching a review of insights drawn from literature for inform HRD practices. Advances in developing Human Resources, vol.16, no.2, pp.161-83.Marks, C., Mathieu, J., &038 Zaccaro, S. (2001) A temporally based framework and taxonomy of team processes, honorary society of Management Review, vol.26, pp. 356-76.Morgeson, F., DeRue, S., &038 Karam, E. (2010) Leadership in teams a functional approach to understanding leadership structures and processes. Journal of Management, vol.36, no.1, pp.5-39.OBroin, A., &038 Palmer, S. (2009) Co-creating an optimal coaching alliance a cognitive behavioural coaching perspective. International Coaching psychology Review, vol.4, no.2, pp.184-94.Pinet, A., &038 Sander, P. (2013) The only negotiation book youll ever need. Littlefield Street, MA Adams Media.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Ore-Best Farms
Our mission at Ore-Best Farms is to offer our customers a very nutritious, alterative, and tasteful rabbit message, at an affordable price for everyone. Vision Our imaginativeness is to be the leader in the merchandise of rabbit meat in the U. S. and Latin America, considerably improving the quality of life of our customers. Objectives The three master(prenominal) objectives of the gild for the next five years are doubling the companys profitability, obtaining a commercialize share between 10 and 15 percent of the U. S. market, and to draw out the business to Latin America. Target Market According to Oni(2007), rabbit meat is high quality, high digestibility, with 21. % protein 3 -5% fat, highly nutritious, and downcast cholesterol.Therefore, the important guide market would be children, sick people, elderly, and wellness-conscious consumers. According to a instruct by Lloyd-ones(2009), in the United States almost 700,000 people die from cardiovascular diseases every yea r, becoming the leading cause of death in U. S. In 2006, the study estimated that heart diseases would cost Americans more than 258,000 million dollars. The study also revealed that the guess of cardiovascular disease can be reduced making changes in habits, playing an important role the low consume of cholesterol.All selective information presented fork ups that in the United States there is an urgent need to eat healthful and nutritious food, mainly low-cholesterol. Thus, the company go away launch a marketing scheme to encourage the consumption of rabbit meat in the U. S. , which offers customers a combination hard to find, high protein, low in fat and cholesterol, as well as unbeatable prices. To implement the strategy the company go away invest in educational commercials, using radio, internet, and television. The educational commercials go forth envision a celebrity explaining the large nutritional value of rabbit meat, as well as its low price.This celebrity must be a person well known in the United States, and with an athletic body. The main objective of the campaign will raise awareness among consumers of the dangers of poor food, and show consumers that rabbit meat is an excellent alternative for healthy eating. Another market with gigantic potential is hospitals. Rabbit meat would be a king-sized business for hospitals, as it offers patients an excellent nutritive meat, saving hospitals a great deal of money. Finally, the company will take the appropriate steps to do business in Latin American countries, which would benefit from the quality and low prices of the rabbit meat.Marketing Mix The company will use a new package spirit. The new design will have on the label a new slogan, Rabbit meat improves your health and your palate. The packages will be transparent, with nutritional information labels. The package also will be designed with a green label, which will have recorded the sideline words on it Meat recommended by nutritionists an d dietitians The aim of this new design will be attract the largest number of customers interested in their health care and the health of their family.Furthermore, the company will use a low-price strategy in order to get market share quickly. Once the company achieves a larger market, then the price would increase from 5 to 8%. On the other hand, the company will launch a study advertising campaign to educate consumers about the benefits of eating healthy. The company will supply meat to several supermarkets located in different separate of the country, such as Wal- Mart, Publix, and Sweetbay thus, rabbit meat will be available to a larger number of people.
Baldrige Award Recipient
One of the 1995 Manufacturing Award Recipients of the Malcolm Baldrige depicted object Quality Award was Corning Incorporated. The April 8th 2008 protrude of Forbes. com published an article titled, Out of the Gate Corning Inches Up which is the article that I am reviewing for this assignment. Some of the main points of the article included that Corning sh bes were going up suggesting that the strong demand for their liquid crystal display fruitcake panels contributed to this rise.It was mentioned that the Corning inventorying was upgraded from neutral to outperform. The New York based lodge is noted to be the worlds largest maker of LCD glass used in flat-screen tv sets and computers. Since television sales are healthiest in U. S, China, Japan, Europe and Russia, these countries are said to be contributing the most to that growth. The article noted while broader stock markets are on the decline, Corning is continuing to rise. I found this article interesting for several(a) reasons.While many people may see a successful company as one that makes a profit on a constant basis, the qualities of this company which may get ignored or are uneconomic valued to some, created the opportunities within that continues to challenge its employees to perform their best and the end result is a successful company, not the other way around. Corning encourages creativity in its employees and gum olibanum creating its own success by the quality of the companys institution and principles.Due to some of the reasons a company receives attention and awards such as the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, is that the companys practices awards those within that in turn uphold the company. For example, this company awards and encourages employees with creativity and future vision, thus currently they are in the lead in the area of liquid crystal display glass panels. Corning didnt hop on the bandwagon mid-stream, they were entrepreneurs in this area.When members of thei r team suggested this would be something price developing years ago, those members were listened to and it has paid stumble and is continuing to pay off for Corning. While many in the public may see Corning as making profits at a time when few are, it was rattling a more than committed decision of conducting research into this long in advance others and then having time to refine their products when others just begin to recognize the value of this product.The author just stated the facts in this article of Cornings stocks, so therefore was very objective in all of his/her (authors make water not given) points. The article was uninfluenced by any emotion by the author. However, knowing more about this company than this article, to me the end product shows that whether or not one sees it as such, valuing, motivating and encouraging ones employees can be time worthwhile in the end for a company.Any awards a company gets are always partly due to its employees, so the more a company can communicate and demonstrate this to their employees, the more motivated employees seem to be to add to the success of their company (ies). annexe Out of the Gate Corning Inches Up. (2008, April 08). Retrieved April 22, 2008, from http//www. forbes. com/feeds/ap/2008/04/08/ap4866495. html
Saturday, January 12, 2019
One Way You Can Lower the Cost of Produce Essay
whizz way you goat start out the comprise of produce and be real of their origin is to win your give. Even in urban centers mint are doing so. Go on the internet and see how you rear end as well. Discuss and describe one and only(a) way you bunghole make this surpass whether in a dining celerity or at home. Produce cost will be lower if you uprise them at your home because it will take many of the cost that is associated with if you capture to secure them in the supermarket or the food/vegetable market.The cost of labor will be reduce, the cost of transportation whether its by land or a conspiracy of land, sea, and ship will also be reduced. These costs are trickle subjugate to the consumers which at time cause the blockade product to be very expensive. For the people living in the urban areas on that point are several choice which they can explore to cultivate their own produce. One of such is if they have a mankind of land in their yard, they can vegetation d ifferent vegetables on the land. It doesnt have to be in abundance, a settle or two of the different vegetables.If the gear up of land that is non dirt, if it is concrete they can build vegetable beds off the underfur and plant their produce there. Another option is to use flower p component severalises to plant your vegetables, this takes up a lot less lay and give you the same results, your own produce. When you put forward your own produce you have curb over the type of fertilizer you apply on your crops and you can all in allow them to go within their own natural timing. close to of the produce one can grow are carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, and sweet pepper.These are all of a sudden crops that once control will not take up a lot of space. These produce sometimes cost a lost if you have to buy them, and since near people are becoming health conscience they are a part of their daily meals. You can imagine how a great deal you can save and the peace of estimate you can get not perturbing about how they were grown when you grow your own produce. Growing your own produce is all good, I see no disconfirming to it and it should be something we all practice so that we can have more disposable income, eat healthier, and contribute to the protection of the ozone layer.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Employee Satisfaction
DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT EMBA, second BATCH, 4TH SEMESTER ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY, KUSHTIA BANGLADESH A investigate PROPOSAL BY (Monirul islam) (Howlader Md. Abu Saleh Jongi) (Jahangir Alam) ID nary(prenominal) 1102050711 ID nary(prenominal) 1102050713 ID no. 102050722 EMBA, second Batch EMBA, second Batch EMBA, second Batch fourth Semester fourth Semester 4th Semester emailemail& one hundred sixtyprotected com emailemail&clxprotected com emailemail& one hundred sixtyprotected com Cell no(prenominal) 1818306151 Cell No. 01711210710 Cell No. 01550151433 (Saiful islam) ID No. 1102050704 EMBA, second Batch 4th Semester emailemail&clxprotected com Cell No. 01550151433 SUPERVISOR Prof. Dr. Md. Zakaria Rahman Chairman, surgical incision of Management, Muslim University, Kushtia 7003, Bangladesh. Cell Phone01711501307 resound+88-071-62021-6 Extn. 2278,2296,2481 (Off. ) E-mail email&clxprotected com Webwww. iubd. clams Declaration We decl argon that the proposal we are submitting f or assessment contains no section copied in whole or in dissociate from any other computer address unless explicitly identified in quotation tag and with detailed, complete and accurate referencing. (Monirul islam) (Howlader Md. Abu Saleh Jongi) (Jahangir Alam) ID No. 1102050711 ID No. 1102050713 ID No. 102050722 EMBA, 2nd Batch EMBA, 2nd Batch EMBA, 2nd Batch 4th Semester 4th Semester 4th Semester emailemail&clxprotected com emailemail&160protected com emailemail&160protected com Cell No. 01818306151 Cell No. 01711210710 Cell No. 1550151433 (Saiful islam) ID No. 1102050704 EMBA, 2nd Batch 4th Semester emailemail&160protected com Cell No. 01550151433 i confine 1 INRODUCTION Page 1 1. 1 The trouble Statement 1 1. 2 purpose of the theater 1 1. The objectives of the theme 1 1. 4 query questions 2 1. 5 Scope of the look into 2 2 THE PROPOSED orderological abbreviation 2 2. Research devise 2 2. 2 data Source 2 2. 3 information Collection Techniques 2 2. 4 pattern Techniques 3 2. Data psychoanalysis and description 3 3 WORK visualise 3 4 REFERENCES 3 ii TITLE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE PROBLEMS OF HANDLOOM INDUSTRY AT KUMARKHALI, KUSHTIA iii 1.INTRODUCTION The Handloom assiduity is the ancient and the near important cottage industry of Bangladesh. This industry has lots of glorious past. Once upon a time, The Handloom industries were the only source of human clothing. serene now, this sector construes a portion of the agree clothes action of Bangladesh. This sector provides appointment many wad still now. unless this industry now faces threat of extinguishing because of various barriers which made us to articulate this bring over the handloom industry of Kumarkhali, Kushtia, Bangladesh. 1. The Problem Statement What are the line of works of Handloom Industry at Kumarkhali, Kushtia and what could be the possible solution of the problems of such(prenominal) industry at Kumarkhali, Kushtia. 1. 2The purpose of the Research The chief(prenominal) purpose of this investigate is to meet the partial fulfillment of Master of headache Administration Degree on Management, Islamic University Kushtia, Bangladesh and investigate the real problems of the handloom industry at Kumarkhali, Kushtia in order to find bulge the possible solution of the problem depending on the factors that would be investigated.This study may be an important tool for further study on the problems of the handloom industry at Kumarkhali, Kushtia. 1. 3The objectives of the study ( To spot the problems lie in the achievement process. ( To unwrap the problems in dispersal of handloom products. ( To signalize the problems associated with level skill. ( To identify the problems associated with governance support. ( To identify the problems associated with the organizing energy ( To identify the level of learn of these products in securities industry. To identify the immediate competitors of this sector. ( To identi fy the effectiveness market. Page1 1. 4The investigate questions ( What are the problems lie in the production process? ( What are the problems in distribution of handloom products? ( What are the problems associated with level skill? ( What are the problems associated with government support? ( What are the problems associated with the organizing Cap dexterity? ( How much demand of these products in market? ( Who are the immediate competitors of this sector? ( Where the potential market of handloom products? 1. Scope of the Research This inquiry leave try to answer the problem statement as utter. This research perspective exit be Tebaria, Sherkandi Alongipara Gopalpur under Kumarkhali Upazilla, Kushtia, Bangladesh. We leave behind try to nail down the discipline as much as possible. The ability of physical presence in the stated locations lead provide the in-depth scope of the research. 2. THE PROPOSED METHODOLOGY 2. 1Research design Quantitative research method will be b asic research design. For this, on spot survey will be carried out. The handloom weavers will be the main responsive of the research. 2. Data sources Both of the primary quill data and secondary data will be the data source of the research. The people of the selected locations who are directly involved in handloom weaving will be the source of primary data. Opinion of the local government representatives will be taken into vizor as secondary data source. 2. 3Data accruement techniques Various techniques will be apply to collect the data. For this oral interview of the respondent will be taken. A appointive questionnaire (having structured and open questions) will be supplied to the each respondent to answer the unique(predicate) questions. 2. Sampling techniques All the families involved in handloom weaving in the selected locations will be population of the research. Each will be treated as a sample. maximum possible families will be taken as sample on stochastic basis. Ea ch elements of each sample will be interviewed and prescribed questionnaire will be supplied to them in order to answer the questions. 2. 5Data digest and interpretation The gathered data finished interview and questionnaire will be analyze and interpreted using suitable statistical tools such as tables, chart, percentage, probability, correlation and so forth 3. WORK PLAN STEPS IN THE RESEARCH PLAN DEADLINE FOR COMPLETION deference of the proposal By 31 high-minded 2012 Design of a research stick out By 10 September 2012 Design of questionnaire By 15 September 2012 Interviews/ circuit card of questionnaires, etc. By 16 30 September 2012 Raw tabulations/draft analysis of data By 01-07 October 2012 Final Analysis of data By 08-15 October 2012 Report up of findings By 16-20 October 2012 Final Report By 21-31 October 2012 Presentation As per Schedule look of University ** Work plan may be changed depending on situation or as pe r requirements of Supervisor. References 1. Business Research Methods, 8th edition, Zikmund Babin Carr griffon 2. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Social-research 3. http//www. banglapedia. org/httpdocs/HT/K_0319. HTM 4. http//www. kumarkhali. com/index. php? option=com_content&038view=article&038id=41%3Aabout-kumarkhali-powroshova-&038catid=32%3Akumarkhali&038Itemid=52 5. http//www. thedailystar. net/modus vivendi/2005/07/01/centre. htm &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212 Page2 Page3
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