Monday, April 15, 2019

Reading Plan Essay Example for Free

yarn Plan EssayYear 1 to 3 Reading Methodology unwritten Recitation Lesson * The Oral Recitation Lesson (ORL) is an developmental procedure that incorporates direct and indirect instruction during small-group showing instruction. ORL helps the teachers to use it easily with basal reading programs, especially with students who experience difficulty in education to read. * ORL is a part of eloquence improving reading program. The strategies of ORL will focus on improving fluency.This calendar week we will focus on a) ORL Format.Direct Instruction of ORL Read, discuss, and analyze a story 1. The teacher reads the story out loud to the students. 2. After reading, the teacher works with students to discuss and analyze the story by constructing a story role that identifies the characters, setting, problem, events, and resolution. 3. The group uses the story map to write a brief summary that includes the critical information in the story.The teacher is careful to write down th e students language.Indirect Instruction Component (5 morsels daily)Students reread the stories that they have read in the small group, direct instruction component of ORL. While students practice reading quietly to themselves, the teacher listens to individuals read to see if they have achieved master in word recognition (98% accurate) and fluency (75 words per minute in 2nd grade level text). Reading plan for Year 4-5 Oral Recitation LessonYear 4 Follow Charlie and the chocolate factory (continue reading ahead)Year 5 Read Harry potter(continue reading ahead)How to use Oral Recitation Lesson technique1. Read a chapter and identify setting, problems, events and resolution. 2. Write a brief summary at the end of the week on the chapters read. 3. Teachers to follow Indirect Instruction Component mentioned previously to check the fluency and word recognition.Resource Material for Year 1 Ginn Reader (Level 6) Time to Smile / Tales we like)Resource Material for Year 2 Ginn Reader (Level 8) Through the year / Moonshine)Resource Material for Year 3 Ginn Reader (Level 8) Festivals / Magical Tales)

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